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The Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 9
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 8 October 2003, 6:36 PM
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The dream was getting hazier and hazier, and soon, Ty didn't know why he was still dreaming, he should have woken up. He was dreaming that he was leaving the Acolytes...then, sometime later, he was leaping down with the flood upon forerunner soldiers. Bolts of white light shot from his hands, vaporizing the soldiers, along with his powerful arms and legs, smashing their bones. The line was cut to pecies within minutes...and Ty finally realized that he wasn't dreaming...he had been infected. Instantly, he struggled against his suddenly aparent mental bonds, fighting them with all he could. His flood body only twitched, as the overlord surpressed him directly, a splitting pain coming from everywhere. Ty stopped fighting, and his body started to run off into the night, leading the pack of combat forms. ***
Tri paced angrily back and forth outside the room. It was appalling that the high council should even have to debate wether a rescue was in order, much less take over an hour about it. At last, the chamber doors opened, and a messenger stepped out. "Permission granted" was all he said, before reteating into the council chambers. Tri didn't acknowledge him, he just took off at a run down the hall, almost diving into a nearby lift, sending it to the hanger level. He raced out, tearing off his robes to reveal combat armor and equipment...just no weapons. He sprinted up the ramp of the dropship and grabbed the first seat he could find, slapping his safety harness on. The boxy dropship whined, then rose quickly into the air, shooting off into the sky, being escorted by two fighters. Tri made sure they were on steady course, and stood up. "Our mission is to find and capture a specific flood...you'll know this flood, because its an infected acolyte...thus no mutations, just skin discoloration and hardening, perhaps some enhanced powers. Don't kill him unless you have no other choice, he is of the utmost importance, we need him alive!" he said to the ASF team, taking his seat again. Though he had confidence in the assembled Acolyte Special Forces team...Ty was very powerful...infection would probablly multiply his powers tenfold...giving him enough ability to take on a wing of fighters, and easily obtain vicotry. Tri knew that they would probablly all die trying to capture him...but it was better all of them killing him, than him killing all the forerunner there were. ***
Tri awoke with a start, a soldier shook him as the dropship set down in the abandoned town, the night and the silence of the place making it rather...creepy. Tri scrambled off, selecting night vision from his helmets HUD. The abandoned city suddenly appeared to be clear as day to him, as he moved forwards into a large apartment building, one of the only standing buildings left in the flood deceimated town. If intellegence was correct, a large group of combat forms that had been harassing forerunner lines would be passing through here on the way to another residential area. It was suspected that an infected acolyte was leading them, from eyewitness reports of ariel recon. So it was here they would wait, and then ambush them. "ETA...twenty minutes, be ready."
Ty wished he knew where they were, his flood body taking them somewhere, passing through a shelled out town. They had just slaughtered a line of covenant troops...though the elite in gold armor had fought valiantly, and like a trapped animal, draining his plasma rifle, then throwing it at a flood, then using a plasam sabre, then futiley lashing out with his arms and legs, even biting them. Ty had cheered him on the whole time, everytime the golden armor clad elite scored a kill, Ty cheered a little louder. It was a sad sight to watch him lose, watching the grunts flee in terror, the jackals be overrun, and the two other elites be shot to death by armed warriors. Now, the group of flood moved swiftly through the darkened town, the stars shining so britely, to either side of the ring. They moved swifty, but after awhile, Ty sensed something...the Flood group stopped quickly, looking around, sweeping with their weapons. Ty sensed it, knew what was happening, and would have grinned. Tri was here, along with 15 other powerful soldiers of some kind, all here for him. Out of nowhere, a HUGE fan of white energy washed over the combat forms, killing them instantly. Ty cheered to himself as 20 forerunner leapt down from the windows of an apartment building, each of the carrying a glowing white weapon of some kind. Mostly, Ty saw spears and polearms...a few had an axe of some kind, but one, only one, had a longsword, and Ty instantly knew who that was. Tri stepped forward as the others circled him.
"Surrender this body, Overlord." Tri said. "You cannot stop us all, we will kill him if we must." he said patiently. The infected Ty cocked its head to the side, and in each hand a glowing white short sword appeared. Tri swore loudly, and the group dropped into ready stances. They waited for Ty to make the first move, and did he ever. He leapt at Tri, who barely parried, rolling/falling to the side, slashing at Ty's legs. Ty leapt up, only to be cracked in the face with the butt of a spear. He rolled to his feet, and the group closed in. Tri was shouting orders in a strange language, but the others seemed to understand. They all ran forward, raising their weapons to strike. Ty's body ran out to meet them head on, spinning like a whirlwind, his two blades sending showers of white sparks through the air as those in range struggled to parry his massive strength. One man with a spear managed to stab Ty in the leg, blood seeping out. Ty instantly concentrated on that man, who wound up with five stab wounds in his chest a few seconds later. An axe sliced into his right shoulder, and the man weilding it was decapitated with a incredible flip over his head, the blade taking the head clean off. Someone was wise enough to duck when they managed to slash him across the chest, his counter attack going wide. Tri looked grim as he charged in, leaping up high for an overhead strike. They were going to have to kill him for sure.