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An Even War:Part 3:Victory
Posted By: D4rgant<NinjaOnFire304@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 December 2003, 9:41 PM
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Colony Dwemer ONI Secure Facility:Section 4 HQ 0990 2568 Dec, 15
Fred awoke, in a shroud of mist and double-figures, as the form-fitting gel bed finally released his form. A figure in a white coat stood over him...."Dr.Halsey?" he croaked. A brief laugh emmited from the figure, "No, Fred I am Dr.Michale Haverson" he said. Haverson....Fred knew that man, he was the heroic Lieutenant that had stayed with Vice Admiral Whitecomb during the destruction of the Unyealding Hepyireon. "Were am I?" Fred asked. "ONI Section 4 HQ" replied Dr.Haverson, "You and I have been cryogenically frozen and awakened only.." He checked his wristwatch "2 hours ago" he said finally. "Now come I have many things to show you, Spartan-058 will be awaken within the hour, but first we need to get you suited up" he proclaimed. Fred quickly went aft into the showers and washed, when he came out he put on a flight jumpsuit and followed the doctor down twisting corridors filled with people, it reminded him of ONI's CASTLE facility on Reach only that was destroyed. "Doctor, you said Section 4" asked Fred, being cautious. "No need to worry Section 4, is similar to Section 3 but is focused only on creating new equipment based on Covenant technologies" he said straight faced. "How long have I been in cryo for?" he asked. "14 years" the Dr. sighed, they passed a glass window, Fred looked inside, he saw a marine being fitted with an all black suit with spines coming out of the back of it, like a Covenant Hunter. Fred pointed to the man in the suit "What is that?" he asked as a puzzled expression flashed across his face, "We have been able to replicate the Covenant's Active-Camoflauge unit, that man is going to be the first of many stealth operatives being shipped out to make hit and run missions on Covenant worlds" he said with a grin on his face. Fred nodded enthusiastically. They finally stopped at a door that read ONI SECURE TEST FACILITY, the Dr. inputed a number of brainwave, x-ray and retinal scans before the bulkhead finally slid aside. Inside there was an obstacle course, target range and blast pit, numerous crates were laid out in around the area. "Come, Fred I have a lot to show you" he said picking up his pace, Fred bristled this man had called him by his first name twice and he barley knew the man. But Fred resigned his opinon for later, they stopped at a few crates in front of the obstacle course. "Put these on" said the Doctor, Fred opened the boxes to find a full set of MJOLINIR armor, he gasped at the different shapes of the pieces..they loked almost alien. The chest plate had 4 of the spines Fred had seen earlier, his helmet was elongated, the rest of the pieces were mostly the same. He quickly donned the armor and last put the helmet on his head. "Hello, Fred" said a female voice in his head. "Cortana!" exclaimed Fred, Cortana stifled a giggle "Yes it's me Fred no time for questions I've hacked into one of our long range probes and dectect multiple Covenant ships massing at....the Sol system" she said taking a brief pause at the end. "Listen Fred you and Linda are the only Spartans still alive, Earth has been glassed and the fleet is coming to this planet to protect it and hold them off for a little while" whispered Cortana. Fred balled his hand into a fist and smashed it against the wall, it cracked and dust spilled out of it. "Fred calm yourself!" screamed Dr.Haverson, "I know you have wanted Earth to remain as much as we did, and now we have to defend Dwemer, follow me the firing range" he said in his all to calm voice.
UNSC Flagship-Covenant Death 0100 2568 Dec 17
"Wait for it, wait Lieutenant Howard......NOW I want power back on now! Get our MPL's charged and get firing trajectories" barked Admiral Gerard. "Lieutenant Grenier, realy orders to the rest of the fleet, get power to there ships and fire MPL's at will!" he screamed at communications. "Sir message sent!" replied Lieutenant Grenier. On the view screen 50 UNSC ships lights winked on and a cherry red glowed on the bottom and top of the destroyers, and on the bottom of the frigates, the Covenant Death had four cherry red glows on the side and top/bottom of the ship. The Covenant ships in system saw the Human ambush and struggled to get a good shot on the sneaky Humans, unfortunate for them, MPL shots flew through space, and before they knew what hit them half of the Covenant ships were either destroyed or disabled. "Howard! Get MPL's recharged, Lieutenant Winters! Shunt drive plasma and fill up our Orion missles!" He barked at the engineering officer "Aye, sir plasma has be shunted, one salvo of missles ready to fire!" said Winters. "Howard fire those missiles, fire MPL's at will!" said Admiral Gerard at weapons. "Aye sir missiles away, MPL's have been fired" said Lieutenant Howard. On the view screen, red strobes flashed through space, and for every strobe a Covenant ship exploded or started spinning erratically. Orion missiles left red trails and impacted on the rest of the ships. Admiral Gerard sighed a victory, without one loss of a ship. "Leiuteant Grenier, set a course for slipspace, planet Dwemer" he barked, the treacherous humans fled into Slipspace again and left only the burned hulks of Coveanant space craft to show that they were there.