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An Even War: Part 2: Last Hope
Posted By: D4rgant<NinjaOnFire304@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 December 2003, 9:04 PM
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ONI Base Number 10231-20340 0500 2554 Mar, 19
Cortana was back to peak processing level; she could multi-task an approximant 20 million programs per minute. She had finally giving the Flood/Forerunner/Halo data to someone she could trust, and both of them and made the encryption for protecting the file, it was none other than Dr.Michale Haverson, proud father or Lieutenant Haverson, which Cortana herself had seen the death of. They were both in a secure ONI facility and she had heard that ONI was to be getting a new project/section going, let's figure out what these spooks are up to she thought, until ACESS DENIED flashed across her subroutines. She stood there thunderstruck, something kept me out? She grumbled and flashed onto the holo-projecter in Dr.Haverson's office. "So what is this all about, this Section 4?" asked Cortana she processed that answer already. Dr.Haverson smiled, "You know that's a secret Cortana" he wagged his finger as one would to a bad child. "Basterd" wispered Cortana "What was that?" asked Dr.Haverson "Oh nothing" she replied.
UNSC HQ Washington D.C 0600 2254 Mar, 20
Spartan-104 Fred's anger was rising steadily, anytime he asked to see HighCom security council he always got "The council is extremely busy at the moment, please wait" said the receptionist at the desk. A wait turned out to be 2 weeks until Fred was finally allowed to see the council. He got up and briskly strode to the double doors. "Greetings, Spartan apparently you wanted to see me about something?" asked Ackerson. "Sir, with respect sir were are the other council members!" Fred asked. "Admiral Hood has been organizing our fleet defense the Covenant assault force should be here soon" he replied "The Generals are organizing our ground defense" said Ackerson. Now Fred was going to get to his original question. "Sir, Spartan-117 Master Chief has not returned from his scouting misson, ordered to him 2 months ago, at 0700 hours on the 25th day, may I specualate the were abouts of the Chief" Fred asked, Ackerson shifted uncomfortably, even Section Two's propaganda could not completely cover the Chief's strange missing, Ackerson knew what happened he had been the cause of it. "I'm sorry son, the UNSC has been conducting numorus search's for the Chief, and have had no success, I fear for the worst" replied Ackerson looking sincere. Fred bristled, and wanted to push the Colonel further, but he resigned himself, "Sir, I understand Sir!" he said straight-faced, Fred was sure he didn't understand. "Which brings us to you, Spartan, You are probably the best unit in the entire UNSC military, which is why you should be preservered and not wasted." Said Ackerson " Sir I understand sir!" said Fred. "Here's what's going to go down, we cryogenically freeze 2 of the 3 Spartans, and put you on the planet the Chief went missing on, ONI has already established a base there, it is now a part of the Cole Protocol, because of the effects of cryo, you should be able to live until we wake you and when we need you again" said Ackerson. "We were looking for voulenteer's" sighed Ackerson. "Sir me and Spartan-058 will volulenteer for this operation!" said Fred trying to keep his face straight. "And you know that by those orders you have send.....William is it? To his inevitable demise" growled Ackerson. "Sir....Yes, Sir" said Fred. "Excellent, let us proceed" said Ackerson.
14 years later...... UNSC Flagship-Covenant Death O800 2568 Dec,5
Admiral William Gerard looked in despair at the planet they all had worked so hard to defend and had done so for the past 14 years, burned to a cinder. Super MAC platform's drifted lifeless around the planet, burned hulks of UNSC and Covenant ships surrounded the planet. "Lieutenant Grenier, take us into a slipspace secure ONI facility, relay orders to the remaning fleet ships and set randomized slipspace patteren" he pronounced, his thick Russian accent booming. Despite everything weapons upgrades, being accurate in slipspace and not to mention the new ground weapons and armor, it had all crumbled.
He sighed and rubbed his temples, time to tell you about the upgrades. Though ONI had not been able to reproduce the powerful plasma of the Covenant, they had been able to make CLB a concentrated laser beam, similar to what Sentinls on Halo used, except 10 times more powerful they were used on ships as point defense and in pistols, the pistols were not as powerful but could contain a stream of energy for about 50 seconds before they overloaded. And in lieu of Archer missiles, the fleet used plasma packed Orion missiles, which had been a huge success. By using the Covenants magnetic warping plasma ability, the missiles used this and warped drive plasma from the ships reactor, they stored it into Titanium-B class missile cases and fired them, they almost had the punch of a plasma torpedo but a little less. And then to replace the MAC cannon, MPL Magnetic Particle Launcher, by using the same ferrice-core projectile, they managed to coat them with plasma and launch them almost at the speed of light, these could be extreamly efficant in sniping Covenat craft that aproched there own fleet, they also took little time to recharge. This and countless, engine, reactor and sensor upgrades made the war tip in Humanity's favor, and only one class of ships sported all of these features, The Sun class ships.
Admiral Gerald looked at the rest of the Covenant fleet progressing toward them "Take us into slipspace Lieutenant Grenier and then we'll see if we can ambush them using the MPL's" he declared. The strange bubble of slipspace appered around all of the fleet's ships and they dove into the interdimension of slipspace.