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Chapter Five: Rise of the Phoenix
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33P@netscape.net>
Date: 20 September 2003, 4:28 PM
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00:39 EST (ATLAS Time) Penguin command dropship Starman 1-1
"General, my unit is in position, ready to begin assault on Objective Trident." Alexei said to General Ross.
"Good, we can begin our assault." Ross looked around at all the other officers standing around the battle map. "We have landed our troops, and are beginning to fan out and move into formation. Sensors show that Covenant troops have landed in these locations." Ross said this as multiple dots appeared on the map and began flashing red.
"We believe that the Covenant have a division size force massing in this area. This adds several complications, so we'll have to move quickly, and set up air defenses to keep more Covenant forces from landing. Any questions? Good, then get back to your positions." Ross ended.
The officers left the table and went back to their individual control stations. From their they plotted new waypoints for their ground forces and analyzed the Covenant movements.
00:41 EST (ATLAS Time) SBT.1A1 Iron 2-1
"Load HAVOK!" Major Jason Huff yelled to his gunner. He then flipped on his comm system and ordered all of his other tanks to hold their fire. "FIRE!" He then yelled to his gunner. Out went a 140mm shell, but this was not a conventional shell, but a HAVOK nuclear tipped shell. The warhead streaked in towards its target, a regiment of Covenant armor, closely packed in a depot 4,500 metres away.
Huff looked through his thermal scope and watched as the screen was blinded by a massive flash. He then looked at his battle screen. "God I love this tank" Huff said to his gunner.
"Cuz it has a huge ass cannon?" The gunner asked his commander.
"No cuz it has EMP protection, kind of pointless to have a nuclear cannon if your tank gets disabled when you fire it." Huff replied.
"Oh.....good point." The gunner spoke.
Huff flipped his comm system on. "Ok, all tanks proceed forward. Before you fire, verify target with me, I don't want two tanks firing at the same target." Huff flipped it back off and then sat back in his seat as the tank lurched forward. Within 20 seconds they were traveling across the barren planet at 100 kilometres per hour.
00:45 EST (ATLAS Time) Covenant Frigate Swiftsure, Bridge "All units, prepare to plant charges and get the hell out." Rashon said into the comm unit. His group had finished its' task, capture the leaders, gather as much info as possible, and now it only needed to blow the ship to pieces.
Rashon and his men planted charges on the bridge and left. They followed the trail of dead bodies back to the room where they had rammed through the ships hull. Waiting there was the two pilots from their dropships. "Glad to see you decided to come back!" The pilot said as the troops entered the room.
"No time for small talk, we got 2 minutes before this thing blows." Rashon responded.
"All right, lets get the fuck off this thing." The pilot turned around and headed back through the airlock and into the dropship. The ODSTs were right behind him. They sat down in their seats and strapped in.
"Disengaging airlock, brace for launch." The pilot said through the intercom. Two seconds later the airlock disconnected and a large blast shook the dropship. The ship shot away from the Swiftsure and joined with the other dropships on an outbound course.
00:51 EST (ATLAS Time) Penguin Command ship Starman 1-1
Alexei watched his battle screen as the Covenant frigate Swiftsure disappeared off the map. About 100 dropships that were docked with it and approaching the vessel also disappeared. The ODSTs had completed their mission, now it was the Marines' turn to kick some ass. He looked at his troop positions. His forces on Hill 681 were not having much trouble. They hard started their attack with a massive bombardment. They used their two tanks effectively. The forces were completely around the camp and were preparing to sweep in and mop up the rest of the Covenant forces.
00:57 EST (ATLAS Time) SBT.1A1 Iron 2-1
In the last 15 minutes Major Huffs' tanks had advanced 15 miles. His group was now within striking of the first ground battery. Nearly 15 Covenant Plasma launchers were in this group. All of his tanks stopped in a line abreast and waited for his order to fire. "All units, fire on my command." Huff said into the comm unit. He waited five seconds and then yelled "FIRE!" All of the tanks opened up at once. After the first salvo the tanks began firing at will. After 1 minute the 20 tanks had fired 107 rounds, more than completely decimating the battery.
"Nice job marines, all right lets go to the next objective."
01:01 EST (ATLAS Time) Penguin Command ship Starman 1-1
"All right, we have somewhat of a situation. Iron 2-1 is nearly 20 miles in front of the main group, normally I would say that is good, but it leaves our right flank completely exposed, and their rear exposed as well. I would have them fall back, but in five minutes they will be within striking distance of two more Covenant batteries. Our centre is having slow progress, so what I plan to do, is have the centre forces, break apart in the middle and go around the Covenant forces. They have nearly an entire division between the centre and the batteries. By splitting our forces, they will be able to hit us in the rear, but I am counting on our speed to outrun them. Our left flank will spearhead through the Covenant lines to the north, half of the centre group will follow through the gap they create, while the other half moves into the hole Iron 2-1 made. Now I have made my speech, any questions?" Ross asked.
"Yes general, my men are on the left flank, but I sent two regiments to assist the centre, they are currently on the right end. Should I give them over to Iron 5-1 completely? I only ask because they can't possibly rejoin but I will be shorthanded if I do" The Colonel asked.
"Yes, I will have Alexei's group reinforce yours." The General responded.
"Any more questions? If not then Alexei, I want you to begin moving your forces away from the LZ. Those ground batteries are more important, and you have already destroyed most of the bases."
The officers once again left the battle map and went back to their control consols.