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End Game: Prologue
Posted By: Anthony Coronado<legend1_445@hotmail.com>
Date: 2 April 2003, 5:02 AM
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The last human stronghold, Reach, has fallen. The last remaining hero, John-117 Master Chief, is now MIA, unheard of for more than a month. Earth, the last remaining remnant of a once powerful empire, is now bracing itself for the inevitable onslaught. Every last citizen, women, children, and the elderly are now ready to fight to the death. Not only for themselves, but also for the greater cause. Households are now being stockpiled with weapons; everything from sticks and stones to stolen military equipment. Public dwellings are being fortified, and families are banding together to protect each other. Everyone is prepared for the worst, and hoping for a miracle.
The human people, as a whole, are painstakingly constructing military facilities such as bunkers, command and control facilities, and even large space-bound docking bays. The facilities can house up to 1000 warplanes each, and hold over 50000 troops each. Hundreds of Super MAC guns aimlessly orbit around Earth, and the neighboring planets. Super MAC guns are being produced in overwhelming quantities. The space docks, on Mars and Earth alike, are pulling triple shifts, producing as many man-of-wars as possible. Many of these vessels being produced are extremely fragile, small craft. They are being fitted with the bare minimum of recommended armaments.
In addition, the remaining civilians are tirelessly constructing numerous zero-gee facilities on the moons of neighboring planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These facilities are able to hold three dozen warships in hopes of ambushing and stalling the Covenant invaders. The remaining remnants of a withering fleet gradually filter through Slipstream subspace back into the Milky Way. Millions of citizens are being conscripted in the defense of the home world. Sustaining the bare minimum of training, platoon formations/movements and virtual-reality exercises, the Hoplites are being thrown into the field. Many of them are pessimistic, while still others remain optimistic. One thing all are sure of, however, is that Holy Hell will soon be upon them. Vast quantities of weapons are being produced. Many of them have little or absolutely no craftsmanship to show for. The majority is being rushed, and all are not tested in the field. One thing is certain: there will be many weapons littering the blood red ground after the end game. The colonial supply of brass is being melted down to form shell casings. As with the Japanese in World War II, shell casings are also being formed from fragile materials like aluminum, tin, and zinc.
Thousands of small and large craft orbit the space above Earth, awaiting the order to counterattack. Two-dozen repair vessels have also been pressed into service. Every crewman of these glorious, doomed vessels are strictly volunteers. Even more civilians and servicemen Earth bound eagerly await the enemy. Many will die in the days to come, and even more will sacrifice their lives for others. If there is one thing certain, it is the fact that nothing is certain. All realize that there is only two outcomes: death, or near mass-extinction. No one knows what the edge of dark Abyss holds in its merciless depths.
A monstrous, swirling mass of green illuminates the dark, barren background of space. The rift in space gradually becomes the size of a large planet, consuming the onyx abyss of space. Over one thousand carriers, destroyers, corvettes, battleships, and various other support ships, enter into the vast plane of the Milky Way. The Covenant fleet entered on the far side of the smallest planet, Pluto. In perfect formation, the Covenant fleet advanced on the rest of the galaxy.
On the Advance Warning System, a monotonous voice droned over the loud speaker to all UNSC positions: "The enemy has withdrawn from Slipstream subspace on the far side of the planet Pluto. ETA to Earth is twelve hours. Be advised, the Covenant are able to move accurately in intersystem subspace drive. All combat personnel prepare for immediate action. Enemy engagement is imminent. Good luck and God speed. Over." The voice trailed off, leaving a haunting feeling in the air. Whether intentionally or not, the Covenant fleet painstakingly crawled its way toward human controlled space. Perhaps they didn't realize which planet was inhabited, or they simple moved with a purpose: to sweep through the Milky Way and eradicate all human life forms.
Meanwhile, the space docks on Saturn's moons begin to bustle with activity. After hearing the early warning, all of the crewmen are determined to fight to the last man. The Super MAC guns on the moon begin to swivel to their intended targets. Every fortified moon is equipped with two dozen Super MAC guns, strong enough to punch through Covenant shields, and could fire a salvo of cold tungsten steel every five seconds. With five moons, the Saturn system was equipped with 120 Super MAC guns. In addition, there were also 180 combat ready vessels in the immediate area. The Covenant fleet, intent on carrying out its divine orders, slow and inexorably drifted ever nearer towards the Saturn system, and its ultimate destination: Earth. Prepared or not, the remaining citizens are willing to die for their planet, and for their friends. Against the merciless juggernaut of the Covenant, a willingness to fight and die will not win a war. Many shall perish in the coming days. Hopefully, they were lives used, not wasted.