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Fan Fiction

Halo: The Final Frontier, Pt. 2
Posted By: Burrofootball<burrofootball40@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 August 2004, 9:54 PM

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The shuttle slid across the threshold of the armored door and softly landed on a brightly-lit landing pad. The heavy door rumbled shut, and atmosphere whooshed into the bay. Thirty seconds later, a light on the shuttle door snapped on, indicating that the area was pressurized. The shuttle hatch lowered, and Captain Robert Martin got his first glimpse of the mysterious ship's interior. It was premitive, reminding him of the Starfleet Museum. The bulkheads were all braced by thick pillars of a grayish alloy, and there were beams everywhere. The shuttle sensors registered no energy flow through the metal, indicating that they had no forcefields. A trio of boxy craft rested on wheels on the nearest landing pad, their noses pointed outwards, with thrusters facing backwards. A nearby hatch rolled open, and a tall armored man stepped through. His presence caught the eyes of the Starfleet security team, and they unsafed their phaser rifles, but kept them at port arms. The armored man, now reinforced by a dozen regular men, did the same with his weapon. He stepped forward.
"I have been ordered to escort you to the bridge. Alone." The Starfleet guards glanced at Robert, but he did not give the signal to fire. The SPARTAN noticed the guard's reaction.
"You will not be harmed. Nor will your men. However, you must leave your weapon here."
Robert looked around and spoke with the voice of command he had learned at the Academy. "Fine. My shuttle and men will remain here. I will go alone." He took out his phaser and tossed it into the shuttle.
"Corporal, escort the Captain to the bridge." A tall man with an Australian look stepped forward. Two others followed. The Chief and the remaining nine Marines were to stay and guard the shuttle.
"If you would follow me, sir, I'll show you to the bridge."
Robert turned and followed the Corporal.

Master Chief John-117 was very curious about these people. The radar scans had been unable to penetrate the shielding the strange ship used, and the design looked like a work of art, not a military ship. However, their security team looked alert, and their weapons looked capable enough. He asumed that they used plasma or some other energy to power their systems, since they had no obvious magazines or mechanical parts. Puzzling. If this was an ONI operation, then why didn't the SPARTAN teams have this kind of gear? Most puzzling of all to him were the security team themselves. One was about 6'5'', his hight without armor, and had his sandy brown hair and eyes. Even the same skin tone. The other had blonde hair and pale skin, reminding him of Will. What was this?

The bridge of the UNSC Dauntless was even more cramped than the view from the bridge of Robert's ship had indicated. Almost thirty officers worked at old-style stations spaced along the walls, and in a middle area. The captain had no chair, instead, a holotank and a transparent map dominated his position, as well as a small control panel. Below and forward of the captain, a ladder extended to a narrow walkway, which connected to two seats with holographic panels. The two crewmen here literally sat outside the ship. Robert stared up at the massive bow, and then at his own ship.
"Great view, isn't it. First-timers on a Halcyon usually do that." The speaker was the other captain. His shirt was covered in ribbons, and looked more formal than the standard Starfleet uniform. "I've been in contact with my commander. He's ordered me to take your ship to Sol for investigation."
Robert got over his shock at seeing himself, in another universe. "I've got a lot of questions for you before I set corse for a place that may not be safe for my ship or crew. First, who are you?"
Captain Martin answered. "We are the United Nations Space Command. We are charged with defense of human space and the..."
A man jumped out of his seat and ran to the commanders. "Sir, radar just picked up three Covanent ships on an intercept course. They've got hot plasma. Time to intercept 3 minutes."
"Who are the Covenant?"
Captain Martin turned. "The reason humanity is facing extinction."
Robert was stunned at this revalation. The Federation was prospering, the fleet was stronger than ever, even the Romulans were peaceful...and he knew that humanity wasn't facing extinction. At least not is his reality.
Captain Martin turned around. "Captain, I'm afraid that you're not going to be able to get back to your ship. All bays are sealed, and unless you can teleport, you're stuck here. Unfortunatly, chances of survival in battles with the Covenant when outnumbered are low."
Robert reached for his commbadge, but stopped himself. Why show them transporters now? He tapped the device and began speaking. "Commander, engage and disable those ships. Target and fuse their weapons and engines." Commander Larson ws fully capable of fighting the ship herself.
"Sir, Covenant lead ship is firing...

To Be Continued...
