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Fan Fiction

Blue Squad London: Prologue
Posted By: Tin Can Man<david@tbex.com>
Date: 15 July 2005, 3:35 pm

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The trio of Pelicans soared over the city of London, soaring in between the ancient buildings. The sounds of battle roared below, with blinding plasma guns mixed with the crack rifle-fire signifying the desperate fight below. Cpl Alex Maine shut his eyes, and tried not to think about what he had gotten himself into. He heard another man being sick, either through the pilot's reckless flying through the city. "Oh God, oh God, I'm going to die," sobbed one Marine, Richard Vance, who had only been assigned to the squad a week ago, with no battle experience whatsoever. The Brass was getting desperate, conscripting people into the Marines to try to replace the ever-increasing fatalities in the war.

"Get ready to disembark, boys!" shouted the pilot, "we'll be there in one minu-"
But before she could finish, a plasma cannon hit the cockpit with tremendous force crushing the pilot under a barrage of molten metal. The wings were torn of the body like a knife through rice paper. Everything began to shake, and Maine held on to the seat handles hard enough to make his knuckles go white as the blood drained away. Everyone's faces were pale. They had done this before in simulations, but that didn't reassure him very much.
"BRACE YOURSELFS!" screamed Sgt Mckenzie, a tall Scottish man, as the Pelican dove into the ground with bone-jarring impact. Maine was thrown from his chair, slamming into the Pelican's door. The wind was forcibly punched out as if by a giant fist, then everything went black.

"Corporal! Corporal! Wake up Godammit!" Cpl Maine woke up, to the sound of Mckenzie bellowing into his ear. "You awake son?" The sergeant asked, a bit quieter than before. Maine managed the smallest of nods, which sent a searing pain through his skull. "Good! Get a bandage onto that gash on your head, then get your equipment!" he turned to the others, "We're moving out in 5 minutes! The Covies know we're here, and they'll more than likely be sending a little welcoming party for us! Somehow, I don't think we want to be around when they get here. So get moving, you pansies! NOW!"

Everyone scurried about picking up their guns. Corporal Maine and Privates Smith, Garland and Nebett picked up battle rifles, while Vance got the shotgun and grenade launcher, and Mckenzie the sniper.
"Blue Squad lets move!" roared Mckenzie. "Watch for snipers on the rooftops! Stick together and we'll be fine!" Everyone got onto their feet, gave their weapons one last check, then trudged down the rain drenched road. Suddenly, a Marine came running round the corner, holding his rifle in one hand, and holding his helmet to his head with the other.
"Oh thank God you're here!" he panted. "My squad…dead…all dead…oh thank God you're here!"
"Calm down, son!" the Sergeant ordered. "Now what happened to your squad?"
"They…they're all dead sir. We got caught in a crossfire. Covie snipers shot Sergeant Harper and Corporal Shean, then… this Elite… he…he just carved everyone apart! It…it was a massacre, sir! I just ran as fast as I could."
The poor kid (he was only about seventeen years old) began to sob then. He covered his face with his hands and wept. Maine looked away in despair.
"You all right man?" asked Pvt David Smith, Alex's best friend. The pair had known each other since they had been kids, and had never thought they would enter the Marines.
"Yeah." He replied. "just gets a bit too much, all this fighting. Poor guy."
"Maine! Smith! We gotta get moving! Help this guy onto his feet! Command just radioed in, there are two transport 'Hogs round the corner! Get moving!"
They walked over to the kid, who was still sitting there, shoulders wracked in grief.
"C'mon kid, lets go."
They lifted him onto his feet, steadying him as he shakily found his bearings.
The squad moved through the eerie silence of the streets, every so often hearing the noise of Covenant and UNSC weapons every so often.

"There they are!" shouted Vance. There were two warthogs in the middle of the street. One had been tipped over on its side by a grenade, as the scorch marks were clearly visible on the underside. The other was smashed half way through a shop window. Kids toys of Spartans were littered about the ground, saying things like "Lets go get those Covie scum!" Or, "Join the Marines to be the best!"
Maine laughed bitterly at that. The Brass has got to be really desperate to have sunk that low.
"All right guys! Get those 'Hogs ready to go! The Brass has told us to get to the Covenant's grav-lift! Something big's going to happen! Something to do with a Spartan II! Now let's move!
