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Fap-Fap the Grunt
Posted By: Velex<velex27@gmail.com>
Date: 4 June 2008, 1:08 am
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Fap-Fap is a Grunt. More specifically, he WAS a Grunt, having been infected by a Flood parasite. The Unggoy was not at all happy with this fact, for he had lost all control of his body to his newest companion. "The Other" as Fap-Fap called him, was the least horny being he had ever gotten this close to.
Unrelated to this realization, the Infected Grunt found himself being dragged along by the invisible presence, following a mass gathering of other infested beings. The entourage of Flood marched slowly. Torn pieces of former limbs adorned the creatures like a crude mockery to jewelry. At this point the feeble section of the mind still being housed by the Grunt lost ground in the constant battle for mental superiority and slipped out of conscious thought.
Hours later, Fap-Fap was still in the procession, although the Flood around him had tripled in number. Fast, darting combat forms flanked the slower progress of the Carrier forms and infection forms. It was then that the grunt saw where the procession was headed. Truth and Reconciliation. Fap-Fap's remaining mind recognized the vessel at once, it being the transport that brought him to the Ring world to start with. A shiver of elation passed through the parasite in him, as it realized it's host would be valuable in driving the vessel. How it intended to do this, the Unggoy was not quite shure.
A sudden jump in surroundings left the Grunt to wonder how long he had just lost conscious thought. By the surroundings it seemed as though he was inside the covenant cruiser. A flash a fear froze him in place as the parasite let him on to how he would help drive the ship. A vision of a brain-form flood or a Proto-Gravemind could be seen. He saw himself being absorbed into the mass and loosing his entire self to the flood overmind. The shock left him struggling to get out of the paracite's grasp. A sickening mental laugh came from the other inside him. Nothing could save him now. Suddenly WHAM! A hand grabbed him and pulled him into a closet. The door slid shut with a audible WHOOOSH.
It was dark, and the sound of frenzied flood outside to door added to the gloomy mood. It was then that Fap-Fap saw the sexiest female Grunt he had ever laid eyes on. A longing settled in his inner instinct. The Other grew cautious of this growing instinct to mate. It tried to take back over the mind but the desire to mate had brought Fap-Fap's mind back into majority control. The few signs of infestation quickly disappeared as the Other fled deeper into the Unggoy's mind. "Are you... One of them?" Asked the female grunt. "You don't look like one of them." Her voice brought on a deeper sense of longing. An inch long cock slowly rose to its needed position. It stretched to its 1.25 inch max length and awaited the upcoming event.
Suddenly Fap-Fap jumped on the female's back. He swiveled his shaft into position and entered her moist Grunty-Magic-Hole. She screamed out rape, but the flood in the nearby corridor would not respond. Fap-Fap fapped furiously at the female, while the Other screamed in pleasure, having never known such pleasures existed. Sex was not something any flood had ever experienced, and the Infection Form loved it. Fap-Fap brought things to a climax before disposing
his Grunty load into the female. But alas, the female had not survived the process and lay dead on the floor. Fap-Fap zipped up and stood to his feet. The parasite begged for more, and the Grunt realized that with the Other addicted to sex, he had control back of his body. A smile found its way to the Unggoy's face. Its sexy time.
Hours later Fap-Fap had run into a Covenant patroll and had joined up with them, claiming that he had gotten lost. The commanding Elite, a Timid specimen named Ra'ul accepted him seeming to not mind the extra support. If Fap-Fap was in his position he too would be a bit frightened. Reports of a Human Demon wearing invincable armour had begun to trickle in. Ra'ul himself was just transfered to a mobile squad to fight against the human invaders. In truth the grunts around him seemed to enjoy this squad due to Ra'ul's uncanny ability to find the most out of the way places to recon. By the end of the day Fap-Fap had spoken with almost every member of his new squad. There was Jipgap the Grunt, an ugly individual with half his face torn away years ago by a ravenous Jackal. This back story had kept Jipgap away from the groups own Jackal, a paranoid scout known as Bok. Bok's primary character trait was his nervous twitch that went off whenever he was in a stressful situation. The four other grunts deriving the group were Gagad, JoGo, Dopok and JahJah. They could each be described in one word, dull.
Conversation with those four usually ended up with something about the difficult choice of what color gas mask they wanted to wear. Fap-Fap thus found himself talking mostly with Ra'ul, the leading Elite and Bok whenever he was around from scouting. It was just about time to turn back to base for a resupply when Ra'ul started coughing furiously. One of the bordering grunts, Gagad asked if he was ok. The Elite looked like he was trying to answer, but all that came out was a splatter of blue sticky fluid. Blood. All at once Ra'ul's chest began to push outward.
