Search and Rescue Chapter 1 Briefing
Posted By: Tamir Klien<BaldEagles7@earthlink.net>
Date: 17 October 2005, 11:53 pm
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Chapter 1 Briefing September 20, 2552
I walked to the briefing room on the Prometheus. We called it that name because Prometheus was the fire bringer to man, and this ship was made for firepower. I flattened my jump suit. When I was about to reach the briefing room one of my comrades came in from another hallway and was walking towards the briefing room with me in unison. The man was Rick Taylor. He was a corporeal.
" So you have any idea why we're getting called down?" Taylor said. I shrugged.
My name is Kris Hamilton. I'm 30 years old and I'm a corporal.
When we made it to the briefing room I could smell the strong sent of tobacco coming from the room. It must have been Sergeant McKay, he always smoked.
The doors opened, it was sliding. The door was built with a still frame and the middle was bulletproof glass. The guards saluted us on our entry and we did the same back to them.
" Hello Hamilton, Taylor
how nice of you to join us we thought you to would not show." Said Lieutenant Parker. As they all stood up and saluted us we did the same to them then sat down. There where 4 more men in the room including myself. Lieutenant Parker pressed a button on his chair and a holograph screen came on.
" Now men
our mission here is to search and rescue our fellow comrades which are stuck on the planet Halo, as a result of the Pillar of Autumn having been destroyed. Now men I have chosen you to be the men who save them. Even though some of you are not the best of the best nor the highest rank I have seen you in training and I know that you are the right men for the job." Said the Lieutenant.
The holograph showed us the last statistical information received. Then the screen zoomed in. The little pointers circled the area where they had thought to be. The screen then shut off and the Lieutenant went over the procedures regarding the mission, then we left the room. For tomorrow would be the day.
I walked to my quarters. I looked at my watch it was about 21 hundred hours. (Which was Military Time) And the Space Time is 4:00GMT (which stands for Greenwich England Time, they us this time in space.) The sliding doors opened to the room. There where 10 cyro tubs which where all lined up in a straight line. These where like beds only different they gave you a lot better sleep so when you woke up you where ready for the day. Also they had an alarm set so when it was time to wake up the opening to the tubes opened and woke you up. I took off my jump suit and fitted into something more comfortable. It was a pair of tan night pants and a white night shirt and some socks to keep warm. I saw that most of the men in my quarters where already asleep except for Williams. He was a Private he had just gotten his 2nd star as one. He was still up. I don't know what the matter was with him so I walked over to him. I couldn't get to bed unless I saw everyone else in my quarters asleep. This was so that I knew when everyone woke up they weren't tired even though the cyro tube did help with sleeping.
" Hey what's wrong?" I said to Williams. He just stood there. Then he went to the floor weeping.
" Oh brother
I wish I could of only saved you." Said Williams repeating this. I remember his brother being on the Pillar of Autumn when it was destroyed
Flashback Part September 19, 2552
I was at the weapon stockade with Williams when I heard the call. We had been assigned to cleaning the weapons room because of an altercation with Sergeant Greenberg. While we where cleaning the MA5B's the loudspeakers came on.
" The Pillar of Autumn is being infiltrated I repeat the Pillar of Autumn is being infiltrated. Please stay calm. Please stay calm." Then the loudspeakers went off. Williams had his COM link on his watch with his brother. His brother was 28 and Williams was 18. Williams looked at his watch and the COM link came on. I walked over to Williams and looked at his screen. I could barely see anything but I could hear what was going on pretty well.
I heard gunfire and plasma being shot. " William
the Covenant are on the ship and were trying to fight 'em off! I think well be fine. Just don't worry about me! You have to promise me this and
." Then he stopped talking. I few seconds later you heard screams and the sound of blood and carnage seeping out of bodies and the snapping of bones. Then the transmission went dead.
Normal Time September 20, 2552
Now I realized what was wrong with him. I couldn't do anything. I knew I said I was sorry it wasn't going to do anything but let him now I was just saying it to make him feel better. So I let my rule slide this time and went into the cyro tube and went to sleep