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An Even War: Part 1: Betrayal
Posted By: D4rgant<NinjaOnFire304@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 December 2003, 11:03 PM
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UNSC HQ Washington D.C 0700, Dec 25 2553
The Master Chief walked through the sterile corridor that led to the HighCom security council. Though he was 200 metres from the surface, he still felt resented to relax, adding to his nervous concince was the fact he was unarmed and only in his UNSC dress uniform, Campaign ribbons and medals adorned his chest. Two MP's saluted smartly as he approached the double doors leading the Security Council's room, he took a deep breath and entered.
He took the entire room in a glance, crescent table microphones hanging from the ceiling, he remembered a similar room on Reach, but instead this room was well illuminated.
"Welcome, Master Chief, Merry Christmas" the voice woke him from his reverie. "Sir! Master Chief Spartan-117 reporting as ordered" he said. "Indeed, you know why you are here right?" said Admiral Hood. "Sir, yes sir! I am here to give an after-action report of the operation commenced by: Spartan-104, Spartan-058, Spartan-087, Spartan-039, Spartan-029, Spartan-043, Lieutenant Elias Haverson ONI Section Three, Corporal Locklear, Warrant Officer Shelia Polaski, Dr.Cathrine Halsey, Sergeant Avery Johnson and Admiral Danforth Whitecomb" he said naming the names of by heart. "Yes, very good" said Admiral Hood as he looked painstakingly at the empty seat of Admiral Whitecomb. "Make your report, Chief" said Admiral Hood. And so the Master Chief retold his story of everything that had happened on the alien construct of Halo, the Flood and the events after that ending with the destruction of the Unyielding Hierophant. It took a mere two hours to recount all the events. His throat was gasping for water at the end of it. "Alright Chief given the data we have just recorded our spooks estimate we have 1-2 month window before the Covenant regroup and attack Earth, Colonel Ackerson will brief you on your next misson" said Admiral Hood.
"Alright Chief let's get down to nitty-gritty" said Ackerson doing his best to keep the pleasure off his face. "Your next mission is to scout out a unknown colony long ago abandoned, simply because it was a mere tourist attraction, ONI thinks they can use this colony to work on a project they've cooked up" said Ackerson. The Master Chief thought...he was a fighting machine not some worthless scout, but his training had told him never to disobey orders from a superior. "Sir, what support will have during the course of this operation" he said.
"One prowler, and a squad of 10 marines, including one of our spooks" said Ackerson. The Chief could not believe his ears! A prowler and 10 marines to scout out a whole colony. He clenched his teeth "Sir, yes sir!" he said and walked out of the chamber. UNSC Prowler Gorgon 2554 Jan,17 The prowler Gorgon circled the ocean colony of Dwemer, "This doesn't look good" said Sergeant Johnson. The Master Chief insisted that Johnson be assigned to his squad for this scouting mission, he looked around at the rest of his squad. "Alright Marines move like you got a purpose!" said Sergeant Johnson. The Chief scowled at the planet before them, a single continent with ocean all around covering the rest of the planet. He still brought his MJOLNIR and without the presence of Cortana he felt empty. He grunted and pushed these thoughts aside, and assessed there situation. There arms consisted of 2 MA5B standard issue assault rifles, 1 M90 Shotgun and all the Marine's carried the standard issue M60 pistol not to mention the 50mm chaingun on the Gorgon's front. "Alright I'm bringing her down!" yelled Lieutenant Wagner. " Roger that!" yelled the Chief "Alright this is easy money marines! We take a look around and get our asses back home!" said Johnson.
The ramp to the surface opened and salty air floated into the Gorgon, the Chief frowned at the Sergeant, he hoped it would not put the Marine's at ease, they needed to be vigilant if they were going to get out alive.
Colony Dwemer 2554 Feb,15
"Dammit I sure as hell think that out search is over!" complained one of the Marines. "Boy, shut your big trap before I TEAR THAT CORPRAL BADGE RIGHT OFF YA" yelled Johnson, the marine instantly shut up. The Chief look at the strange cave they were about to investigate, a radiant light had been coming out of the cave for the whole night, he wanted to investigate. According to Lieutenant Wagner there connection with ONI section three, the colony was completely abandoned after the War had started. Hermits perhaps? He wasn't sure but he was going to find out.
They entered the cave and the light turned out to be 5 UNSC flares packed together, this was strange to the Master Chief why would UNSC flares be on an abandoned colony....wait a minute they could be....
"Hello there Chief" said a familiar voice from behind him.
The Chief sprung into motion and had his pistol aiming at the entrance to the cave, at least 15 silhouettes were there all his Marine were shocked in wonder until one said "Oh no worries people there friendlies" he turned and smiled at the rest of the group, until at least 14 shotgun blast hit him in the head. His body, minus the head landed beside one of the other marines, he instantly bugged out. "WERE ALL GUNNA..AGHAHH" the marine was cut of abruptly as some shotgun shell's hit him to. The Chief didn't know what to do, here he was in an enclosed space shotguns almost at point-blank range and then these were friendlies.
Then Colonel Ackerson came out of the darkness "I'm surprised by how naïve you freaks are I never expected you to walk blindly into an ambush."
The Chief bristled Ackerson had just shot two of his men, "Well Chief I don't have much else to say, maybe good bye" said Colonel Ackerson. As he left the Chief dove to the side and shot his pistol at the silhouettes. He heard a scream of pain and all of a sudden 14 shotgun blast came from the entrance, his men were instantly cut down, including Johnson, his shields took to much and overloaded as the rounds punched through his armor and penetrated his skin. He blacked out and knew it was the end and all he thought was..why...why...why.