The Battle of Kiris: Arrival
Posted By: DarkTemplar007<DarkTemplarOO7@aol.com>
Date: 20 September 2003, 3:06 PM
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A small little forest planet sat in the middle of UNSC controlled space.Unknown to the small group of humans who lived there, an entire Covenant armada was about to appear on the far side of its moon.
Commander Robert J. Woodward sat in his command chair on board his ship DarkStar thinking about the command he had just recived from the Admiral of the fleet.It didnt make much since to send an entire strike force to a small planet that meant nothing to the UNSC, in fact most star charts didn't even have it. But after all an order was an order."Set a course for Kiris Lieutenant", he said to the navigations officer.
The Ship Master Arna 'Anammee knew never to question the word of a Prophet espically when it concerned the Forerunners, but this request seemed odd. She had been orderd to take 20 ships to a small planet and recover all information they could about the Forerunners from it.But why,she thought, why would the Forerunners have thought this planet was important? The Covenant fleet started to move toward the small green planet which they were orderd to investigate. Landing ships were launched from the two cruisers that led the fleet. As the first ships landed on the planet the Human strike force arrived and rallied for attack. Commander Woodward knew the Covenant would be there before them but he still wonderd why they would attack this planet."Launch the landing craft, we need to stop them from getting whatever they're after."he ordered.The entire fleet began charging up their MAC cannons and sending marines to thier landing ships.
Sargent Yao and his team of 12 marines hopped into the back of the Pelican as it took off from the DarkStar and headed toward the planet. "All right boys and girls, you know what our objectives are right?"yelled the sargent.All the Marines replied,"Sir yes Sir." "Good so the moment we touch down we'll slaughter all those little bastards." "If we make it down,"one of the marines yelled as he saw the Pelican next to them explode.
The first Covenant dropship to land set down in a forest clearing.5 grunts hopped out and immediatly started patroling as the dropship unloaded cargo. One of the grunts looked up and saw UNSC Pelicans heading towards them. He screamed as one of the pelicans was shot out of the sky and started speeding towards the camp site. The group of marines led by Sargent Yao werew having problems as they entered the atmosphere. A group of Banshees started to come after them as the pilot relased the loading ramp and yelled"Shoot thos bastards down!!"All the Marines opened fire on the Banshees with their assault rifles. Private Wallace tried to throw a grenade on the nearest one and watched as it harmlessly bounced off and fell toward the ground.One Banshee took a few bullets on its right "wing" and started losing altitude. The elite inside tried to land and jump out but the trees of the forest ripped his banshee to shreds.The Pelican took a direct hit in the wing and started losing altitude. The Banshees broke off the attack and searched for more targets. The DarkStar fired its MAC cannon at the nearest Covenant frigate and the crew watched as the ships shields flickerd and then shut down. Another ship shot at the weakend ship and punched a hole through it's side. A cheer went through the bridge as Commander Woodward thought to himself One down a million more to go. Already 5 UNSC ships had been destroyed leaving only 6 left. The Covenant attack force had lost 3 and had 6 left. Anamee's ship had taken a blow that disabled the ships reactor.She wondered if her ship was going to be the next to go.Then she thought of a plan."Launch bording craft to the nearest ship and get everyone you can on board!" she yelled into the intercom.As the order was recived 20 boarding craft were launched to the nearest human ship...The DarkStar.
The Pelican had crashed into the forest after the attack. Three marines had died on impact and the Pilot had severe injuries. Sargent Yao stood up and looked at the wreckage."Grab what you can we have to complete our mission."Just as he finished saying that a hole was blown through his stomach. The elite who had tried to land his banshee had survived and followed the pelican to where it crashed. Private Wallace started firing as Corporal Tangil popped the pin on a frag grenade.The Elite roared out a war cry and the moment that bastard opend it's mouth the Corporal ran and shoved the grenade down its throat....