Unknown Apprentice Part 3
Posted By: apache119<apache119@hotmail.com>
Date: 15 September 2003, 12:51 AM
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Evan got up, shrugged off the pain and proceeded to get ready for a long trip away from home. This fight was getting personal. The BASE government had tried to assassinate Evan three times. Once in his house in Zaphina, another time in the subway, and the last time at his present house in Washington. Evan had let the anger inside of him build up to a bursting point. Now he wanted to kill them all. What Evan he didn't know is that later on, somebody else would do that for him.
Some information had leaked to the outer space colonies about the augmenting program on Earth but many people didn't take a second look. They figured that if it had nothing to do with them, they would let it slide. Well, that's what most people thought. Some Human protection groups had paid close attention to the program to make sure that it didn't get out of hand. Once the number of augmented humans reached a point of 4, they were going to take extreme and decisive action. The groups knew that if they didn't, somebody evil would rise up and lead the augments to victory against every won and everything.
On the day of April 1st, 2232 there was a bad feeling about everything floating in the air. Every soldier was told to set up countless perimeters and to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. They somehow knew that something big was going to happen on that day. All I can say is that they were right.
March 26th, 2232
"Hello? Who is this?" Evan did not like anonymous callers. "Hello Evan. Were old friends. Used to be buddies way back, at least before they got you. You tried to kill me once. It's a shame. You used to be ok." "Were is this going. Tell me who you are." "What would be the fun in that Evan? You of all people should know me well enough to figure out who I am. Its time for me to go. You don't need to know more. We will meet later, if your not dead by then."
"Are you there?" "Damn, who was that? What does 'if your not dead by then' mean. I better keep my eyes open." Evan slid the cell phone into its protective casing at his belt. It was 2:00 in the morning. He had not been able to sleep that night. His dreams were filled with fear and anger. They kept him awake. Evan sat up in his bed and remembered that he had checked into a hotel near Rhode Island, said to be the headquarters of BASE Operations. Evan knew that at this enhanced alert status, Alaster had to be close. He was Evans main target. If he had to go through to whole BASE armada, he would.
It had been a long night for Evan, filled with constant driving and falling asleep at the wheel. All of this fighting was finally starting to catch up wit Evan. In his exhausted state, Evan would be easy to take down. A couple of shots to the legs would do it. Now was the time for recuperation for Evan. He called the main desk and set a wake up call for three days from now. He settled down in the blankets and slid into a deep, uninterrupted sleep.
Three days after
Evan awoke to gunfire all around him. Not directed at him but still a very harsh alarm clock. He looked out the window and saw hundreds of BASE soldiers scouring the streets for any living civilian. They were on a murderous rampage to make earth itself the BASE headquarters. Evan wasn't built for helping people but one flaw in the whole project is that augments have a mind of their own.
The doors to the hotels closet fell apart as Evan hurriedly gathered his weapons and ammunition. He didn't have to put on clothes because he had slept with them on. Even if he hadn't, he wouldn't have time to put them on anyway. Evan quickly ran down the stairs and into the main lobby. Somehow the remaining people in the hotel understood that he was going to help them. They gave him a sign of good luck and strength. Evan opened the double doors and began a battle that would never be forgotten.
Commander Alaster was standing just outside the Rhode Island headquarters. He knew what was happening, in fact, he had ordered it. Alaster didn't like civilians. They were clumsy and expendable. He would kill them all if he had to, even if that meant the deaths of many of his soldiers.
"What the hell is going on over there private? Are we being attacked?" military bodies were soaring through the air just down the street. All Alaster could see was a very tall figure sweeping people off their feet and then 10 feet into the air. "Oh my god, he's here. Is it both of them?" "I don't know sir but I suggest putting you in heavy guard under this facility." Alaster didn't have time to answer. The Privates body was crushed to the ground as another augmented human came down on top of him. This guy wasn't Evan.
" I see you've joined the party Ethan. Did you have fun killing my soldiers?" Alaster was not scared of this guy. Besides they didn't know his secret. Ethan replied, "Not as much fun as it's going to be killing you." " You do know Ethan, there's another augment heading this way. His names Evan. He's much weaker than you are. You are a newer model. I don't think you've met. Do you think you could take him." Ethan didn't have time for this. He wanted to finish this now. " I'm not here to kill somebody else. I'm here to kill you."
As Ethan said that three decapitated bodies flew by his head and came to a rest a meter from his feet. Evan circled around alaster and came to a stop on his left side. Ethan was on his right.