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Chapter Four: Stranded Eagle
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<crazymadSh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:30 AM
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Chapter Four
The Marines continued firing down on the Covenant assault force. The grunts were coming into range and they were starting to hit marine targets. But more often the marines were hitting them. Captain Rashon was growing more nervous by the minute. Nearly 20 more of his soldiers had run out of ammo. He sent them back to the main base with the wounded. They were to bring more ammunition when they returned, but that wouldn't be for another two hours. Meanwhile the remaining 57 ODSTs would have to make due with what ammo they still had.
Blood was now pouring down the ridge. Rocks became shining gems off the late morning sun just asking to be picked up. But despite the beauty in it, the battlefield was still extremely hostile. Nearly half of the ODSTs were out of ammo, and Captain Lukas' marines were in no better situation. They had been hit by the heaviest concentration of Covenant forces the previous night, and their were reports of hand to hand combat between the two groups. On the eastern slope of the volcano, minor firefights were erupting between Bravo Company and Covenant recon groups. Even Charlie company, back at the main base had come in contact with Covenant troops trying to break through the southern gap in the volcano. All sides were holding out, and since the Covenant weren't using any air power, it was awfully easy to maintain the perimeter.
"Heads up, Friendlies coming in!" The Corporal shouted, behind him, 19 marines were coming down from the top of the ridge. In their hands: ammo, ammo, and even more ammo.
"Hey guys ya miss us?" The lead soldier asked?
"Shut your ass up private, start giving out ammo and get your ass back in the line, next time we ask for ammo haul ass double time!" The Corporal barked back.
"Jeez corporal, the 319th wanted ammo too, so we stopped by them first, if ya want to yell at us yell at them." The soldier piped back.
"Ah shut your shit excuses" the corporal responded, he really didn't care, he was just happy they had ammo now.
"Charlie 1-1 to all units, we are under heavy attack from the south, massive Covenant troop concen.........an't hold off......ckup immed.....out." Rashon heard this through the comm set. The Covenant assault had died down a lot in the last 10 minutes, maybe this was why.
"Alpha 1-1 to Echo 1-1, Charlie Company is under heavy attack, how many troops can you spare?" Rashon asked into the comm set.
"Captain Rashon, we have been hit badly, Captain Lukas is severely wounded sir, and we are down to about 100 men that can still fight, and even they are needed to tend the wounded." The comm set responded.
"Shit" Rashon said to himself. He looked around at his group, about 65 of his troops remained. "All right, I need 40 volunteers to haul ass back to base camp and help out, Charlie Company and the Guard Battalion are taking a real whoopin down there." Rashon finally said.
Immediately almost all the hands went up. Rashon looked at the group, he picked out 38 of his troops, the ones with the least injuries, and sent them back to the base. He then picket up his comm set and had Bravo Company send half of their group to the main base as well.
"Alpha 2-5 to Alpha 1-1, We have reached the base camp, sir, we are too late." A sergeant said. "Captain, holy shit get down! Captain we are under attack, Covenant dropships inbound!" The Sergeant screamed.
"Alpha 1-1 to all units, Covenant have air support, all units, break perimeter, and head for the jungle north of the volcano, we will rendevous there. Rashon out!" Adrian yelled.
Adrian threw the bulky comm set onto his back and then picked up his rifle. "Lets move out marines, double time!" He barked.
A Pair of Longsword fighters streaked in from the north west. Rashon watched as a pair of missiles streaked out from each aircraft, came in over his head and then hit their targets just over the ridge. Rashon could not see, but he could hear large explosions coming from inside the volcano. Covenant dropships began scattering, many heading for orbit, but they could not outrun the human craft. Only a few remained after the fighter pilots finished their run. They stayed for a few more minutes after clearing the skies and then headed back north.
Adrian was relieved that the Covenant had lost air support but the marines had lost group integrity. They were now scattered about the sides of the volcano. Charlie company was completely wiped out, as were the 38 marines he had sent to rescue them. Lieutenant Rineck had escaped with about 10 of his marines, they were now working their way up the inside north ridge of the volcano. Bravo Company had already rejoined and was moving west to cover the 319th while they carried their wounded down the ridge to the safety of the jungle.