Pickle with Plasma Grenades
Posted By: Banshee 13<dhik24@yahoo.com>
Date: 1 October 2004, 9:13 PM
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The Covenant, on their way to invade and destroy the human planet Earth noticed boredom among the troops, especially among the Grunts. The head Elites got together and decided to make a game. It went like this:
One Grunt would be armed with a plasma grenade while the others ran for their lives screaming as much as they wanted. The Grunt with the grenade would throw the grenade on one Grunt and get another from his corspe. The last alien standing would win.
It was perfect decided the Elites, yet very lethal. It was obvious they would take turns being referee but the Grunts might get extremely excited or scared and run toward the ref. This led to the position of a Shade Gun network in the arena and one used by the ref.
The game was all set to begin, the Prophets chose Sunday at 7:00 P.M. and the Engineers posted the sign a week before so it would get plenty of circulation. The Grunts took more then a passing glance, the Jackals, Elites, Engineers and Prophets just kept on working to get the arena set up.
Finally, the night arrived. 250 Grunts poured into the arena as Engineers equipped them with plasma grenade resistant armor. The Prophets had decided they couldn't lose that many troops or their mission might be jeopardized. The rest of the Elites left while the ref climbed into the shade gun in the center and prepared to fire if necessary.
Zawaz stood with the grenade in his hand, tossing it up and down. The ref nodded and Zawaz took aim at a Grunt ahead of him and threw his grenade. It landed on the Grunt perfectly who began to ran and scream. The five seconds faded away almost immediately, the blast from the grenade sent the Grunt into the other side of the arena.
The Grunt got up, gave a grenade to Zawaz and left the arena via the laundry chute. Zawaz turned again and see a group of Grunts near the ref and threw one. The Grunt ran toward the doors and was forced into them and then pushed into the laundry chute by the ref just because "he was invincible."
After the process had been repeated dozens of times there was only two Grunts left. One moved toward the door and crouched while the other hung out near a food nipple. Zawaz, not want to sacrifice a food nipple threw his grenade at the Grunt near the door. It hit him in the head and the game was won.
The ref jumped from the Shade Gun and lifted the winner's hand up. It had been a eventful night but the Grunts were ready for more.
It would turn out the game would be played many more times on Earth, by humans and aliens. Captured Covenant would spill the beans. Human troops would learn how to make the armor and go grenade hunting just to play the game. Some Grunts even joined or were forced to join the human side just to play the game instead of fight.
Elites and Engineers began to play the game together and it was discovered Engineers were better throwers but didn't fit down laundry chutes. Sometimes both sides would call a peace treaty for a little while and play the game together. There were armed guards during this summit however, just in case.
Humanity welcomed it as a new sport and Grunts began to quit the army and get it started on their own planet. Grunts growing up didn't join the army but instead played the sport. Recruiting stations of the Covenant went dry because everyone was playing the game.
Human recruiting stations were overflowing with people just so they could play the game. Humanity had begun to beat the Covenant finally although Master Chief and the rest of the Spartans thought it was insane.
The war continued although it was through the game instead of shooting. The Spartans gave in and won a few rounds but the Marines found it hard to survive. Grunts were becoming friendly with Marines and even getting out so they could talk. And then they would ride around in the laundry cart.
Meanwhile the Prophets were furious it had turned out this way and banned the game. A large riot soon developed between the Prophets and the Elites, Grunts and Jackals. The Engineers didn't choose a side. The war continued as humanity supported those who liked the game. It had become a religion for the Covenant and their previous Gods had been ignored.