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Chapter Four: Rise of the Phoenix
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33P@netscape.net>
Date: 7 September 2003, 3:47 PM
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00:21 EST (ATLAS Time) Covenant Frigate Swiftsure, Bridge
Rashon walked around the room. Just outside were two bodies, formerly Elite guards. Inside were two Elites and several grunts. The Elites were both dead, they had fire on the marines as they entered the room, unfortunately they stood no chance. The grunts, seeing the Elites fall in a matter of seconds, immediately surrendered. The marines blew up the Weapons console of the ship, hoping that it would disable the ship from firing. Rashon then grabbed his comm set and spoke into it. "Bravo1-1, Bridge secure, All units report in."
Keichi's voice came back through first. "Delta 1-1, suspects apprehended."
"Wow that was fast." Rashon said back through it.
"They didn't have a whole lot of guards. You want us to bring the prisoners up to the bridge?"
Rashon thought for a minute. "No I'll send a team down there to escort you back."
Rashon ordered 10 of his guards to go to Keichi's group and bring them back.
"Alpha 1-1, you guys finished chatting?" Lieutenant Alan Barnes voice came through
"Yeah, go ahead Alpha 1-1" Rashon replied.
"Reactor room has been secured, we suffered to casualties, one wounded one killed."
"Roger, hold positions and keep in contact, feel free to scout the rest of your deck." Rashon replied back through.
"Alpha 1-1, holding position, out." Barnes ended.
"Charlie 1-1, we are having trouble finding the CIC, we may need a few more minutes."
"All right Charlie 1-1, keep in contact, we need to capture the CIC before the 82nd arrives."
"Roger, Charlie 1-1 out."
00:25 EST (ATLAS Time) Covenant Frigate Swiftsure, H Deck, Section 25
Charlie Company was frantically running through the ship. They needed to find the CIC but every pathway lead nowhere. Sergeant Alfred Wallace finally walked up to a door. His squad of 8 men were behind him. The door opened and inside was a hangar. An Elite immediately spotted the group and sounded the alarm. "This is Bravo 1-1, what the hell happened?"
"Bravo 1-1, this is Charlie 3-1, we have been compromised, we found the hangar but are under heavy attack!" Wallace replied back.
Wallace and his men were frantically trying to move forward into the hangar and set up defensive positions. They were on the 3rd of 4 levels and somewhat well protected. Wallace's men opened fire on the enemy troops on their level and then turned to the troops above. 2 of his men fell from enemy plasma fire. One had been hit in the face, the plasma quickly ripped through his shield and left the man screaming as plasma ate through his face. The other had been blown off of the level by a plasma grenade. His body was 3 floors down.
"This is Charlie 3-1, we are taking heavy enemy fire, need back up now!" As Wallace said this an Elite walked up behind his corporal and sliced him in half with a plasma sword. Wallace turned on his own sword and swung at the Elite, who blocked his strike and through him back. The Elite moved to jump on Wallace but was stopped in mid-air by a shotgun blast to the side. "Thanks Xang." Wallace said to the Private who had saved him.
"No problem chief" Xang said this and then turned around to face a fuel rod blast. He dove out of the way but was still hit. He screamed as he looked at his body. His lower legs had been completely burned off.
"Get a fuckin medic up here now!" Wallace yelled. "6 and 7 you watch the door, shoot and Covies that try and come in behind us, 3 and 4, take care of those Hunters."
The group was being ripped apart fast. The Hunters had fired down from above, and then quickly retreated out of site. They still had not returned, although their fuel rod cannons were definitely recharged by now. The group reformed and set up a new perimeter. As they finished moving about the platform the doors to their left opened. Behind them were two hunters, side by side. Both fired at the group, blowing 2 marines to pieces. "Watch the left flank!" Wallace yelled. The Hunter then turned to him and fired. The round went just over his head, but hit another marine behind him. Now it was just Wallace and one other marine, although Xang was barely alive, screaming on the ground. He was silenced as a Hunter crushed his skull however.
