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Fan Fiction

Survival Grounds Part 3: The Landing
Posted By: mattˆ<LordZhouYun@yahoo.com>
Date: 9 February 2003, 14:36 am

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The screams of my fellow Marines echoed in the small life pod as the pilots voice came into my ear. 'There's our target,' she stated, 'We are going to land on that ring.' Ring?, I asked myself, how are we supposed to land on a ring in space? I gripped my hand tightly to the seat as I sat watching the expressions on the other Marines faces around me. 'Seven...' one of the Marines said. 'I wonder if any othe-' the Marine was interrupted by several large explosions followed by an immense light and shaking of the pod. 'W-w-what was that!?' I shouted. The pilots voice rang in my ear, 'The Pillar of Autumn is being shot down, along with many life pods, everyone just focus and get ready, we are going in.' Just as the pilot said that I pushed myself forward in the seat just enough to see out the pilot window, and then I saw it. A large ring in the sky, and we were heading straight for it. I began to wonder how such a thing existed and could keep in orbit like it was, but I had more things to worry about, like living. I pushed myself back into my seat as I saw our approach of the large Halo in the sky nearly come to an end. The pod began to shake randomly and frequently as a Marine said, 'We are entering its atmosphere.' 'Brace for impact', the pilot shouted. I clinged tightly to the bars holding me into tightly packed space as the shaking stopped for a moment. The Marine across from me looked up and out the window and shrieked, 'Oh god! We are going to die, The Covenent Are Going to Get Us!.' Just as the Marine finished his morale boosting speech a very abrupt smash met the pod and my head smashed into the side of one of the bars. For while all I saw was pitch blackness, as if all time had stopped, I actually felt peaceful until I began to hear the voices again. 'Oh god, not him too... so many dead... we can't survive like this.' I then heard another voice, 'Well, we have to move out, the others are in the boulders just outside the pod, I think they are trying to contact Foe Hammer.' I slowly opened my eyes as I saw two Marines walk away. They clinched after moving outside the pod and headed to the right, I wasn't sure of the particular direction due the to simple fact I didn't locate my rifle, and all Marines knew they were equipped with standard compasses. I slowly lifted the bars off of me as I regained my senses. I went to stand then stumbled off to the side, barely catching myself by gripping my hand around a bar on the side of the pod. I stood there for a couple of moments as I looked around the inside of the pod. Immediately I noticed a dead body, the body belonged to that of the pilot. It seems that the crash was at an incline as the collapse the pilot area and it smashed her inside. I then made my way outside of the pod where I noticed the body of a dead Marine. I knelt beside him and picked up his sniper rifle and pistol. I then stood and looked around to examine my surroundings. Directly in front of me lay a group of extremely large rocks, to my right was canyons, same with my rear, to my left was a hill marked by two glowing blue orbs as if they marked a path. I remember hearing the Marines beside me speak of moving into the large rocks so I slowly made my way over to them being careful as to not miss any of my surroundings. I entered a large fissure in one of the rocks and found myself in a small opening surrounded by the rocks, along with several other Marines, five to be exact. One of the Marines ran over to me and explained that we had to survive here until we get picked up, or figure out a better choice of action. I went to my post as I noticed several Covenent drop ships heading our way...