A soggy brown tentacle formed on his shoulder. In Fap-Fap's mind came the voice of the other, who had recognized the flood parasite in the Elite. The other sent out a mental signal to try to make contact. Fap-Fap's parasite coiled in confusion at the output of signals. Tyrannid, Alien, Zerg. These words flashed upon Fap-Fap's mental thoughts as the other recognized the fellow parasites.
Inside Ra'ul a fight was being raged between conflicting parasites as an flood infection form, Tyrannid Parasite, Alien Embryo and a Zerg Broodling each attempted to take control of its host. They were still fighting while Ra'ul was carried back to base and loaded on a transport back to High Charity.
Meanwhile back on Halo, Fap-Fap and his squad had been issued a new commanding Elite. He had organized the group into a line. With a wicked smile he pointed to JoGo to step forward. The grunt did so and was shot in the face by the new officer. Sweat trickled down the back of Fap-Fap's stubby neck when he heard the Elite's next words. "This is how much I care about my squad. Don't mess up. Ever."
FapFap's short time with his new Elite Commander made him miss Ra'ul, the cowardly ex-leader of his squad. The other members of the small scouting party felt it too. A stillness had settled over the group. The conversations that had plagued the grunts before the new elite now lay silent. Bok the groups sniping Jackal was almost constantly twitching when positioned with the rest of the squad. More than before he spent his time in recon around outside the company of the newest elite commander. Several times FapFap had suspected Bok of deserting, but was proven wrong when he returned for supplies. The new commanding elite was Kha 'Rhan, a ruthless individual, who on his first meeting with the squad had executed a grunt to inspire loyalty. Unlike the old commander, Ra'ul, Kha'Rhan was quite quite devoted to duty and diligently led his squad in search of the human survivors who had landed on the ring. He was determined to get the honor of slaying the infamous one, who wore demonically blessed armour. A massive promotion was to be awarded to the one who brought the helmet of the beast back to the prophets. Thus the band had been following the trail of rumors that had led them at long last to a swamp.
FapFap was not at all fond of the new environment. It was sticky and uncomfortable to walk in the never ending layers of mud. However what truly made him uncomfortable was the flood parasite in his skull. Normally it would be pressuring him to engage in sexual acts or occasionally to let it infect the other beings around him. Now it was deathly silent, although its presence could still be felt in the grunts mind.
The band came to a halt at a forerunner door. "Jackal!" Shouted Kha 'Rhon at the team's scout. "Has the demon passed this way?" Bok examined the grounds and told the commander that humans HAD passed this way, but there was no direct indication whether it was the unholy one. "How long since they passed this way?"
"I would say a half hour ago." replied the uncomfortable Jackal. The prospect of more kills to add to his reputation persuaded Kha 'Rhan to move the squad after the humans.
Twenty minutes later, Fap-Fap's sense of unease grew. They had passed a few more signs of the human's passing, ranging from bodily fluids that Bok refused to identify to ashes from a cigarette. Eventually they came upon another forerunner door. This one was sealed from the inside. The commanding elite motioned for the group to be silent. Some of the grunts glanced at each other nervously. Fap-Fap listened and could make out conversation from beyond. Human voices! Fap-Fap called upon his memory of his job listening in on human broadcasting. This was a positions many younger grunts got stuck with, before they were old enough to be drafted into the military. Thus Fap-Fap had some knowledge of basic human language.
"Hold still, hold still!" Came a human voice. A gruffer tone overshadowed this one. "Let 'em have it" Gunshots sounded off in the room beyond. "Sergent, were surrounded!" Fap-Fap could barely make out voices amidst the screaming and shooting. "There... too many sarge!"
The nearby covenant whether or not they could understand what the humans were saying, could discern the fear and panic in the voices. The grunts began to back away from the door. Kha 'Rhan was about to shoot them when the door blew open. The elite fell backwards under the force. "Hold your ground" he shouted. Fear of their leader, even when in an nonthreatening state brought the fleeing grunts back around. Fap-Fap however realized what the parasite in his head was waiting for and ran away from the commotion. Infection forms poured thought the opening. The covenant opened plasma fire on them. The super heated projectiles easily blasted apart the smaller beings. Kha 'Rhan's plasma rifle overheated from its constant fire. He dropped the weapon and called for suppressive fire. Bok however had other plans. He raised his newly issued carbine and fired three shots into the commanding elite's face. Radioactive spears blasted apart the four mandibles that adorned the sanghelli's mouth. Bok flashed a smile to Fap-Fap, which the grunt returned before getting out of the area as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.
