Battle for Chippanicas Gorge Part 3
Posted By: Austin Peters<gannnon52@msn.com>
Date: 14 March 2003, 11:04 AM
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The Battle for Chippanicas Gorge Part 3
"Incoming!" shouted Sergeant 1st class Rico Vanderbilt. Twelve mortar shells hit the small outpost. A piece of a former Marine covered the barrel of Sergeant 1st class Rico Vanderbilt's battle rifle. He brushed it off without a flinch or change of emotion. The cold weather will mask the smell, he thought. But that wasn't the only advantage to an Earth winter, oh no, it stops troop movement, messes with the munitions and supplies, and freezes everyone out there to the bone. "Report: The force has escaped. Permission to retreat." A scout yelled over the helmet intercoms. "Okay men. Let's push em' back and retreat." Screamed the Sarge as one more of his men fell directly in front of his face. He cleaned out his intercom. "Concentrate your fire on the mortar tanks. Master Chief, you get the Banshees. Portage, you move up and mine the pass. Take these claymores and set them up with tripwires." Sarge handed Portage a large pack. He reloaded his rifle. "Chief, hand me a rocket launcher." Master Chief tossed him one. He climbed over a tank and targeted a mortar tank. He pulled the trigger. An Elite nearby noticed the rocket and lifted his rifle and launched 3 quick rounds at the projectile. It exploded in mid air. "Master Chief, get those Elites, their interfering with my fire." "Roger that." The Master Chief lifted his huge sniper rifle and launched 4 rapid rounds. 4 Elites hit the snow. He then noticed that Corporal Berkley was looking toward Portage. "Keep your eye on the enemy soldier," said Sarge sternly. "Let's try this again," said Sarge in a very aggravated tone. He lifted the huge brown monster and fired. The rocket smashed into the tank and toppled 12 Jackals. He then heard in his intercom the quiet words, "Now to get across the path of fire." It was Portage. "Gotcha covered," responded the Master Chief. Sarge tossed back the rocket launcher and the Chief fired. Portage picked up a shield. "Hold your fire!" he yelled. All the shots died down as he ran across. As soon as he got to the other side he yelled, "Cover me!" Sarge gave them permission to fire. They unleashed all they had on their enemies. Portage dove behind the barricade and a mortal shell hit just in front of the row of tanks. If there's one thing the UNSC learned from Halo is that tanks can withstand anything. Potage sprinted up next to the Sarge. "Good job, take this sniper rifle and target the Elites. You earned your medals today Portage." He moved into position. Sarge heard him fire a shot. Seconds later a wave of plasma hit the group of Marines. Sarge leapt down and covered his head. His helmet was split into two pieces. Berkley slithered under the tank. "Berkley, get out from under there and cover us. We're getting outta here. Marines, assemble for retreat." Sarge looked to the Master Chief. He had the shell of Portage slung over his shoulder. Sarge beckoned the Marines to come. They ran backwards firing out at the Covenant. He had a feeling that they wouldn't make it out. They continued running until they were out of range of the Covenant. Berkley stumbled toward them as they yelled at him, encouraging him to get back. Then the Covenant crossed the tripwire. Berkley kept on running. He managed to stumble back just as the squad received a transmission. "This is Tango Dropship 318. Do you read me? I'm coming in for evac." "Roger Tango. Marines, assemble for evac," said the Sarge. They grouped together as the dropship landed. The small assemblage of men leaped aboard the Pelican. All but the Sarge, that is. It took off before he managed to get aboard. He swore under his breath as he looked back. A veritable battalion of Covenant charged at him. They couldn't quite see the Sarge due to the smoke of the explosion. He turned in a perfect 180 and ran. He heard a buzz above his head. A Banshee flew down from the top of the gorge and blasted the Pelican seconds after Master Chief leaped out. Master Chief rolled onto the ground and waved to the Sarge. He grabbed a falling pistol from the air and blasted away the Covenant John Woo style. Sarge turned around and drew his rifle the same instant sprayed the Covenant with bullets. The large dropship fell and hit the ground engulfed in flame behind the Chief. Four lightning fast Ghosts burst from the mass of alien invaders. Sarge and the Chief leaped behind the former human vehicle. They each grabbed a handful of grenades from the wreckage and tore some cloth from a Marines uniform. They made a sling out of the cloth and hurled the grenades at the Covenant. It offset their plasma grenades and blew up most all of them. Then the Ghosts caught up with the human defenders. They dove to either side of the Pelican and fired like mad. Sarge drew his last plasma grenade and hurled it at one of the Ghosts. It hit the Elite pilot square in the forehead and made him one more inanimate part of the environment, staining the ground with his blood mixed with machine oil. The Master Chief took out two more Ghosts using is newly acquired rocket launcher. The final Ghost slid out from cover behind the Sarge. It charged him seconds before he noticed it. He tried to leap sideways but was a millisecond too late. He landed on the front of the vehicle. The Chief took notice, but all he could do was watch. An errant bullet could easily kill the human. The Ghost made an abrupt turn and flung him off. The broken rib hindered any chance of movement. Sarge looked to his left only to find a horde of Covenant charging his way, kicking up snow and human remains in their wake. "See ya in Valhalla, Chief," said Sarge said an instant before having his skull crushed by an Elite. To be continued.