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Out of phase 7
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 27 August 2004, 6:54 PM
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The chief had an overwhelming sense of danger, something was definitly wrong. And when the consoles came on and the computers began to restart, he knew he was in for a world of shit. Three men had been sneaking up behind him, and two from either side. He had forgotten in his haste that most vessels of this size have plenty of back up systems. "Hell" he muttered, turning to face the men behind him with his pistol. A Styer M9, apparently 9X19MM as it read on the side. THe men stopped, but they all turned suddenly as an alarm went off. The captain swallowed and turned to the chief. "Listen, that alarm means we are under fire from a missile or torpedo of some kind. Let me act, please...there are nuclear warheads on this submarine!" he said, white faced. The chief considered briefly, then nodded. "Quickly" he said. The captain responded quickly with a loud. "Come about, dive the ship to maximum possible operations and take us out into the sea! Get us DOWN chief! DOWN!" he snapped. The cheif paused for a minute...then realized he meant the Cheif of the Watch, or something like it.
The giant vessel slowly began to turn, and the cheif had no doubt that main power could be reengaged within seconds from here. And as it was, lights came back on to full brithness, the ship seemed to move with more urgency. And the next thing the chief knew, a sharp crack of a small arm rang out. The bullet would have hit him directly in the head, but his shields stopped it. He ducked, spun, and fired twice, the M9 snapping off two rounds, blowing two gaping holes in the would be assailants neck. He fell, gasping for breath, suffocating. The cheif ran over and shot him in the head, ending his suffering. But he had made his mistake. About five pistols were armed behind him, the man had sacraficed himself to get the chief in a tight spot. The chief slowly raised his hands. He knew that if they dropped his shields, the armor he wore was comprised of metals that only assault class weapons would break. These small 9mm bullets wouldn't do a thing, but anything heavier would.
"Don't bother dropping the gun" someone said coldly. "We'll just blow your hand off, you BASTARD!" he screamed, giving away his intentions. The chief ducked, and fired, missing a little, but still hitting the mans thigh. He scooped up the fallen man he had shot, and used him for a human shield. However, John's chest was more like a barrel than a chest, so the sailor barely covered half of him, leaving his sides exposed for a sniper shot. Men were aiming for him, and he knew he needed to get off the sub. The missile would arrive within minutes, and he needed to clear out quickly. Bullets were one thing. Long range, high explosive warheads were another. So he fired once, the bullet punching into the captains head, blowing his brains all over the periscope, and then John ran. He would go to the airlock he came in through, and swim for shore downstream. The city was probablly being evacuated, or had already been evacuated while he was under water and in the submarine. The chief didn't care, because a shotgun shell blew sizzling bits of the metal railing he had slid down onto his back. The chief fired over his shoulder and heard a gurgle from a shot in the neck.
The airlock opened easily, and the chief quickly slipped into the murky water of the river, sinking rapidly. He would hit the bottom, then march along the river bed for about one kilometer, surface, and then find a way out of the city. He hit the bottom in about a minute, and began his slow tramp through the muck and mud. Had it not been for his shields, he would have become stuck in the nasty bottom of whatever river this was. He noted with intrest, that there were sunken ships strewn here and there, all sorts of litter, and strange things...such as bodies that had been thrown in, obviously to conceal a murder. He found it amusing, to find all the things below. One kilometer dissapeared, and the chief pushed off the bottom, and swam for the surface. His head broke to reveal a slowly rising sun. A helicopter was hovering about a mile south of him, a large, twin rotary helicopter that the chief identified as a Chinook. Men were parachuting from it...heavily armed men...and oddly enough, there was a fire fight going on. What the hell was happeneing?
The chief stared for a minute, and his vision seemed to leap forward. The answer was simple, and it was that the city was under siege by terrorists, armed with a plethora of diffrent weapons. Some had M4 carbines, some had AK's, a few had large support weapons, such as one man with a famous RPK weapon. The chief spotted a sniper, wielding the equally notorious SVD sniper rifle. The defenders however, were much better supported with armor and air AND river support...but with a cruise missile now visible in the distance...the chief doubted the river support would last much longer. The chief swam over to the river bank, and clambered out. Apparently, an entire of army was swarming the city, or a full scale rebellion was on his hands. Firefights were everywhere, muzzle flashes, tracer rounds, and shell casings in the streets. The chief checked his chrono...the kilometer march underwater had taken alot more time than he'd thought.
Suddenly, bullets smacked into the ground around his feet. A man yelled something in a strange language, and more shots rang out. The chief had been identified as a defender, and was now under fire from these terrorists. He sprinted for cover behind a car, and bullets traced him. A large group of men with unruly looking, ancient weapons were firing on him. The chief didn't recognize most of the guns, but the AK74 sound was unmistakeable. Heavy rounds punched into metal as the chief popped up for a shot. The M9's slide smashed backwards, and a bullet flew through the air towards a third story window. There was silence for a moment, then a body, armed with an AK74, fell to the street. John fired twice more, and two more bodies dropped, and as he turned to fire another shot at another building, the M9 clicked empty, and he was effectivly unarmed. He tossed the rather sleek looking pistol, and braced himself to take hits. John leapt over the car, and sprinted at his full speed, the ground dissapearing under his feet. He reached the assault rifle and the man's body, and picked up both. Bullets chewed up the cement, and smacked into his shielding as he moved again. The chief smasehd into a wall like a football player, the blocks of cement crumbling beneath his titan strength. More bullets flew, and one managed to shatter a window, spraying glass all over him. It was at this moment, that a stun grenade flew in through the windows...the chief dropped, but it was too late, a loud bang went off, his shields failed, and his conciousness went right along with it. *** "...Can you hear me!? CHIEF! CHIEF!" the woman was screaming again. Why did she always have to scream? Would she ever just shut up and do her job? But it was unprofessinal and immoral to be rude to women. "Cortana?" the chief said lightly. "Chief! You're alive! You can hear me, can't you? Whats wrong with you, get up! More..." and then the world when white again, and he was in an office. Strange...he had been staring at the snow a minute ago, along with a dead elite in a pile of its purple blood. He groaned and rubbed his head. Then memory came flooding back. He was about to move, when a rather large gun barrel was shoved into his face...the barrel of an M60 light machine gun. There was a young arabic looking man, if arabic was the correct term, holding the giant weapon, his hands stained in blood. The chief sat still as he waved the gun and motioned for him to rise. He did so slowly, and the AK was taken from him. Several bolts cycled, and a circle of men took aim...