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Counterstrike Chapter 1
Posted By: Chief-117<smg6787@msn.com>
Date: 25 December 2003, 5:36 AM
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1432 Hours July 7, 2555 UNSC Ivan the Terrible in orbit around Altoran Sigma, Vega System
There was no echo of footsteps or clamor of weapons or no concussion from gunfire or explosions. It was just quiet; peaceful thought the old experienced sergeant, a tall muscular man that looked more like a raw recruit with his shaved head than a veteran combatant. It was the first time in years that he waited outside the briefing room without rushing to prepare for combat or tell the marines to move their asses. No, he just waited in silence, waiting for everyone to enter the company briefing room. A minute or so passed before he heard scuffing feet down the hall and the sound of rubber on metal. Three marines came running up to the sarge.
"Rodriguez, Johnson, Chaques, you just volunteered for latrine duty for the next week."
"Sarge!" cried Chaques. "We're still on time for the briefing."
"Yes you are genius but you're also the last three to get here. And Chaques you just volunteered for two weeks of latrine duty."
He was about to protest but he knew he would only recieve harsher punishment if he did. So his mouth closed the angry expression on his small fat face dissappeared. The three went in the briefing room marked B Co, 3rd Reg, 1st Mar Div followed by the sarge. They were about to sit down in the back row but the sarge pushed them forward, making them walk up to the front row letting the rest of the company to look on the three. Several men laughed at them but quick glances from the sarge moved their eyes toward the front of the room.
The captain walked up to the podium at the front of the room, next to him was a hologram that only showed a spinning planet.
"OK gentlemen, settle down," everybody stopped their joking or conversations. "This," he pointed to the planet, "is Altoran Sigma. The planet we are currnetly orbiting. This will be the first planet outside the Sol System to be retaken after the Battle for Earth. This will be part of Operation Rogue Fury. The UNSC plans on retaking the Vega, Adoran, Signorus, and Hecta systems in one massive assualt. These four systems are vital to us because they are the closest systems to Earth. The two key planets that must be taken are Reach in the Signorus System and Altoran Sigma, this planet here in the Vega System.
"Reach must be retaken because it is the closest planet from which the Covenant can initiate a counterattack on Earth. Altoran Sigma must be retaken because it lies fursthest from Earth and closest to three Covenant bases outside of the four targeted systems. So, being the assualt force for this planet means that we have oh about anywhere between one to ten weeks to secure the planet and destroy all major pockets of resistance before a Covenant fleet comes here to blow the shit out of us."
"Ha, we blew the shit out of them when they attacked Earth!" cried a marine. "They don't got much left of a fight, fuckin' smelly aliens."
"Shut the fuck up Toshiro, or I'll come back there and break you before you say another word!" yell the sarge. Toshiro sank into his seat as his face turned red.
The captain continued, "Actually, the Covenant, from what Intel tells us outnumbers us seven to one. And they probably have more than seven times what we got because we only know where two Covenant planets are and they have devastated all but a dozen of the planets that we have inhabited. So we are goin' to be up against a powerful and most likely more ferocious enemy than before."
Most of the faces in the room went glum.
"Now, we callsign is Zulu Three-Four. The 1st Division along with sixty other divisions will land at LZ Echo-Sierra-Six which is located fifty miles south of the capital city, New Chicago. Intel indicated that no humans are alive but there is reason to believe that there is a small resistance on the planet below. Satellite imagery confirms that there have been firefights on the planet well after the planet was secured by the Covenant. However we cannot tell if they resisters are human but we ar inclined to believe they are."
"After we land; we should confront only moderate resistance when we land, we will push north toward the city. Our job will be to capture the spaceport. In all about 1,210,000 men will land on the planet and about 400,000 will be left in reserve along with 4,000,000 men on Earth designated to reinforce us whenever we request."
After several hours of briefings the marines of Bravo Company got several hours of sleep. For eight hours a day the next ten days they studied their objectives, enemy positions, geography, etc. On the eleventh day at 200 Hours they woke up and got dressed not for briefing but for war. They donned an armored vest, helmet, arm protection, and ankle protection. Each man had a fifty pound pack plus the weapon his platoon leader designated for him and a weeks worth of rations. They formed lines in the hangar bouncing off each other as the ship shaked constantly from the recoil of the guns bombarding the planet below.
"Alright girls get your hairy asses on your ship," shouted the sarge, "and for all you actual ladies in the Marine Crp get your hairy asses onboard to because I know most of you don't shave to often while onboard this lovely boat of mine."
All the marines within earshot broke out in laughter as most of the women joined in. The sarge and the rest of 2nd Platoon got on their designated Pelican. Every one had a MA7B assualt rifle except some had MC42 light machine guns, others had only a SMG but on their back was a rocket launcher, one man had a sniper rifle, and the sarge and five others had grenade launchers on their rifles.
All of the recruits looked frightened but only a few of the veterans helped them deal with their fears. Chaques was one of them, he spoke loudly with Swanson, a new recruit just out of basic, a jaw dropping beauty even without makeup.
"Jen my dear. Don't worry 'bout nothin'. You'll be fine. Jsut stay next to me and you be fine. I was scared to my first time in combat but I still did my duty."
"Oh shut the fuck up you dirty French frog! The first time you saw a battle you pissed your pants and tried to hug me like I was the bitch mother of yours trying suck some creamy milk out of these," he said pointing to his breasts as everyone else but Chaques laughed hysterically. Even Swanson couldn't stop herself from laughing at the crude jest.
"You were lucky Johnny boy here didn't die when I was supposed to be covering him while you were trying grope me. Because if died I would cut your throat and use your limp ass body as a shield."
Chaques couldn't look into the sarge's eyes. Instead he looked at Jen momentarily and then looked down at his feet.
"Now, Chaques ain't as bad as some of the boys in here," continued the sarge, "McCoy over there almost got the whole company killed when ..." he was cutoff by the intercom.
"Howdy boys, this is your pilot speakin'. We are preparing for take off. Make sure your trays are up and in the lock position and your seatbelts fastened. It's gonna be on hell of a bumpy ride. Hopefully we land safely this time. My copilot here is quiet a dumbass and nearly got your handsome pilot here killed last time. Stupid shit," he muttered after he finished his speach.
The Pelican went threw the hangar airlock and into the great void of space. Ot flew in circles for a couple of minutes before it got in a formation along the rest of the Pelicans. They began there descent jsut as thousands of blue rays appeared suddenly and blinded the planet. The ship next to them exploded and the concussion rocked their Pelican.
"Well I'll be damned. This ride aint rowdy as I thought it to be. But afterall its just the beginnnin'," said the pilot as the Pelican flew into the storm of fire.
To be continued...