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Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 1
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 2 July 2003, 11:20 PM
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The scientist fell blessedly to the floor, dropping the beam pistol to his feet. He was out of breath from running, running from the flood. He couldn't believe they had gotten loose...the security system in place was old, but...ruthless and quite deadly. But none the less, the Flood had apparently adapted, and overwhelmed the defences, and now, here, in the depths of this fortress world, they were loose. *** The soldiers had stayed to try and hold them back, but 5 standard soldiers were no match for the Flood, nothing was. As a scientist, he had stood behind them, and watched as wave upon wave of infection and carrier forms had come, and no matter how many flood were taken down, more just kept coming, and things got crazy. Soon, all the energy cells had run dry, and they were forced to flee. The scientist had managed to grab a pistol from a tripped soldier, who threw it to him before his body was covered by infection forms. He had split off from the rest in fear of what he had seen next. Blood had spewed from the body of the fallen soldier, and then, his body had risen, armor and all, except...completely mutated by the flood, a brand new combat form, with armor fused into the soft fleshy body of the flood. All 9 feet of the soldier charged, arms raised above its head. It leapt upon a soldier, who fired his rifle at point blank range. The beam tore through the body, slicing through flesh and the armor underneath, vaporiznig innards, and came tearing out the back, leaving burn marks on a nearby bulkhead. The soldier grunted as the dead combat form landed atop him, a dead weight. Bringing his massive strength into play, he threw the body away, and started retreating again. He dropped his now totally drained rifle, and started to sprint. The scientist at this point was running down a side tunnel, sprinting away from them, hoping to find another exit. He risked opening an airlock, being so close to the ring's outer skin, but it didn't matter, he had to get away.*** He pulled the recording device out, and started to hurridly set it up. When it was ready, he started the recording. "Comrades who find this, I am sorry I could not deliever it to you in person, but you must know...the Flood have been released, and by now they are upon the Library. It stings me to know that this ring must be used, but what must be done must be done." he said, pausing at a squirming like noise, scooping up the beam pistol, and sweeping breifly. "Comrades, the flood are coming, you must....GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" he yelled as an infection form latched onto his head, infecting him instantly. He managed to toss the thing off his head, but he was infected, although without the infection form speeding the process along, he had some time to live. He literally felt it spread through his body, felt his chitinous skin tingle and heat up, felt sweat bead on his thin forehead. He knew he had little time, minutes probably. He picked up the beam pistol and put it to his head. He closed his eyes, and pressed the firing stud. The beam sliced through his head, vaporized his brain, and he fell dead to the floor. But the infection was still in his blood, and soon, be began to twitch, and his body spasmed as the virus spread. His amrs mutated, the left one forming strong whiplike apendages, his muscule mass doubling in size, and his skin beginning to crawl to cover facial features and turn a nasty greenish brown. Then, using already powerful forerunner arms, the new flood drone pushed itself to its feet, and stood, waiting for instructions from a flood overlord, which controled all flood activity within a lightyear. Not only were they huge and hard to find, but nearly impossible to kill, seeing as they were generally the size of a forerunner dregnaught. Instructions came swiftly, and with a final twitch of resistance from whatever was left of the sciencetist, the combat form ran off through the tunnels of the fortress world. *** The alarm sounded and all the soldiers leapt up in surprise. It wasn't any security alarm, this was the Flood alarm, which meant BIG probolems. The scramble alarm soon sounded, and within minutes, the main gate had a good 50 Forerunner soldiers in a phalnax position, all ready to fire. There was a loud crash, and the giant door seemed to bulge forward. Pops were heard as carrier forms exploded, and the gate seemed to swell outward. Fianlly, with a screeching crash, the door was torn open, and the flood charged. It appeared that they had been multiplying, as combat forms in the shape of forerunner came charging across the ground, arms flailing in fury, followed by carrier forms and infections. The Flood poured from their prison, baying foor blood. But, they were not to happen. Someone screamed "ATTACK!", and the dying began. Beam rifles spewed angry red beams of light, that sliced into the flood lines, causing even the largest of drones to reel backwards, if not incapacitating or killing them completely. The beams sliced open the soft bodies, tore arms and heads from the torsos, and gutted the ungodly race, ripping them to pecies. Beam after beam lashed out to carve them up, but still they poured from the complex, desperate to escape. The soldiers fired and fired, and the flood kept coming. All was in hand, until a foulshot sliced into a carrier form, which promtly exploded, vaulting its compainions far over the heads of the forerunner troops. Once they landed, a good dozen of them popped, releasing a flood of infection forms. The troops turned to deal with that threat, firing sustained beams into the crowd, popping all the infections. But that small distraction was all it took for the flood to react and adapt. Combat forms leapt upon their backs, pinning them down, and infection forms crawled onto their faces, and the screaming began. Fortuantly, to the one soldier smart enough to flee when the carriers got behind them...the screams didn't last long.