Chapter Three: Stranded Eagle
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazymadSh33P@netscape.net>
Date: 27 August 2003, 12:02 PM
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Chapter Three
Adrian was shaken awake by one of his sergeants. "Captain, we got Covenant incoming!" the sergeant screamed. Adrian got up and looked over the rock down the hill. It was night now but he could see the moonlight reflecting off armor of Covenant soldiers. Adrian grabbed the comm set and immediately began issuing orders. "Alpha 1-1 to all units, we have contacts with Covenant troops at the bottom of the ridge, all units are to check the area below you, and open fire at exactly 01:25. Rashon out." Adrian put the comm set down and the looked back over the rock. He grabbed his binoculars and turned on the NOG mode. Down below hundreds of Covenant troops were swarming the edge of the ridge. It was almost funny, the Grunts were unable to climb over the large boulders, and the Elites weren't going to help them any. Rashon watched for a few more minutes and counted up all the Elites. "At least 50 Elites." Rashon paused. "At least 50 kills that I'll really enjoy." Adrian looked down at a private near him. "You good with a sniper rifle private?" Adrian questioned "marksman 1st class, I shot squirrels at 100 yards for fun back home sir." the private responded "home....where is home for you private?" Adrian questioned again. "Reach sir." the private again replied. "Well then, bag me a gold elite, he's down near the back of the group, on top of a large boulder." Rashon ordered. "I got him sir, fire?" The private asked "Blow the bitch's head off." Rashon said. The private fired, Rashon could see through his binoculars, the elites head bursting open. Blood splashed everywhere and the elite slowly fell into the ground. This pissed Adrian off. "GOD DAMNIT YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH! SPIN WHEN WE SHOOT YA YOU STUPID ASS!" Rashon yelled out. All the soldiers around him laughed at this and then they opened fire on the Covenant troops. It was 01:26 Local Time. 01:49 Rashon watched as the Covenant bodies began to pile up. There were almost no Elites left in site, they were either talented hiders or were dead. A few jackals occasionally opened fire back on the marines, but it was sporadic and they usually didn't get more than one or two shots off. The grunts however, were still in the open, trying to lift each other over the boulders. His marines were somewhat upset at not being able to shoot at the grunts now that the Elites were dead, but Rashon knew their ammo wouldnt last forever. 03:18 A second wave massed at the bottom of the ridge, hundreds of Jackals and Elites began climbing up the hill. "Stupid fuckers, let em have it marines!" Rashon yelled. Sniper rounds ripped through the black night. Large blood stains could be seen on the ground. The moon was almost full, and the Covenant blood reflected well. This really gave the Covenant a big disadvantage. "That and the fact they are really stupid" Adrian thought to himself. Rashon finally caught a sense of urgency as several of his marines began reporting they were out of sniper and rifle ammo. Adrian decided on moving them down the ridge, so that they would have a forward defense line, and the Snipers wouldnt be forced to shoot at Covenant at point blank when the time came. What Rashon didn't count on, was the marines would be in range of the Covenant mortar batteries, and once they began opening fire the Wraiths did too. Adrian watched as the plasma soared upwards, lighting up the sky. "Holy fuck, Marines pull back now! Now! NOW! The Marines began climbing back over the rocks trying to get up the ridge. They were too late however. The mortar rounds hit their targets dead on. Bodies and pieces of marines began flying through the air. Of the 18 marines, only 2 came out unscathed and 3 badly injured. This was not only bad because the marines were losing men and guns, but they were also losing some bit of faith in their commander. But given the circumstances, they were fucked over anyways. The Covenant continued to battle up the hill for a few more hours. By sunrise, they were almost completely wiped out, except for the grunts. The boulders only got smaller however, and their progress up the hill was rapidly increasing. But it would still be another hour before they were a serious threat. Rashon laughed as he thought to himself. "Grunts make me want to puke" he thought.