The Hunters continued firing on Wallace and the other marine, who had taken cover behind a large barrier, that was just barely holding out against the blast of the fuel rods. Two loud thuds followed by two loud explosions quickly changed their luck. Wallace looked over the barrier only two see pieces of one hunter scattered everywhere, and another one limping on the ground, with only one leg. He was trying to escape but a marine walked up behind him and stabbed him in the back with his plasma sword.
"What the hell happened sergeant? The Lieutenant demanded.
"We opened the door and it turned out to be Pandora's box." Wallace replied.
"All right, rest of you men secure the hangar." 20 Marines rushed through the door and began a slow methodical search of the hangar, shooting anything that moved.
"I'll be back with the main group, they've secured the CIC. Clear out the hangar and then report in." The Lieutenant said this and left.
00:29 EST (ATLAS Time) Covenant Frigate Swiftsure, E Deck, Section 23
"I got him pinned down!" The Private yelled, while another one through an impact fragmentation grenade behind a crate. The grenade exploded upon impact and the body of a marine flew out from behind the crate.
"Yeehaw!" one of the marines shouted. The Covenant had been trying to take back the Reactor room, but without information from the Bridge or CIC, their attacks had been anything but coordinated, and they were slowly being ripped apart.
"Alpha 7-1 to Alpha 1-1, we have heavy contacts on the aft perimeter, we could use a little help."
"Roger Alpha 7-1, I'm sending Alpha 6-1 to assist." Barnes replied.
On the aft perimeter, not much action had taken place, mostly because there wasn't much aft of the Reactor Room. Not much, except the Special Ops command room, which the Marines would soon find that the aft perimeter was a deadly place to be.
"What the hell was that?" A Corporal shouted.
"What?" The Sergeant responded.
"I thought I saw something mov..."
The Sergeant interrupted the Corporal, "Spec Ops! Open fire!"
The Marines began spraying the hallway with automatic fire from their rifles. A several bullets struck Elites, whose shields lit up and revealed Covenant troops in black armor. The Elites activated their plasma swords and charge at the marines. One of them, who was unlucky enough to be standing directly in front of the Elites, was decapitated with a single stroke. Another was hit by Plasma fire and thrown on the ground. The Elites however, had no where to hide and were cut to pieces by shotgun and rifle fire. Two more marines would die and another 3 were injured before the Elites were all dead.
"This is Alpha 7-1, we have encountered multiple special ops Elites." The Sergeant informed the rest of the group. He then turned back down the hallway and began firing at the Jackals, who followed the Elites in and were trying to push forward. Before they got very far Alpha 6-1 showed up and the group began walking forward, blasting everything in the hallway. They walked forward like some massive wall of fire, destroying anything in their way, they looked like the Phoenix.
"Alpha 7-1, area secured, Alpha 6-1 will stay here in case they are needed again."
00:32 EST (ATLAS Time) Penguin command dropship Starman 1-1
The 82nd Marine Division had been out of slipstream for some time now. They had no where to go until the Swiftsure was out of action, it secured the approach to the Covenant ground batteries. The Fighter battled had died down, and the Covenant were starting to realize what had happened. Hundreds of Covenant dropships were now inbound for REACH and the Swiftsure. They had discovered the UNSC plan and were not going to allow them to succeed.
"All units, Swiftsure secured, begin your approach."
The Dropships broke into a large formation and began to descend to the surface. Covenant ground fire was non existent, the landing zone they had selected was 50 miles east of the ground batteries, and the dropships came in under their field of fire.
The first dropship touched down. The cargo bay slowly opened as more dropships touched down around it. SBT.1A1 King Cobra tanks rolled out the back end of the dropships and began to form up with other tanks. "Iron 1-1 to Starman 1-1, we are ready to move out."
Command had 210 super tanks with which to take the Ground batteries out. Alexei was given 10 to secure the rear of the force. He also had about 50 other vehicles and 800 troops. His force was not only tasked with securing the rear, but destroying 4 Covenant outposts around the LZ. They had limited amounts of troops but they could be used as landing spots for Covenant craft, and by seizing them the UNSC forces could set up a defensive barrier around their own LZ.