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Halo: The Forerunner
Posted By: Ben<boutpunch@aol.com>
Date: 10 November 2004, 3:58 AM
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Alarian .345 (June 17th), 2343: Halo
The new suns were arising onto the plains, the workers left to thier duties, and the Lords set out to oversee the vast ring world we knew as home. Our Lords were'nt just seen as rulers: they were viewed as idols, gods even. We worshiped them, kneeled before them, idolized them, graveled before them. However, they were different then us, they were a variety of things we could percieve. While us, fleshy things with peach or brown skin and usually traveled upright, idolized them. We just did, it was in our nature. Little did we know this prosperiety would end... In the high castle located at the northern part of the ring, strange phenomina was brewing. Our kind, the citizens, had been disappearing and the Lords were bikering more than usual. "Thier suspicians grow in large amounts", shouted one, " a solution is needed!" "Peace, Upponkou. They are outcasts just as we are. They may understand if we tell them." "Equality is your weakness, Ruywileg! How would they understand labratory disaters, our bounty, and...a-and them..." "The Interbreeds. Yes, the ships multiply and desire our bounty for betrayl." "Just wait. Time can pass, and a solution may come. It will come", responded a govenor. "YES IT SHALL!", as all said in unison.
Days passed, but one day eveything would be gone. As our worship proceeded, a large, violet colored ship made of a metal, burst into the atmosphere. It slamed to the surface, crushing three of our kind. Doors opened, and out came a small, shriveled imp-like creature on hovering chair. But before him were those who resembled our leaders. Large or small creatures, it didn't matter, they looked as if they had been serving this imp, as he was giving them orders. Then, the imp called for our leaders. They came in an instant, and were imediantly chained in glowing shambles. "You thought this day would never come", said the imp, "What are you to say now?" "Our greatest apologies, and we'll explain, to everyone. People, the disappearings of your kind is because of a project, Project: Flood; a scientific test to interbreed our race with yours. But the results were horrible, parasitic lifeforms that were put into isolation. Our ring was also later implemented with a defense against these Interbreeds, and that is to sterve them to death by wiping out sentient life in the galaxy. "We also must tell you of our origin. We are part of a religous band of societies known as the Covanent. The one hovering is a Prophet, one of our highest leaders in our order. When we came to this ring, it was a secret to ourselves, we even made up tales to keep all of you under our order. Eventually, we stayed here and ruled over all of you. You know everything now, please forg-" "I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH!!!", shouted the Prophet, "I will assure you will be put to death, and on the spot! Never have I heard of Grunts, Jackals, and Elites run a society of t-t-these repulsive things, let alone mate with them. You bastards, you damnable bastards. Brutes, it is time to bid farewell to THE outcasts, the traitors. Ready your blades and.... NOW! SLASH!!! We stood in awe as our leaders were beheaded in front of our own eyes. Sobbing and anger were in all of us. Then soon after,we were gone too. "Awaken the Grunts, the Hunters, everyone!", ordered the Prophet, "Call for additional dropships. Now all of you will see a greater punishment." We all ran. ran to a safe haven, it was futile. The end was now.....
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