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Out of Phase 5
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 11 May 2004, 3:51 AM
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The chief spun the jeep around as the tank came around the corner. Seconds later, a 90mm shell exploded very nearby, and the jeep flipped. The chief managed to get a hand on the M16A2, but he was ejected through the windshield, somehow his armor's properties protecting him from any serious harm. He landed face down, and stayed laying that way, playing dead. A surprising amount of military forces had been assembled to stop one man, but he found it impressive how well law enforcement could handle such things. He could hear several tanks nearby, and a plethora of infantry men had encircled him, the chief felt about twenty seven weapons trained on him, plus snipers. A tight ring of men was formed around his body, and he could literally feel the tension hit the air as someone said "check him".
John was waiting for just the right moment, this would be simple if all went well. In a blur he was on his feet and aiming the classic weapon. There was a loud pop as the rifle fired, a 5.56mm bullet smashing into the forehead of the nearby tanks gunner. The man slumped over the weapon with gore oozing from his destroyed skull. The chief fired twice more, and blew bits of bone away from the foreheads of two more men. John heard rifle shots, and he knew he was taking hits. He spun and fired three more times, dropping three more men. Then, something he wasn't expecting happened. A rather nasty M249 cut loose, spraying lead in his direction. John sprinted, and dove, skidding on his stomach to lie under the tank. Instantly, the rounds tracked towards the tank, pelting the ground where John had slid under it with very little accuracy flaws. To John, that meant a prone soldier, his weapon supported.
John knew he had about 24 rounds left, plus the hand gun, wich was useless unless it was headshots. The tank was very temporary, and as it began to move forward, John was forced to try something new. He rolled as soon as he had room, ending up in a shooting crouch. He fired four shots, dropping four men, and just as he had the fifth shot lined up, a sniper bullet smacked into his "shields", making reality flicker around him. John rolled backwards and spun as he did so, then, with swanlike grace, he leapt, and landed atop the tank, quickly manning the browning .50cal machine gun. He spun the weapon, and opened fired. The titanic rounds ripped into armor and blew gaping holes in the chest cavities of the unfortunate men. There was some vauge return fire, and snipers were pelting the tank, but the tank's momentum somehow kept john alive.
Finally, the titanic weapon ran out of ammunition, forcing John to switch to the M60 that was mounted up next to the .50. However, it soon became fruitless. More helicopters, more men, and armored units were arriving. John dropped into the tank, pulling the hand gun, seeing as he had dropped the rifle when he leapt for the gunner's position. He pistol whipped the driver, and sat in his seat. John looked at the controls momentarily, and made some hastiy logical assumptions. He was half right. The tank lurched forward, but only on one tread, slowly turning him in a circle. John desperatly played with the controls until he got things right. He wasn't even going to begin thinking about firing the cannon, but driving a tank straight at an APC ought to get some attention.
The much smaller APC driver tried to move, but the giant tank hit him head on as John clambered out of the top hatch. Slowly, the APC was crushed by the much heavier tank. John went sprinting, then dove, rolling down a long hill, gunshots tracing him a bit of the way down. Seconds later a huge explosion lit the night sky, a titanic fireball arcing into the air with a somewhat divine look about it. John didn't want to think about how many human's he'd just killed. Even if this all turned about to be some kind of dream, he doubted he would ever live it down. He stayed stock still at the bottom of the long roll down a hill, dizzy, and for the moment incapacitated. But soon it wore off, and he put a plan into motion.
If he was correct about his armor's properties being transferred to him, he would be able to survive, somewhat indefinitly, submereged. John, using his excellent sense of direction, took off running in what he assumed would be the general direction of the river he had crossed. He would dive in, and bide his time while he figured things out. He ran for hours, finally beginning to notice his speed that the armor gave him. He ran, being chased by tanks, cars, APC's, and helicopters. But each time, he somehow got away for awhile. His plan to jump into the river and hide almost worked.
John came around another bend to find the gigantic bridge in full view. And as he moved to climb over the railing, three boats came out of nowhere, and he was being peppered with small arms fire. John leapt down, and landed hard atop one of the patrol boats. The police men were caught totally off guard. John's weight caused him to break right through the boat and sink straight to the bottom of the river. This also quickly flodded and sunk the boat he had just "torpedo'd" but it definitly didn't leave him much in the way of options. He was however, impressed again by the response's of these people. Just as he hit the bottom, what could only be a Los Angles Class nuclear submarine went right over his head.