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To Capture a Prophet Chapter 3- We're Inside
Posted By: Covie_Lover
Date: 21 July 2004, 5:26 AM

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To Capture a Prophet Chapter 3: We're Inside

      "Ok, we're inside," whispered Sally though the private line that was standard with MJOLNIR armor suits
      "I know Sal, and there's no need to whisper. No one can hear us." John said. . Since their helmets were insulated and air tight, no one else could hear what they said.
      "Let's spread out and scout the inner perimeter of the installation." he continued, noting with relief that she did not bicker about his use of military jargon.
      "All right then. I'll go left, you go right" Sally said, still whispering, and they both replaced the active camouflage projectors on their suits and separated.

      Myope 'Zagenalee was full of pride. He had recently been promoted to Field Master, and enjoyed strutting around the base, flaunting his shiny (he polished it every night, and was even now polishing it) new red armor. He had also become quite accomplished at ignoring the dirty looks all the cadets in their dull blue (they probably never polish them, he thought with a sniff) armor gave him. He remembered every single human he had killed leading up to his promotion, along with how he had killed them and what they had said. Oddly enough, though he had never thought about it, he had never forgotten anything in his entire life. Unbeknownst to him, he had gone through a mutation during his fetal development that had caused his entire long-term memory to be focused completely on the front-end of his brain, as opposed to spread out randomly around. This had the unexpected affect of giving him an extraordinary memory-span. However, it was all in one spot, so if an unexpected trauma occurred to the front of his brain...

      Sally walked as quietly as she could along the curving, slowly widening hallway. As she began to wonder if it would get any wider, it suddenly terminated at a doorway being guarded by two blue-armored elites, both talking like old school friends. Instinct kicked in and she almost opened fire on them, but remembered just in time that they could not see her. I need to make as little noise as possible she remembered, so that I don't draw attention to myself. She knew what she had to do.

      Misa 'Solomee and Gira 'Makolee were what you could call best friends. Since their childhood they had been together. They had played together, laughed together, trained together, and had even killed their first human together. They were nearly as close as Hunter bond-brothers were. They had recently gotten armory guard duty together. At the moment, 'Solomee was listening to a joke 'Makolee had made up. "...and so he says that's not a rock, that's a grenade!!!" said 'Makolee, and they both laughed. He always was good at jokes, thought 'Solomee. But then 'Makolee suddenly stopped laughing.
      "What's wrong?" asked 'Solomee
      "I don't know, but I think that there's someone else here..." 'Makolee trailed off, glancing behind him. He reached for his plasma rifle, still looking behind him, when, with a loud crack, his neck suddenly rotated a full ninety degrees more than it should have been able to. 'Makolee's rifle clattered to the ground as he slid limply to the floor.
      'Solomee could do nothing but stare in stunned horror at the body that had been, just moments ago, his lifelong friend. His eyes were wide and his mandibles slack as he stared into those blank eyes and neck at an impossible angle, his mind struggling with the fact that, moments ago this now lifeless corpse had been telling him a joke. Before it could sink in, however, unseen hands grabbed his head and twisted until 'Solomee felt something snap inside his neck, the ground rushed up to meet him, and he knew nothing more.

      Sally tried hard to banish the look of utter horror on the other elite's face when she had snapped his friend's neck (they would have to have been friends, to have a reaction like that, she reasoned). She had been planning on interrogating him, but that look had touched a deep part of her, a part of her that had survived the Spartan emotion reduction training, and she had decided to put him out of his misery. No matter how hard she would try to forget it, that look of horror would be imprinted on her mind till the day she died.


      This was one of my train of thought chapters. I do these once and a while. While it hints at future events, it also teaches a valuable lesson. The lesson of this chapter is that humans are not the only ones who can suffer a terrible loss. Think about it the next time you decide to go on a killing spree on Halo...
