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Chapter Two: Rise of the Phoenix
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33P@netscape.net>
Date: 2 September 2003, 9:16 AM
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11:15 December 3rd, 2554 Fort Custer, ATLAS, Lalande 21185 system
"All right, that was nice, but try again. This time make it faster, half the squad would be dead if this was a real situation." Rashon said this and walked down to the next group. The ODSTs had been training for Covenant ship boarding for a few days now, and were quickly learning how to do it fast and deadly. Rashon walked up to one of the soldiers and showed him a more appropriate stance for sword fighting. Command had equipped his soldiers with modified plasma swords, they looked more human than the Covenant ones, a lot longer and a little more thin. They were also curved, much to the Marines likings.
"Major Rashon!"
Adrian turned to face a person running towards him.
"Yes Lieutenant?"
"I have something command wants me to show you, I think you will be very happy." The lieutenant said.
"Oh we already received the swords." Rashon replied.
"Oh, glad to see you got those, but this is something else. Please follow me Major." The lieutenant instructed.
Rashon followed the Lieutenant out of the room and down a corridor. They stepped onto an elevator and descended down into the facility. The base at Atlas was under nearly 7 kilometres of solid rock, it had been completed just before the Fall of Reach, and it was planned to make Reach the defensive command center, and Atlas the offensive command center. Reach was in between Earth and the main area of Covenant assault, while Atlas was more out of the way of the Covenant invasion, and a more likely place to stage an assault.
The elevator reached its destination and the door opened. Rashon followed the Lieutenant through a series of checkpoints until they finally arrived in a room pitch black. The lieutenant flipped a switch and lights came on. In the large room was 8 rows of black and silver armor, much like that used on the Spartan II program. There were many differences however. The helmets were like that of a typical marine, except they had a Lexan shield that covered the entire face. It connected into a bottom piece to the helmet that housed the microphone and had 2 lights on it. On the Helmet, a camera was attached on the outside. It also had a powerful flashlight next to the camera. The Lexan visor was designed to allow the marine to operate in no atmosphere conditions, as the helmet was completely air tight. The helmet also had the standard HUD, but also another one which projected onto the visor, allowing the marine to see with both eyes in a tough combat situation.
Rashon looked at the rest of the armor. It was basically the same thing the Spartans used. "Say won't this like rip me apart or something?" Rashon asked the lieutenant. "Heh, no fortunately not, we took out the reaction enhancements. But there are a few perks to it." the Lieutenant said, with a smile on his face. "Wouldn't you like to try one on?"
"Now?" Adrian stammered.
"Oh sure, we have one the next row down with your name on it." The Lieutenant replied.
"Sure, I'd love to."
The two walked down to the next row. The Lieutenant took the armor off of its mounting and began to disassemble it. He had Adrian step into the lower leg section, and then put the upper leg section on, and locked it in. After this he slipped the torso and arm section on and locked it into place as well. Then he handed Adrian the helmet and watched him put it on.
The system turned on and sprang to life. Adrian took a few minutes to get acquainted with the systems and then said, "hey, why is their this symbol of a gun with an x through it?"
"Very good question, follow me."
Rashon followed him up the metal steps to the next floor. He was shocked at how quiet the system it was, it must have weighed over 100 pounds but he was silent as a feather. Rashon stopped at the top of the stairs and looked around. On this level, guns, guns, and more guns.
"Mother of god" Rashon whispered.
The Lieutenant smiled and continued walking, they passed by several rows of weapons, which didn't seem to be organized according to type, but rather person. Finally they reached Adrian's weapons. A huge pistol, and a carbine of a larger assault rifle. "Is this it?" Adrian exclaimed. Everyone else had these huge weapons that made them look like Rambo while Adrian had guns that made him look like any other soldier.
"What you don't like them? Well in that case, here you go." The Lieutenant picked up a large back pack and shoved it into Adrians' hands and left the room. Adrian looked around for a second and then opened the bag. In it was ammo, grenades, a comm set, and various items for long range patrols.
Adrian put on the back pack, slung his rifle over his shoulder and then left the room.
The ODSTs stood there, with their mouths wide open as Adrian stepped into the room. He took his helmet off and then said "follow me marines." He motioned for them to come after him then left the room to go back to the facility.