The sound of fighting in the background could still be heard by the grunt. At long last he came to the opening of the underground passage. he breathed in the fresh air and sighed with relief. Just then a covenant dropship came into sight. It pulled down to the ground and the side hatches opened up. Several jackals and grunts were graved out of the ship. Fap-Fap waved at the vessel and ran to reach it before it took off again. The driver however did not stop for the deserting grunt and the vessel lifted back into the sky. "Fuck" muttered Fap-Fap, one of his favourite human terms for two reasons.
Meanwhile back in the passageway, Bok and the two surviving grunts attempted to seal the doorway from further breaches. Bok, with his superior Carbine shot the infection forms while the grunts worked at the controlls. The door began to seal and Bok issued a sigh of relief. Safe. Before the door fully shut, an assault rifle barrel poked through. Automatic fire raked the two grunts to death quickly. Bok felt a piece of shattered bullet sink into his avian body. he doubled over. With a burst of strength, a human pushed his way through the door, releasing more infection forms. Bok noticed the the floodlings were completely ignoring the human and came instead straight for him. "These things yours?" asked Sergent Johnson to the Jackal as he fired a round into Bok's skull.
Fap-Fap sat glumly with the new arrivals. They had apparently come on a previous request from Kha 'Rhan. Now he was dead and the group was left with nothing to do. They had arranged a system of patrols to look for an attack by the flood. So far no contact had been made. However fap-Fap knew that this break wouldn't last long. The flood were coming.
Death came upon the covenant troopers, not with a bang but a whisper. The first alerting sounds of trouble came from a grunt who had awoken to take a piss, and found two score of floodlings bearing down on him. A scream was cut short by one of the balloon-like beasts lodging into his spinal cord. The cry was enough though, and the few surviving Grunts and Jackals awoke.
Fap-Fap nearly fainted when he saw the approaching horde. He had already had his fill of the flood, having been infected by a sex-addicted infection form. He grabbed a plasma pistol and with an unusual burst of heroism for him, flung himself into the fray. He shot bolts of red hot plasma at the surrounding flood forms. Infection forms burst like diseased party balloons. The searing plasma however did not do as well against the larger combat forms. Plasma was very effective due to the amount of pain even a glancing hit could cause to the target. However the flood appeared to not feel pain and thus did not notice that
its torso was literally on fire from the plasma pistol shots. The charging combat form barreled towards Fap-Fap, ending his brave assault and sending the grunt fleeing. The infected human was much faster and nearly caught the grunt, but was foiled by a nearby Jackal who had blasted the thing from behind with his Crystal Gun. The purple shards pierced the flood's mangy flesh and then exploded, sending bits of the creature flying over the remaining covenant group.
Soon enough Fap-Fap had once again gotten himself lost in the swamp. He was getting tired and decided to seek a place to hide. A tangle of low foliage suited his needs perfectly. No sooner had the grunt hidden, a roar of an engine sounded in the distance. Fap-Fap peeked out in fright to see a human Pelican descending down in a clearing near him. A lone figure dropped out of the back. Fap-Fap noticed faintly that his pelvic armour had gotten mysteriously wet. It was the one. The Demon had landed.
The Spartan super solder gazed around, investigating a nearby crashed pelican that Fap-Fap had failed to see during his scouting of the area. Suddenly a group of Fap-Fap's fleeing companions ran into the clearing. Like an automaton, the Demon fired his pistol, scoring three headshots, which dropped the three grunts. The two jackals spun about and fired up their energy shields. It was no use. The armoured figure threw a grenade, forcing the Jackals to roll aside.
With a blur of speed, the Demon charged. A jackal fell under a gauntleted punch to the chest. Blood poured from the avian's beak as it fell into an endless sleep. The other Jackal's courage failed and it fled of into the woods, only to be torn down by another pistol shot. All this took place in under 10 seconds.
Fap-Fap cowered in fear, while the Spartan raided the corpses, taking the grunts plasma grenades. Fap-Fap waited a half hour before coming out of hiding. He
quickly masturbated over the corpses of his fallen grunts. The flood parasite in his mind moaned in pleasure as the grunt finished his business. After cleaning himself up, Fap-Fap pondered his next move. He was now alone in the Swamp, with his only known neighbors to be the ravenous flood and the invincible demon. The grunt shivered at the memory of his brief encounter with the last one. After fifteen minutes, Fap-Fap began to search the area for anything that
could help him. First he examined the crashed pelican. He found a large human weapon, too heavy for him to wield. He placed both paws on the trigger and pulled with some might. The shotgun fired, sending a spray of shrapnel outward. Barbaric. More to his liking was a health pack on the wall and a pistol, identical to the one the Demon used on his companion. After practicing with his aim, Fap-Fap set off again.
