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Chapter Five: Stranded Eagle
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<crazymadsh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:49 PM
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Covenant Air cover had remained non-existent since the longsword fighters had pounded them that morning. The afternoon sun was now directly on the marines, who were struggling to get down the last bit of rock and into the jungle canopy. Lieutenant Rineck had met up with Rashon's group, they were analyzing the battle, Covenant troops still remained inside the volcano, but they weren't pursuing the marines. Perhaps they feared that the marines could call in air support and would wipe them out if they came in after them, but then again, staying up there wasn't any safer.
Rashon and Rineck's group reached the edge of the jungle. They felt a much higher sense of safety. When they were on the rocks they could easily be seen from the air, and now that they were in the jungle, even with IR capabilities, seeing them would be nearly impossible. The 319th and Bravo Company, which had moved completely across the northern edge of the volcano and caught up with the 319th, were moving northwards from the west base of the mountain. Rashon was quite impressed with the speed at which the marines were moving. Although Bravo company had virtually no casualties, it was still impressive that they were able to move as far as they did in such little time.
The sun had already set over the mountains to the west. Most of his troops were extremely exhausted after a long march and battle. He decided to set camp in the jungle. Rashon looked back towards the volcano. It was about 10 miles behind them now, and still no attempt by the Covenant to pursue him. Adrian was becoming worried that maybe they had a trap planned.
Three days later
04:57 Morning of November 18, 2554.
With the volcano completely out of site, and the entire group rejoined, Rashon changed direction and began heading northwest. Up ahead, about 15 miles, was Fire Base Soshia. It was located on a low plateau above the valley. The base had been wiped out about a week ago, but the Covenant might have left some vehicles there.
The group finally reached the base. As they entered the gates the marines spread out and began searching for targets. All of the sudden they heard a voice. "Marines?" The voice yelled out.
"Yeah, who is this?" One of the ODSTs replied
"This is Major Fyodori Alexei, I am the commanding officer here." the voice replied.
"I am Captain Adrian Rashon, what happened to General Stone?" Rashon demanded.
"We were hit hard the first night, the Covenant snuck in between the defense bases and drilled us. We were defeated but several of us managed to survive in an underground bunker system. Aren't you the guys from that outpost southeast of here?" The voice responded.
"Yeah, we saw you guys really got hammered, we are going up north to try and get to Manaus, want to come with us?" Rashon asked.
"Sorry captain no can do, we intercepted a Covenant message, it seems they have some high priority personnel arriving at your outpost tomorrow afternoon. We figured we might go kill a few of them." The Major replied.
"Oh" Adrian thought for a minute,"We have a lot of wounded, if you want, I'll give you 40 of my troops to help out, but the rest are going to Manaus, we gotta get these people off this hell hole." Rashon said finally.
"All right Captain, I understand, if you want there are a few vehicles down in the vehicle yard. I cant guarantee that they will run, but best of luck to you." As Major Alexei said this he stepped out from behind a barrier, 18 more marines stepped out as well behind him.
Adrian motioned for 40 of his ODSTs to go join them, while the rest of the group headed for the vehicle yard.
Evening of November 23rd, 2554
The Marines entered the city of Manaus. The city was in complete ruins, massive plasma scoring had ruined the buildings. The city looked like a scene from the apocalypse. Of course this was the apocalypse. The troops spread into 4 groups, one to probe ahead, one to cover the right flank, one to cover the left flank, and one in the center for the wounded. As they neared the center of the city by midnight, they looked to the sky and began seeing explosions. Not just small explosions from small missiles, but massive nuclear explosions. The marines watched as the Covenant warships began breaking in pieces and falling from the sky. They were firing back with plasma torpedoes at the unseen enemy on earth. B
By 2 AM the light show had ended, nearly all Covenant vessels orbiting earth had been obliterated. Had the UNSC actually won? The Marines wouldn't know until they had found a radio.
5 AM, Morning of November 24th, 2554
A marine came running down the street screaming "I found one! I found one!"
The other marines began running after him and followed him into a building. Rashon walked in after them and behold, there was a UNSC long range comm set. He picked up the microphone and spoke into it. "This is Captain Rashon of the 89th ODST Battalion, any UNSC units please respond." Rashon waited a minute and then a voice came back through the unit.
"Captain Rashon this is Lieutenant Jones of the 135th Airlift wing, I am currently flying over Caracas, what is your situation?" The voice said.
"We are in Manaus, we have many wounded and need pickup, what can you do for us?" Adrian replied.
"I'll be at your location in about 1 hour, sit tight. Of and just a little FYI, the Covenant fleet is in full retreat. Operation Repulse is accomplished." This was the best news he had heard in his entire life. All the marines around Rashon began cheering, the Covenant had finally been stopped. It was now time to get some payback.
RISE OF THE PHOENIX, my next story