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The Rise and Fall of the Flood-Chapter 7
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 24 August 2003, 5:14 AM
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Ty knew it was over...the infection form had reached his chest, and was staring at him mockingly, no doubt the work of the overlord. Then it was upon him, Ty felt it on his throat...and then it fell, just fell, dead, not moving anymore. Ty was startled, and jumped in surprise at the thing falling. "NECTFIST!" came a loud cry behind him. He turned...and to his great surprise, an Acolyte was standing atop a roof, hand pointed. The infection forms that sorrounded him all just popped at once. Ty didn't know what was going on anymore, the Overlord in his head, the Acolyte appearing everywhere, the Flood trying to infect him and not kill him. He ran at that instant, ran straight ahead, not even noticing the gap in the roof until he smashed into the ground twenty feet below, sustaining a mild blow to his head...knocking him out cold.***
The Acolyte swore, and moved. Nectfist was out, and this was an emergency. In a flash of white, he was atop the building Nectfist had been on, before falling off the roof. "So, its true then...I had my doubts Acolyte, but now I know he's one of you. You make things so easy for me..." the overlord laughed in his head. Tri ignored the flood, and surprssed the voice as best he could, managing to hush the flood overlord into white noise, as he seemed to glide across the rooftop, his robes flapping in the cold wind that had stirred up from the north. He peered over the edge, and saw a balcony...and instantly knew that Nectfist was gone. Tri muttered a curse, and whirled, sensing danger. Four combat forms had leapt to the roof, weilding plasma rifles, and he could sense more coming. "You dare to stand in my way, overlord?" he muttered. It had been awhile since Tri had seen combat, since any of the Acolytes had. He rolled up his sleeves, and bent his knees. The warriors took aim, and opened fire. The shots bruned towards him, and richocheted off nothing into the air. The acolyte grinned, barings his teeth as the flood warriors quickly exhausted the weapons. When the overheated plasma rifles started to melt, they dropped them, and rushed at him, aiming to crush him with their powerful melee combat arms, raising them high. Tri took one step back, and thrust the flat of his hand towards them. The three warriors were sent backwards as if a fighter had ignited its afterburners in their faces, launching them into the sky, smashing them into the wall of another building, the impact snapping their spines on contact. Tri exhaled, and focused for an instant, and vanished into thin air ***
Ty groaned as he struggled to get up, the Flood warrior standing a few feet away, obviously under the direct control of the overlord, whos voice was in his head, ranting on about surrender. Ty somehow got up again, and the Flood struck him again, closelining him in the gut, with enough force to flip him over the demon's arm. Landing him hard on his back. Ty moaned, curling up into a fetal position as the Flood pivoted. It took a step back, and Ty heard the Overlord speak. "Come one forerunner, one more chance, then you are MINE" it taunted. Ty struggled to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth and nose, one eye beginning to swell. The Flood took a taunting step forewards, and Ty flinched, causing the overlord to laugh hysterically. But there were no more games, and the flood leapt. Somehow, Ty managed to get a grip on its arms before he was tackled to the ground, and miraculosly, kept that grip, crying out as he slammed down, spittle raining onto the flood's head. Ty brought his knee up into what was once a forerunners groin, putting all the power he could into it, and watching it have no effect. The Flood knew he was weak, and was simply enduring his meager attempts to throw it off, waiting till it was out of strength. Ty knew it was over...and he was terrified. He didn't want to...be alive like that...he had heard about it...the flood infection painfully mutated your body, and took control of your motor skills, leaving you trapped inside your own body. He didn't want to live like that, wouldn't, it just wouldn't be.
Something changed inside the young warriors mind then, some fury grew deep down in his chest, grew till it was to much, to large to be contained. Ty screamed in rage, screamed for all he was worth, screamed what he knew was his last scream. If he was going, he was not going without a fight, he would NOT submit, he would NOT surrender. The fury kept building and building...and out of nowhere, a massive shaft of white light smashed through the flood's arms, slicing through its torso like an energy knife through a blade of grass, the thick beam vaporizing half the thing's body. The blast not only vaporized the thing, but sent its body spinning through the air, landing far away...and the overlord was screaming in rage. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ty screamed...and the voice vanished. Ty took off running again, dashing through abandoned houses, ruins, cratered streets, running until he just couldn't run anymore, falling face first onto the cold hard floor of an empty apartment. He didn't move, didn't get up. Tears began to fall from his eyes, and quietly, he cried himself into an exhausted light sleep. ***
Tri was...well...PISSED, and nervous as shit. He had felt it, had FELT nectfists attack from miles off, which meant...well he broke himself in, which meant he was in some SERIOUS trouble. It took an extreeme emotional state for those who were...diffrent...to be unleash their abilites for the first time. It was usually fear or fury...and in this case, he had guessed it was both, more on the side of fury, juding from the magnitude of whatever had happened. It did do one thing for him though, gave him Ty's position. With a bit of concentration, he vanished from the command post.
The scene was gruesome. There was nothing but waist and legs left of the combat form, a MASSIVE pool of sickly green blood puddling on the cold dirt. Footprints left the scene to the west, and Tri slowly follwed the path...he was impressed, the young man had gotten so far on foot. The prints ended inside a building...where Tri saw him, flat on the ground, curled into a ball, tears still dying on his face, hugging his knees to his chest. Tri felt a pang of remorse. He rememberd when he had been "broken in". It was...extreemly depressing, knowing that everything in your life was never going to be the same. Tri knelt slowly, and moved to pick him up...and his eyes snapped open, a fire instantly burning in them, as he yelled a battle cry, sweeping Tri's legs out, and pouncing on him...knife drawn, ready to stab him...and their eyes locked. Tri could see he was delerious, his eyes had a glaze to them, with a fire burning beyond, and even deeper, a wild fear, almost an animal instinct, he was terrified. Tri chose his words carefully. "Ty...its just me, I'm not here to hurt you...I'm here to help you, its ok, theres no flood around...its all going to be alright, let me help you..." he said slow and softly. Ty stood up, and walked to the other side of the room. Tri got to his feet slowly...when Ty snapped. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! ITS ALL YOU! ITS YOUR FAULT I HEAR THE VOICE! YOU! ALL YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKER! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU FLOOD BASTARD! DIEEEEEEEEEEE" he screamed, charging. Tri had a mere second to react...and he did...but was a bit to harsh in his reaction. Ty was slammed into the wall, blood flying out of his mouth with spittle, as he fell face first onto the ground, the knife deactivating and slipping away. Tri picked up the small blade and put it into the folds of his robes. He scopped up the body of Ty Nectfist, and they both dissapeard, arriving somewhere very far away from the city, very far away from the front...they arrived in the office of the Grand Magi, leader of all the Acolytes...who promptly called for the medical staff. "You did it Tri, I don't believe it! Is he alive?" the old man asked quickly. Tri nodded. "Yes...for the moment, yes" he said, a medical team with a stretcher bursting in and quickly taking him away. The Grand Magi took Tri in a friendly grip by the shoulders. "Brillant, Tri...you've done it, you've given us all hope. This galaxy still has hope for life yet."
Authors note This is going to be the last chapter for awhile I'm afraid. My life is going pretty damn horrible, and I don't have the will or the energy to write anymore, so I'm going to take a break and do some reading for a change. If you want to contact me, my AIM name is RokDude0137, or e-mail me, thanks BlackValkyire