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Chapter One: Stranded Eagle
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<CrazyMadSh33P@netscape.net>
Date: 25 August 2003, 2:33 AM
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Chapter I Pelican dropship Lima 021 touched down on the landing pad. Captain Adrian Rashon jumped off with his team of ODSTs and cleared the landing pad. The Pelican took off and the commanding officer of the base ran up to greet the squad. "Glad to see you could make it Captain, we have one hell of a situation, well, actually we're neck deep in shit," the lieutenant couldn't have put the days' events any better. "What is the status on our troops from Alcantara?" Rashon asked. "Not good, most of them were wiped out, a couple banshees got in under our air cover and shot a fuel rod straight into the main hangar while the Pelicans were fueling, only 2 dropships made it out. We do have a regiment coming in from Guantanimo, they are all reserves though, so we might be all alone, except for them." the lieutenant replied. "Ok Lieutenant, get your men dug in, I'll go with Alpha Company to the east ridge and set up a lookout spot, Bravo Company will go to the north ridge and pick the covies off as they come through the pass, Charlie Company will stay here and take out any vehicles the Covies give us." As Rashon finished his sentence the last Pelican passed over the North ridge and headed back to Caracas. The Base Guards began digging in, heavy weapons emplacements dotted the outer perimeter of the base while trenches loaded with marines filled in the section between them. The camp had been erected almost overnight, and it almost already looked like a real base. The Covenant gained a lot of ground the day before and the hastily built forts had little chance of stopping them. The entire eastern seaboard of Brazil had been completely wiped out, and Covenant troops were now moving south and north to eliminate any human resistance in the region. "Alpha 1-1 come in over" Rashon switched comm frequencies and replied. "This is Alpha 1-1, who is this?" "Alpha 1-1 this is Captain Lukas of the 319th out of Guantanimo, we are inbound on your position, be advised you have a large Covenant force approaching from the West." "Say again, Covenant from the West? What size force?" Rashon was stunned, how could the Covenant have come in from the West, that would mean that the entire left flank had collapsed. "I estimate two enemy Mechanized regiments, they have at least 8 Wraiths, and a lot of smaller vehicles." Lukas replied. "Roger that Captain Lukas, you are now Echo 1-1, Lieutenant Rineck is Delta 1-1, he is commanding the base perimeter, I want you to land your troops West of the base and take up defensive positions on the ridge, I'll meet up with you in 30 minutes." Rashon replied. "Roger that Alpha 1-1, I'll see you then" Rashon ordered his troops to move out. They had only seen a ghost, maybe two, this new information would explain why. Rashon got on the radio and called up Bravo Company and ordered them to move east to his position and take up sniping and look out positions there, while his group moved to the West ridge and reinforced the new regiment that was landing there at the time. It sure was nice that the base was in a volcano. The only way out without going over a ridge was to the south, which had once been a ridge but was blown out a hundred years ago by a massive eruption. The only problem with the base' location was if the Covies managed to get a mortar tank up on the ridge, from there they could pound the base into oblivion. But they were NOT going to let that happen. Two Longsword fighters roared overhead. Air cover was extremely stretched but at least it was still around. Rashon watched as they circled above the volcano and then headed west towards the Covenant force. His company of ODSTs were still working their way up the ridge, only a few hundred more feet to go. "Only..." he thought, it was nearly straight up. The only thing worse is for them to be under fire. As they neared the ridge line they heard a loud rumble in the distance. The sound echoed through the valley and Rashon switched on his comm set. "Yeehaw! Look at that sucker burn, nice shooting two." Then a second voice came in. "Not too bad your self One, your really lit that Wraith up, but I still got more kills than you!" Then the first voice again. "Selfish little prick, always hogging everything, hey we better bug out though, I got Covie air patrol coming in from the Southwest." Rashon switched the comm set off, it was the best news he had heard all day. He figured the fighter jocks might have gotten a few of the wraiths and maybe some smaller vehicles, and countless infantry. The situation was still grim, but the light was still shining.