Soon enough he came to another ship. This one was covenant however. A dropship. If he was lucky, it may not be damaged to a huge extent. No such luck, as the entire cockpit was shredded to bits. The Grunt did find something that promised an escape. A type-32 rapid assault Vehicle. The humans slanged it a "Ghost", a name Fap-Fap had taken a liking too. The Ghost's left gun had been damaged beyond repair, although the right one could probably still fire. Fap-Fap took a deep breath and started the Type-32 RAV. With a stutter, the anti-grav lift came online, sending the ghost into a hover. The grunt exhaled. He mounted the ghost and "stepped on the gas", another human expression he had picked up on.
The Type-32 RAV sped off into the distance. Fap-Fap took a moment to savor the peace of the passing air. His relaxation was cut short by a sudden tug on the left wing of the Ghost. The grunt glanced at the wing and nearly fell off the speeding vehicle. Kha 'Rhan hung on to the Type-32 RAV with one muscular arm.
The other limb no longer resembled an arm, but looked more like a spined tentacle. The wrecked face grinned evilly at Fap-Fap. Three of his four mandibles had been torn off by carbine fire, and boils covered his face from the radiation given off by the Carbine spikes. An infection form lay embedded in his flesh controlling his every move.
Fap-Fap grabbed his human pistol and attempted to fire at the dangling infected elite. The ghost veered off to the left due to the elite's weight, throwing off the Grunt's aim. A heavy tentacle slammed into the grunt, nearly dismounting the driver. Fap-Fap responded with his own, much less effective punch. The Elite had managed to pull himself on the Ghost, re-balancing its flight path. This posed a problem to the grunt, as both "hands" were now free to batter him about. Fap-Fap did have a plan. With a twist to the controlls, the Ghost spun in a corkscrew, forcing the infected elite to hold on the the ghost. Fap-Fap flung himself over the side and slammed an armed plasma grenade against the combat form. The Grunt covered his head for the expected explosion. The Elite unfearing of the glowing dot adorning his flesh, clung on to the spinning ghost. The Grenade went off, igniting the fuel core of the ghost. With a blinding blue flash the ghost, flood and grenade exploded into piles of smoking wreckage. Fap-Fap was left once again left alone in the wilderness.
Part 4
Frombi Ined, slid his long elegant fingers across the bare chest of the elite. The Sangheili quivered visibly from the touch. A smile appeared on the Prophet's face. With a whoosh, the San 'Shyuum flung aside his long cloak. The frail nude body beneath quivered in the soft glare of the rooms torches. With a hiss of delight the Prophet flung himself on his male concubine. Frombi Ined exposed the bare bottom of the Elite and thrust his thin bony cock forward.
The Sangheili grunted at the penetration. Faster and faster came the Prophet, before depositing his holy cream pie onto his concubine's face.
"Enough. Return to your chambers." The Sangheili bowed and left the room. Frombi Ined leaned back on one of the many chairs in his chambers and thought about how his life had progressed. He was always among the lowest ranking Prophets, his disgust of other members of his species kept him from engaging in the favourable political alliances needed for such ascension. His lowest point was twenty years before, when a grunt, one of the many who had shared his bed came out about his molestation of the other covenant races. He was nearly sentenced to death, but managed to convince the counsel of the Grunt's insanity,
followed by a quick murder of the offender. He was let off the hook, but still was subjected to severe scrutiny by his peers. His close encounter had however, not driven out his desire for cross species mating. Although his life had continued quietly since, the human-covenant war would soon bring out Frombi Ined into the galactic fray.
Fap-Fap groaned at the sight of the destroyed ghost. He was once again without a transport. But in a halfway turn of events, the explosion of the Type-32 RAV had attracted visitors. Fap-Fap sat on the ground, moping over his predicament. The click of a safety being turned off froze the grunt still. A small group of humans stood behind him. With practiced skill, the Grunt was systematically disarmed. "Lets go gassucker." said the burly man at the tip of the formation.
He emphasized his point by slamming the butt of his rifle into Fap-Faps ribcage. The poor grunt keeled over at the blow. "Hey, don't damage the prisoner." a female human cried angrily at the male. She must have held some sort of authority, for the men bound the grunt gently, taking care not to inflict anymore harm. With that, the company whisked Fap-Fap away. They marched for nearly an hour before coming to a clearing in the dense swamplands. Someone radioed in a
Pelican, for a large ship descended into the field. Fap-Fap was once again thrown -at gunpoint- into the open passenger hatch.
