The Prelude to the New Mission
Posted By: Dark Prism<blinker97@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 September 2003, 11:22 PM
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0600 Hours, September 4, 2553 (Military Calendar) / Eridanus Star System, Eridanus 7, UNSC Headquarters
The Master Chief has been briefed on a new one person reconnaissance mission. He will be gathering new information on the details of the Covenant and Halo. He will also be taking on the Covenant forces alone at the prophesized secret covenant base on Halo's moon of Basis. The task is great but the Master Chief accepts greatly. He says he will do his part for the good of the Earth and the UNSC; although he may regret later on ever agreeing to a mission like this. He may be a biogenically enhanced super-human but the odds of 300 to 1 are definitely against him.
The Master Chief was briefed on a new mission classified as top secret class 3. Only a selected few people were in on this new mission. It was the master chief and the UNSC Secret Operations Department, which only consisted of 4 experienced soldiers. The briefing lasted almost 3 hours. The SOD said that this would be greatest and most top secret mission in UNSC history if completed effectively. The briefing consisted of some congratulations on the Master Chief's Halo mission, the new mission he was assigned to, and what the new mission's list of tasks looked like. The mission was to be located on an unknown planet that orbited Halo until Halo's destruction. The location in slipspace was unknown. All they had was coordinates: Sector 27b. The master chief knew the planets name and exact location because he had it calculated by Cortana when leaving the Halo system. Its name was Basis and it was in fact in sector 25d. When the Master Chief landed on basis he was to detonate his disguised freight ship upon arrival for unknown reasons. Then he was to find a good sector on the planet, set up a main base, and then keep radio contact at all times with the SOD's unknown, top secret, frequency at all times until further notice. From then on he was on his own. He would get the tasks from the slipstream radio when he was there. His materials to start off with were: An unused UNSC freight ship put out of commission 2 years ago with all the specifications he needed put on, an up-to-date ODST Warthog with a custom ST100mm auto-cannon with silencer, 7 MA5B assault rifles with 300 yard scope capabilities, 5 regular issue M6D pistols, 1 M19 SPNKR rocket launcher with homing sight-targeting, 50 FR8 fragmentation grenades, 2 SR9 Sniper rifles with night vision and 1000 yard scope capabilities, a standard ,military issue, semi-automatic shotgun, a health pack with first aid kit, rations to last him 3 years, a titanium 3 shelled mini-base, his favored MJOLNIR II battle suit with his favored AI CPU, Cortana, and the best wishes of the 4 breifers from the SOD. On his way to his ship, the Escrow, he had taken his last hot shower and planed on not having one for a long time. And he had put on his battle suit which included new tactics software and Cortana with newly installed emotion software and memory chips for a journal. As Cortana got uploaded into the suit she greeted the Master Chief with a friendly hello and then explained her adventures that had gone on without the Master Chief over the past 3 weeks. The Master Chief was thoroughly pleased with Cortana's upgraded performance. He now boarded his ship with all the luggage onboard. It was to be an approximate 30 day trip if he didn't run into any problems in slipstream space. As he entered the cryo-sleep chamber for some rest, the ship's AI, Toran III, took care of piloting and sailed it past planet Jericho VII and into slipspace.
Little did the Master Chief know that his mission would be like no other heard of. He new that the mission had something to do with the Covenant but nothing to the magnitude of what was going to happen. There was to be Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Hunters, and the newly discovered species of Brutes. The missions purpose was to discover new technology from the Covenant and report it back so scientists could study and process new weapons from it. It was to consist of recon and full forced assault. He was also to gather new information if any about the flood or the forerunner. And also he would see if there were any new developments about a new Halo. This was to be a hard mission but in the end the payoff would be great.
To Be Continued...