As the marines came into the room they kept their mouths wide open. They were completely stunned by all the knew equipment. "All right, find your name and enjoy, if you need help with putting the suits on, ask someone who knows, guns are upstairs. Oh, and everyone needs to be upstairs in 15 minutes, we aren't done training yet." Adrian said this and then left.
Major Alexei had been up the entire previous night studying the pictures and sketches of the Covenant defenses on Reach. They had nearly an entire brigade around every plasma launcher, plus another 4 divisions patrolling around them. He leaned back into his chair and went to sleep. He'd think about this another time.
06:01 EST December 8, 2554
Fort Custer
Rashon slowly rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor. He struggled to his feet and looked around. After throwing his alarm into a wall, shattering it, but ending its incessant buzzing, he left the room for the showers.
After showering, and getting dressed he walked down to the officers mess hall. The past 2 weeks it had been almost completely empty, but today it was almost full. Adrian sat down at the only empty table remaining and entered in his breakfast selection. A second later it popped out and he began to eat it. He was interrupted in the middle of his first bite when someone tapped his shoulder. Adrian turned around to see the person.
"Colonel Rashon?"
"I am Colonel Aaron Ruiz, assistant to General Tasatka, he has requested your presence in the CIC immediately." The officer demanded.
"All right, but at least let me finish my meal fi..." Rashon started to say.
"No sir, he wants you NOW." The Colonel said, even more impatiently this time.
"Ugh...." Adrian got up and followed Ruiz to the CIC.
"Colonel Rashon, we have a bad situation developing. Our sensors on Reach show that Covenant ships are leaving the system, only one or two have left so far, but they are repairing them quickly. Our strike, regrettably, has been advanced 1 week. You launch in 1 hour." The General said this and then turned back to another officer. Adrian took a second to let the news sink in.
Adrian left the CIC for his groups barracks. He walked into his office and hit the intercom button. "All members of the 54th ODST Regiment, 4th battalion, report to barracks immediately." He flipped the switch off and began packing his gear. He grabbed his orders as they printed off of his computer and left the room.
The marines came into the room and after 3 minutes the entire battalion, 280 men in total, were in the barracks. Adrian flipped on the intercom system for the barracks room only. "I am to advise you all, that we will be departing for Reach in one hour." Adrian read through the orders. "The 82nd Marine Division will arrive in system 30 minutes following our arrival. We are to board the Covenant frigate Swiftsure, and proceed with our mission. The Frigate is in low orbit over the planet, and will be in position to fire down on Colonel Alexei's division as they make their assault on the Covenant ground batteries. I want the commanders of the 211th Detachment, Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie Company to report in my office immediately. Rest of you, saddle up." Rashon flipped the switch off and went back into his office. A few seconds later the other commanders arrived in his office. All four saluted, and were put at ease. "All right, I'll make this short. I know this is being rushed, but Covenant ships are beginning to leave the system, and command is afraid if we wait longer the Covenant will escape. Our only chance is to hit them now. We have gone through the operation several times, but there is going to be a change. Sergeant Keichi."
"Yes Sir!" Keichi responded.
"We have learned that 2 Elite commanders and a prophet are onboard the Frigate Swiftsure. We are unsure of where however, so your squad will be charged with finding them." Rashon said.
"Yes sir, dead or alive?" Keichi replied, eagerly.
"Alive if possibly, dead if otherwise, but command would like them alive for questioning."
"Yes sir, will do."
"Any questions?" Rashon asked to the entire group. "All right then, we depart at 0700 this morning, give em hell. "
The group filed out of his office and ran through preparations.
06:13 Fort Meyers, ATLAS Colonel Alexei looked over at the paper coming out on his printer. "Orders....just great." He read the orders and immediately threw it on the floor. "Holy shit, we're fucked" he said to himself. He got on the intercom for the base. "Attention, all personnel are to prepare for departure at 0730 hours this morning." He turned the intercom off and then began to pack his bags and change into his armor.
UNSC Cruiser Leyte Gulf, orbiting Atlas
Admiral Alex Louis looked down at the sheet. "All right, I want you to confirm this, the Operation was not scheduled to begin for another week." He said to the Lieutenant at the comm station. "Sir I have confirmed it twice already" The Lieutenant replied. "All right." Louis said. He then flipped on his comm set and spoke into it. "Attention, this is Admiral Louis speaking, Operation Revenge will begin at 0700 this morning, EST. All ships are to begin pre-battle procedures now."