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Fan Fiction

Absolution Part 1: Found Destruction
Posted By: canada769<foxdown@fuse.net>
Date: 11 August 2004, 2:59 PM

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0900 SEPTEMBER 12 2252

      Ensign Marvo had just finished repairs on probe 127 after a close encounter with a stray comet that had managed to find itself in the odd dimension of slip space.
Even the spooks at ONI hadn't been able to figure out how they managed to get themselves into the alternate dimension of space. Quick dismissing theory after theory that any respectable scientist had and claimed it was just a mathematical equation that could wait for a more peaceful time to investigate.
      "Ha"! Marvo would exclaim. "They expect me to spend all of my time that isn't spent sleeping to watch for possible covie ships that only have 1 in 100 chance of being detected, but then rave when one of the PRESIOUS probes plays patty cake with a mile round piece of ice"!
      He left the repair hanger with out noticing the plasma scaring of a weapon on the under side of the probe and made his way back to his cramped quarters to have a shower and get some un-oil-stained garments on his stiff wiry frame. Then wandered back to his equally cramped workspace in front of a 4ft wide, 6ft high piece of projector glass, surrounded by half empty plastic cups of coffee. He stooped over and spook into the speaker in a half caring tone, "honey I'm home." Lights came on, computers booted up and a sweet female voice came over the loudspeaker, "voice verified, welcome Ensign Marvo, I trust you have the probe in working order?"
      "Sure" was his lying remark to the AI. "Neon please release probes 112 through 120 I want to see if we can increase my paper work a little," he said sarcastically.
      "A moment please...done probes 112 through 120 launched and entering slip space in 12.34 seconds"
      The Ensign put one foot up on the desk and glanced over the new paper work that littered the floor that fell from his fax machine. He then sat up abruptly and said "also please have the retrieval drones on standby in case we have another incident like last time" the AI complied.
      Suddenly a warning flashed up on the glass in front of the ensign just as his eyes were closing. Caught off guard he sat up quickly and went over the data streaming from the out born probes. Odd, smoothed figured silhouettes, pictures taken by the probes, came over the display in front of him. They looked oddly familiar yet he couldn't figure where in his mind he placed them. Suddenly the screen went blank and a projection of neon flashed up on the display.
      "Warning!" I have detected multiple covenant signatures on the stations probe relay radar. 45...89.308 ships have been detected on an earth bound trajectory. Sending distress signal now... sending all available data to nearest Mars station for relay to Earth. Breaking clamps to Jupiter orbital ring now" The station shuddered violently throwing       Marvo to the floor. The AI began again, "setting outbound probes in hanger now and plotting nearest trajectory to earth. Firing main station thrusters...now."
Again the ensign was thrown to the floor, this time he decided to make no effort to get up. The AI continued as if nothing had happened, "entering slip space now... ETA to Earth 67 minutes."
      Cole protocol didn't imply anymore since the covenant now knew where earth was, the only thing that mattered now was warning Earth of the current threat towards Humanity.

0912 SEPTEMBER 12 2552

      The CPU of substation 12 booted up upon request of relay messaging order of AI 196 codenamed "NEON". The CPU waited approximately 12 milliseconds for the whole message, paper clipped with the data to be fully compiled in its inbox before relaying to a ground station on Earth's ONI HQ in Sydney Australia. Then as quickly as it had booted up it shut down.


      After glancing over the weather reports in the paper General Haman was busy reading the main story about a major religious groups trying to raise money to get a ship off of earth to start a hidden colony in an asteroid belt to escape the unholy covenant conquest. Another story read about psychics predicting the coming of the Apocalypse.
      Suddenly his secretary ran into his office quite nervous, before she could say anything the general interrupted her. "Susie!" "I didn't want to be disturbed!"
      "I'm...I'm sorry sir. But...but" she stammered "you need to see it for yourself"
      "See what?!" he replied now mad that his off time had been interrupted.
He was perplexed when Susie quickly walked over to his computer and entered the password to his e-mail.
"HEY!" he exclaimed "that's a personal password how did you know it... what is that?"
      Susie back away from the computer and said, "that sir, is a threat to all life on earth, and don't worry I have already taken the liberty of sending it to all the admiralty."
      He replied, "and who is going to have the liberty to alert all of humanity?"
