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Retaliation: Chapter Two
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 20 September 2003, 3:41 PM
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Fort Royal, ATLAS September 20 (1353)
Major Reina Ketechi followed the security officer down the hallway towards a secluded door near the end. The Officer unlocked the door, opened it, then stood to the side and saluted. Reina saluted back and walked into a small room with nothing but another door. The door behind her closed and the room went pitch black. She heard several motors moving along the walls and ceiling but they soon stopped. "You are now cleared to enter" A voice said through a speaker. The lights turned back on and the door in front of her opened. Inside was a large room filled with nothing but screens, which were monitored by a few military personnel. "What do you have for me today Leskin?" She asked the officer in charge of the room.
"Not much Major, we launched a small raid on the Reach. Seems she is still orbiting Canis Majoris Alpha." Leskin replied.
"Anything else?"
"Yes as a matter of fact, 13 more ships have arrived in the system in the last 18 hours. We have identified two of the ships as cruisers, the rest are frigates and destroyers."
"Sounds like someone is preparing for a major operation." The Major said as she pondered what the Brotherhood might attack next.
"Yeah, command certainly is worried. Unless we have missed some ships the monks have 170 ships in the system, you don't arrange a fleet that big for nothing."
"Well thanks for the info, oh I heard rumors that the 219th was going to be transferred to my command, any truth to it?"
"Not that I know of, aren't those guys the ones with the Archer systems?" Leskin asked.
"Yeah, that's why I wanted to know. The brotherhood sure as hell don't have very many of them since they got that Spartan scum, so command wants me to take care of any Archers they have left, and maybe kill some Spartans too."
Leskin laughed,"Yeah that sounds like fun, I'll see what I can do, come back in a few hours."
"All right, thanks Lieutenant."
"Anytime Major."
Reina turned around and walked out of the Intelligence Room, but not through the door she came in. The exit door had no security checkpoints, just two blast doors and she was back out into the main base. She couldn't however, return back into the room as it had massive locks.
Reina walked through the last door and stepped out into a large hallway. Tens of officers were walking back and forth through the hallway, which was the main corridor for the base. Reina did not have to walk far however, her next destination was just down the hallway, and she was able to escape the huge crowed again.
Inside this door was the communications centre for the 198th Royal Marines Division.
"What are the orders Captain?" Reina asked the head communications officer.
"Ooooo! Looks like you got something special!" The man said, handing her a package marked "Top Secret"
"All right, thanks Captain." Reina put the package under her arm and stepped back into the hallway. She rushed back to her office on the surface level, she could not open this until she found some place private.
The second she stepped into her office she opened the package. Inside were satellite images and pictures of a target building. She then pulled out the official orders.
Terran Royal Marine Corps From: ATLAS Special Operations Command (ASCOM) To: 489th Marine Reconnaissance Battalion Message originated: 9:20:05:0932
The 489th has been assigned to strike targets designated inside this package. All info necessary to complete this mission is enclosed. The 219th Archer Battalion will be transferred to the command of Major Reina Ketechi, who is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Reina pulled more papers out from the package until she found a pair of silver eagles. She was only 2 ranks from being a senior officer, "not bad for a 27 year old" she thought.
She glanced through the material, they were going to strike a Brotherhood installation on Kyralis Alpha. Ki Alp as it was more commonly known, had once been an important stronghold in the Royal Hegemony. The planet was lost several years back in a massive battle with the Brotherhood.
Ki Alp was guarded with about 8 Division sized units and 3 orbiting frigates. What really alarmed Reina was the 100 strong Spartan garrison at the base they were to attack. She despised the Spartans but that didn't mean she lacked respect or fear for them. Hundreds of her comrades had been killed by those monsters, she would make them pay.
Kataramee, Small Magellanic Cloud, September 20, (1741)ATLAS Central Time-ACT
Yara'a Katamee walked alone into a large room. He immediately bowed. "Please Commander Katamee, rise." A voice at the end of the room said. Katamee rose but kept his head down, he could not dare look at the greatness of the Emperor. "Please forgive me your highness for being late." Katamee finally worked up the courage to speak.
"No need to be sorry, please come forward, there is no reason to shout across the room." The emperor said.
Katamee slowly walked down a purple carpet towards the throne. His legs shook as he walked, to any new Elite warrior he would appear as a coward, except that he was standing before the almighty Emperor, whose power was undeniably strong.
"Now Katamee, I would like to talk to you soldier to soldier, so you can put your head up."
Katamee slowly brought his head up to looking at the Emperor.
"You have been assigned to command our assault fleet against the human forces."
"W-What?! Katamee stammered. "I-I me-mean I'd be h-honored!"
"Good, I want you to begin making plans, the assault is to begin in three months. If you need anything at all, please ask me, I do not want this mission to fail."
"Yes your highness! I won't fail you!" Katamee said as he stood stiff at attention.
"Good, that is all Katamee, your head quarters have been moved here, your command group is to be brought here tomorrow. My guard Jakanee will show you to your office."
Katamee saluted and walked backwards out of the hall with his head down in respect. He took one step out of the room, watched as the door closed, then turned around and put his head as high as he could hold it.
"Commander Katamee! I will show you to your quarters." Someone said behind him. He turned around, standing next to the door was a guard in white armor.
"You are Jakanee?"
"Yes Commander. Your room is this way."
Jakanee walked past Katamee down the long hallway that lead outside of the main palace structure. They too several steps outside and then walked down massive marble steps. When they reached the bottom they began walking across the flat, open, marble court to another building in the compound. Katamee recognized it as the military headquarters. He had never been there, ever.
After a several minute walk across the massive courtyard they reached the building. Outside the main door stood two white armored Elite guards. They saluted Katamee as he walked past. Just inside the building was the lobby. Officer barracks were on the top level, so Jakanee lead the way over to the elevators. A few minutes later........
The guard stopped at a room. "This is your room Commander, my best wishes to your success, if you need any help just ask one of us.' Jakanee said, and then walked back towards where they had come from.
Yara'a opened the room, the first thing his eyes laid down on was the silver armor sitting in the middle of the room. His mandibles began clicking like mad, his way of showing approval. He walked towards the armor and began to take off his gold armor and replace it with the new silver armor.
He put it completely on and then looked down at himself, the silver armor was extremely smooth and shiny, it was a hand made, not mass produced. The armor was so smooth he could see a reflection of his quarters on it.
Yara'a looked around the room at other items in the room. A console, that seemed to obviously be for anything he might have an idea for. Other items included a very large information console and a communication console. But no window, which somewhat irritated him. Yara'a always wanted to know what was going on around him, he hated not being able to see things.
It was now fairly late in the morning and Yara'a realized he had not eaten anything today. He wondered over to one of the consoles and searched for a map of the building. He quickly found the location of the officers mess hall and left the room for it. As he walked into the hall way all the other Elite officers around immediately began gaping in awe at him. Several even bowed. Yara'a walked around them and headed towards the mess hall, nothing would stop him from eating.