Final Thoughts-Words Before Battle
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 3 September 2003, 2:53 AM
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I sit here and wonder, watching time slip by, wonder if its my turn, wonder if I'm going to die? I've seen death in a million ways, seen it more than enough, but I wonder if I'll be afraid, and suddenly not be so tough? I wonder how the stroke will fall, wonder how I'll pass, wonder if I'll slowly scream, wonder if I'll see my past? I wonder if I'll see his face, the man I never knew, wonder if he'd come to me, to lift me into the blue? I wonder if its gonna hurt, wonder how loud I'll yell, or will it just take one instant, to send me down to hell? Hell where will be unleashed, hell where I will learn, of all of my kind's enemies, who I did cut down and leave to burn. Will they call upon their anger, and strike me down again...or will they be understanding, will they take it like good men? A hundred lives I've ended, and a hundred more I've saved, but does it make me pure again, or is this just all some game? With one more minute, the ramp will fall, and I'll be ready once again, to stand and face the onslaught, to be in battle with my friends. But no matter what I try to do, no matter what I say, I can never save all of them, more die everyday. I see the light, I hear the yells, and make ready to repel, as the enemy pours on once again, and we shall leap forward with a rebel yell.