The trip couldn't have taken more than another hour, and the ship soon passed over a large forrunner construct. "Were coming down." came the pilot over the
intercom. True to his point, the bulky craft dove down towards the structure. From this vantage point, Fap-Fap could see the heavily entrenched human defenses. Captured shade turrets dotted the roof of the structure, as well as several large tanks. A man on the ground lit up a road flare, showing the landing sight to the pilot above.
Fap-Fap was shoved through the interior until the guards came to a makeshift prison area. Iron sheets were welded onto cubby-like alcoves in the structure walls, creating little cells for the prisoners. Only one other cell was occupied, it with a mutinous human male. The covenant had a nasty knack for not bieng taken alive, especially elites. But now another cell had an occupant.
Although imprisoned, Fap-Fap wasn't treated awful. He was giving the methane tank of a dead grunt, to refill his own, as well as rations. It was only a day like this before the interrogations started. It was that same female, who did the interrogations. She asked him about the covenant battle plans, the flood and his own journey. Fap-Fap told everything, except for a few private moments in his own adventures.
The Prophet, Frombi Ined, was seated in a chair of honor aboard the covenant dropship. He was heading for a global rally point. It was a glorious day for the covenant. The human homeworld had been found. Soon the fleet would be on it's way to earth.
Fap-Fap had gone through several seasons of questioning, which he answered with his typical vigor. He hoped he would be let go once they had extracted everything they needed from him, although it was extremely doubtful. He did get out thought, but not by anything that he expected. The only warning that the grunt got, was the quivering of the flood parasite that had lain suspiciously dormant in his mind. The flood were coming. Moments later, sounds of alarm flared through the base. Screams of pain and terror flooded through the ship, along with their cause, the flood themselves. Fap-Fap watched through the bars of his cell as the jail guards were overwhelmed by the small floodlings. They began to mutate into large carrier forms. In seconds the small frail human bodies had become bulging sacs of explosive gas and infection forms. They waddled towards his door and exploded. The force broke the bars. The other, in Fap-Fap's mind gloated with deserved glory at his assistance in the escape.
The grunt ran through the lower levels of the base, intent on getting out. On his way he nearly bumped into a still alive human, trying to open an escape door. The grunt chirped in fright, but then recognized the female, as his interrogator. "Quick, help me with the door." She yelled, working with all her might to pull it open. Fap-Fap joined her with his surprisingly muscular arms, and they succeeded in tearing the door off it's frame. A raging combat form
suddenly leaped out at them. With trained precision, the female shot it three times in the chest with her pistol. The beast died, although it's forward momentum sent it barreling into Fap-fap. The girl laughed and helped the grunt to his feet. With that, they ran off again, out of the base.
Fap-Fap and his new companion, the human girl finally made camp, as they were too weary to continue. Under the artificial night of the ringworld, the human fell to sleep quickly. Fap-Fap however couldn't sleep. The other, in his head, was demanding repayment for his escape from the jail cell. Fap-Fap glanced over at the sleeping human. Works for him. With some gentle maneuvering, Fap-Fap turned the female so that she was lying on her back. He slowly slid down her uniform pants, revealing soft blue panties beneath. Quivering, the grunt pulled them down. Beneath layed the sweet bliss-hole. Fap-fap slid out his tiny
erected cock and made penetration. He thrust again and again. The semiconscious human moaned with pleasure at the sexual act. Fap-Fap kept himself going for nearly half hour before depositing his Elite-sized load into her accepting hole. With weariness, the grunt leaned back. The other lay satisfied as well, being a sex-addicted flood infection form.
When they broke camp in the morning, it was Fap-Fap who first spotted the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A covenant planet-hopper. The PH was an uncommonly small Covenant vessel, in fact being the smallest covenant ship with the capacity to make a warpspace jump. With a cry of joy, the Grunt and his companion entered the ship. The grunt looked at the controlls and was damned pleased to see that he knew how to operate the ship. He pushed the ignition button on the holoscreen. With a purr of the ships plasma engines, the thing lifted of the ground and began it's flight into space.
Fap-Fap had only one more task to do before he let auto-pilot take over. He reached into the armoury compartment and found, to his delight, a fully charged plasma pistol. With the gun behind his back, the grunt entered the passenger section of the craft. The girl was resting in one of the uncomfortable for her, designed for elite seats. Fap-Fap disarmed her while she was sleeping, then placed the plasma pistol to her face. With a prod she woke up, and was startled to see Fap-Fap with a gun in one hand, and heavy rope in the other. Fap-Fap grinned a grunty grin.