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The Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 8
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 26 August 2003, 3:57 AM
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Slowly, silently, Ty drifted on the void, the blackness holding him up, and at the same time threatening to drop him into an eternal fall, straight down, a never ending plummet. At first, he was content, to just drift there in nothing, in the blackness, just drift in the silence and sleep forever...but he wasn't alone...something was here with him. It was calm at first...then he screamed as pain slammed into his head, creeping down his spine. The overlord was here. "You can't hide from me Nectfist, there is nowhere you can go. I am everywhere, and you WILL BE MINE." the beast taunted, laughing evily. Something in the distance..."...heart...accelerating, watch......normally, get the...in here...I...whats goin on with him" a strange voice came. Something cool on his forehead...and he jerked up against the restraints, screaming in brief terror, sparking jumps and swearing from several of the medics nearby his bed. He finally stopped yelling after a few seconds and slumped into the pillows, closing his eyes. So he was safe...he had to be in some sort of hospital, and all medical facilites were not even on the flood controlled side of the ring, which meant he had nothing to fear from the flood...except the overlord, the thought causing him to shudder, sending a chill down his spine. "Pulse returning to normal, adreneliene levels going down, breathing stabalizing." a doctor said in a monotone. "Welcome back Mister Nectfist, thought we were losing you for a moment" the head medic said, walking over so Ty could see him clearly. "How do you feel?" he asked. Ty blinked...it was a good question really...what was he feeling?
The doctor saw his groggy, disoriented stare, and turned to one of the lower medics. "What dosage did you administer?" he asked vexedly. "Uh...5 drops...?" the man said slowly. "IDIOT! ITS NO WONDER HE TOOK SO LONG TO WAKE UP, YOU WERE ONLY SUPPOSED TO ADMINISTER ONE DROP! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW POWERFUL THAT TRANQUILIZER IS!?!?" the doctor snapped. There was a groan from the bed as Ty struggled to sit up. "I feel...fine..." he said, his oreintation returning slowly, the doctor looking alarmed at how fast he had recoverd. "Uh...thats...good, mister Nectfist...very good." he said wide eyed. "Where am I?" he said yawning briefly. The doctor opened his mouth, but someone beat him to it. "Your in the medical wing of the Great Temple of The Acolytes Ty." Tri said, stepping into the room through the curtians at the end of the room. The doctor grunted, and went back to his duties. Ty's face paled, and fires of cold fury ignited in his eyes on the spot. "You..." he hissed. "You, BASTARD!" he snapped, trying to break free of his restraints. "NONE OF THIS STARTED UNTIL YOU CAME AROUND! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! ITS YOUR FAULT I'VE BECOME THIS WAY! ALL YOU!" he roared, the restraints beginning to whine in protest to his immense strength. Tri sighed. "Ty, you know that isn't possible, there is no way that I could have started anything...you were born this way, it was meant to be like this. Now you can fight it all you want, you can try to shut it out...but its not going to go away Ty. I'm here to help you...I'm here to train you." he said quietly, Ty slumping back, fuming. "So we can do this one of two ways Ty...choice is yours." he said, striding from the room. "One condition." Ty spat. Tri turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Once this Training crap is complete...I go back to the front."
Hang on...just hang on a little longer...slipping...no, don't slip, no no no nonononononooooooo NOOOOOO! "GODDAMMIT!" Ty snapped in fury, the small weight dropping. Tri looked impassive. "Try it again...but don't try so hard, just...just do it." he said. Ty grumbled, and pointed to the weight with two long fingers, and lifted it again. That was no probolem, but trying to keep it afloat as Tri applied more and more pressure was difficult. He could feel the pushing already, trying to slam it into the ground. He shut his eyes, sweat again beginning to bead on his forehead as he fought to keep it up. Tri was pushing harder and harder...still harder...and Ty felt his grip loosening. "No...not this time, you're NOT going to win this round," he muttered, focusing hard. The weight suddenly doubled, and he fell to his knees to keep it off the ground, as it hovered mere inches away from loss, defeat again. His teeth gritted out...and he let out a yell, pushing back with all he could muster...and the weight shot into the sky, a thump behind him indicating Tri had fallen off his seat. Ty whirled, grinning like a fool. Tri muttered. "Jeez, take it easy will you?"
Ty laughed aloud, and saw Tri grin, which only made him laugh harder, as Tri's grin broadened, Ty began to suspect something...and the weight took both his feet out from under him. Tri was impressed with his reaction time, he managed to get five rather nasty words out before he hit the ground. It was the Acolytes turn to laugh, as he strode from the gardens. *** With a sigh, Ty turned the water off, grabbed a towl, and stepped from the bathroom in his tiny living quarters. He had to admit, it sure beat "cleanings" on the front, nasty smelling disinfectant chemicals that were sprayed on you combined with water...it cost one nights sleep, because the stench was so horrible, people twenty feet away could smell you. BUt Ty hated not being out in the field, he felt so useless, like he was shirking his duty, it felt so wrong not to be in the thick of a battle, fighting for his life. He smiled to himself as he dressed into his aprentice robes, tossing the towl aside. A few seconds later, he noticed he never heard it hit the ground. He turned to his side...and there was a flood warrior standing against the wall. Ty yelled in surprise, and backed up a few steps. Odly, the thing spoke. "Calm yourself Nectfist, I'm not going to kill you. You do remember you are mine, and the flood take care of their own." came the haunting voice of the overlord. Ty took a second to recover...and figured it was an illusion. One way to find out. In a blur of increidbly fast motion, he rushed the being, smashing his hand into its chest with enough force to dent sentinel armor. Unfortunatly the only thing he dented was the wall to the bathroom. The overlord roared with laughter. "What the hell do you WANT from me?!?" he spat. The overlord just smirked and vanished from the room.
Moments later, Tri burst into the room, a glowing white sword in his hands. Ty was laying on his bed, staring at the roof, the overlord attempting to split his skull with a headache...or so it felt. Tri had been moving VERY fast, he was just slightly out of breath. "Are you alright?" he asked slowly. "So you can feel him to?" Ty responding to the question with one of his own. Tri nodded. "All with the sense can feel it...but when I felt him here...I can see you are alright. "Nice sword Tri...teach me that sometime." Tri just swore and strode out. Ty could still feel the headache pounding in his skull, and could still feel it when he fell into a soft sleep. ***
In the dream, he was on the battlefield, firing his rifle, dispatching flood after flood with perfect sniper shots.