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Fan Fiction

The Ambush
Posted By: Cire117<EJP8721@netscape.net>
Date: 8 August 2003, 1:29 AM

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Sergeant Lanter sat in the gunner's seat of the warthog assault vehicle uneasily. His hand rested on the firing controls, with a death grip. The Covenant according to the lieutenant would be coming down this road….and in force. All around him were the survivors of Firebase Echo, the most formidable human stronghold on Beta Ugana. All in all, they measured up to about 125 marines gathered from all over, 10 warthogs, and a single scorpion tank. These weren't good odds, considering the covenant had hundreds, maybe thousands of those little grunts coming down the highway. Suddenly, he caught the barks of the grunts language in his translator. He didn't bother to pay attention to the dog like sounds of the Covenant cannon fodder. And then from around the corner, he saw the glow of energy shields. "Jackals" he thought "just great those little sons of bitches". Over his intercom he heard, the sound of Captain Miller to open fire on the flanks of the jackals. "Well thanks sir, like we needed reminding on how to kill those little bastards" he muttered. Soon the front ranks of the Covenant were drawing near. In the first rank, were the shielded jackals, constantly searching back and forth with their plasma pistols aimed for any sign of danger. Behind them, were the massed columns of grunts. They seemed to be relaxed, and chatting amongst themselves. "Ill change that" whispered Sergeant Lanter. Directly below him in the foliage, were the majority of the marines. Their forces were spread out so that Lieutenant Phillips, and his 50 marines were on the side of Sgt. Lanter; Capt. Miller held the other 75. Both teams had 5 warthogs, and the Capt, concerned for his own safety, was sitting in the radioman's seat of the scorpion tank. Also in the center of the road, lay 5 lotus antitank mines each set up 25 meters from the other. A moment later there were 5 balls of fire in the street as the jackals made it over the farthest mine. And the fear filled voice of Capt. Miller broke over the intercom "All marines open fire, hit those bastards with everything you've got, send 'em to hell". "Gladly" said the Sergeant as he stood and pressed the firing controls. The warthog's big 50mm chain gun began tearing into the grunts as they tried to find out where the fire was coming from. Jackhammer missiles, and shredder rounds from assault rifles began thinning the ranks quickly. Soon however the initial shock was over and the grunts began returning fire with their plasma pistols. Streaks of colored light began shredding through the heavy jungle foliage. Quickly the sounds of wounded marines were heard, but they were nothing compared to the massed death cries the grunts were uttering through Sergeant Lanter's Translator. Suddenly, a worried Capt. Miller broke over the intercom "Covenant banshees incoming he managed to gasp out. The stub-winged aircraft were soon heard by their distinctive whine from the engines. Blue pulse laser bolts began tearing into the edges of the road. "Too short" Lanter thought as the 5 flyers passed over harmlessly. "They wont miss next time" he said, and he turned the 50mm gun toward the retreating fighters. Unfortunately the oversized chain gun wasn't designed to be accurate at long ranges. His rounds passed by the banshees to no avail. Just then the grunts gathered their remaining forces together, and were preparing for a massed charge. "You goddamn bastards" shrieked a nearby voice. It was Lieutenant Phillips as he emptied out his MA5B assault rifle on the grunts, and pulled out his pistol. Soon however the lieutenant was engulfed in a blue flash as the banshees returned. "Aim those jackhammers at the fighters" barked Sgt. Lanter to a couple of nearby huddling privates. They looked up at him and immediately began targeting the flyers. The banshees came about for another pass, as four missiles streaked into the formation. Each of them hit home, and detonated, as the banshees plummeted in flames, one of them in a more solid shape, rammed the remaining one. It crashed directly into the grunts, as they began their rush up the sloped roadsides. There were still roughly about 300 grunts left, and only 78 active marines. "Still not good odds" thought the Sergeant. All fire was massed on the grunts, and the 3 remaining jackals from their rear element. From out of nowhere, and explosion thudded in the Covenant ranks that were only 10 meters from Lanter's men. Captain Miller, and his scorpion were thundering down the opposite hillside. Running down Covenant as they came. The added armor plating on the exterior of the tank, was melted and scarred, as the Covenant focused fire on it. With its 76mm gun blowing holes in the ranks of the barking creatures, and its coaxial machinegun tearing them to shreds from the rear, the tank it seemed was turning the tide. But just as it reached the center of the road, the last jackal planted a plasma grenade on the weak underbelly of the scorpion just as it was getting run down. The big gun let out one final blast before the entire hulk went up in flames. "You BASTARDS" screamed Sgt. Lanter, "you sons of bitches, ill kill each one of your goddamned hides". Now only about 150 grunts were left, their charges were unsuccessful, and they took heavy losses in them. The grunts now began taking cover close to the marine ranks. Only roughly 50 marines were left for active duty now. Lanter almost smiled, as he saw the plasma blindly tear into the trees his men were hiding behind. Fragmentation grenades thudded into the nearby Covenant, and their shrieks were heard everywhere. Sgt. Lanter's hands were numb from continually firing the chain gun. Suddenly it didn't fire, he looked at the ammunition meter, and saw he had wasted well over 8,000 rounds on the Covenant. He reached for his personal MA2B, the carbine version of the assault rifle. He opened fire with AP (armor piercing) rounds, on the Covenant on the opposite slope, since their backs were turned to him. He chuckled with sheer delight, as he saw the methane atmosphere of the grunts escape from their pressurized suits. Soon, he used his 30 rounds of ammunition, and switched to shredder rounds, suddenly a grunt stood, Lanter shot it square in the faceplate, and watched as holes appeared on the visor. The grunt gasped for air, as he collapsed to the jungle floor. Plasma fire was slackening, as the grunts were one by one wiped out. A final pocket existed on Lanter's side, and he ordered his men to throw grenades into the clump of trees the grunts were sheltering in. His request was met with resounding explosions, and the final shrieks of the Covenant task force…
"Sir" a young private first class looked at him. "Yes private" Lanter muttered. "Sir you are the ranking marine". "Yes I suppose I am now, aren't I" said the Sgt. "Well sir here are the totals of the battle" stammered out the private. "Ummm, lets see oh yes, 750 Covenant dead, 5 banshees down, and for our totals. We have 30 dead, 40 wounded, 4 vehicles are down, and only one working radio sir". "Damn it" exclaimed the Sgt. "Get a pelican inbound". "Yes sir" said the private excitedly. A few moments later the private yelled that he had reached Fleetcom, but they wished to talk to the commanding officer. Lanter walked over to the warthog with the radio. "This is Sgt. Lanter" he said into the headset. An unknown voice replied "sergeant, we are currently sending you two drop ships to your position, stay put ETA is 15 minutes". "Roger thanks" replied the sergeant. Lanter then went atop the warthog, and explained to his men the situation. It was met with resounding joy from the marines capable of speech. Soon the hum of the two pelicans engines was heard overhead as they landed in the road. All the men were loaded aboard, but the warthogs had to be left behind. "To bad" muttered Lanter as looked at the battle sight from the slowly rising pelican. "Breaking geo synchronize orbit now" exclaimed the pilot through ships intercom "preparing to dock with the UNSC Constantinople now". Lanter thought to himself of hot chow, and a warm bed; just as a round ship appeared out his window from slipspace. The captain came over the intercom stuttering out "Covenant frigate approaching". "Shit, you bastard don't you dare" shrieked the sergeant, as the hull of the ship radiated blue...
