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The Archangels: Chapter Two-Training
Posted By: Strayer<compgeek132@gmail.com>
Date: 8 July 2005, 3:30 am
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The three rounds tore through the cardboard cut-out of the Covenant Elite as Lieutenant Wu ejected the empty magazine and slammed in a fresh one. He brought his eye down to the scope once more and continued shooting the practice target.
The new BR55 Battle Rile was almost in mass production for the UNSC ground forces. With a new three round burst, 2X scope and more accurate firing than the old Assault Rifle, this weapon would hopefully give the military more of a chance against the Covenant. Although the design was complete, testing needed to be done. Jack and his fellow pilots were the second group to try out the new rifle. Personally, Jack liked it.
Suddenly an alarm rang and the pilots stopped firing. The test was over. The lieutenants returned the rifles to their proper racks, took off their protective goggles and earmuffs and began walking towards Captain Miller, their new commanding officer and trainer.
"Not bad people," he started off. "I suppose you all like the new rifles. Well good, with these new babies we can take out those Covenant bastards a little easier. Now, form two lines. We're heading over to Rifle Range 01356-A. Let's move people!"
Jack and the others quickly stepped into formation and jogged towards the range, which apparently was on the other side of the field. He sighed as he and his fellow pilots made their way across the training grounds. It had been a week since they had been recruited for this special program. Although he and the others felt uneasy in space with the Covenant out there, they were soon taken to the military planet Reach where Jack and the others would receive weapons and tactics training in case any of them found themselves stranded on the surface.
Finally they stopped as they arrived in front of the P and R area of the range. Captain Miller excused himself for one moment and shortly came back with the officer in charge of the range.
"Pilots, this is Lieutenant Bamford. He will be your instructor and supervisor while at this range. Here you will be trained with the SRS999C-S2 AM sniper rifle," Miller explained. "You will also answer to the Lieutenant as 'Sir' while you are on this range. Do I make myself clear?"
"Sir yes, sir!" Wu and the other pilots answered.
"Good. I'll be back in two hours." Miller then returned the salute Bamford gave and walked off the range.
"Well," Bamford started. "Let's get suited up."
While the pilots trained, the system ops people studied. In a way it was just like High School, James Ferrer thought. While the 'jocks' trained and played sport, the less athletic people would study hard and get good grades.
However the system ops technicians also had to be in good shape, or else they wouldn't be able to handle the G forces and roughness that was pitted against them during dog fights.
James sighed as he locked in his answer for the equation. He knew the stuff he would be tested on would be tough but this was beyond what he had imagined. While he and the others had been tested before with the estimated mass, hieght, width and speed of a Longsword Interceptor, these equations were testing them on an entirely different ship; something smaller and faster, a lot faster, than a regular UNSC fighter.
When the answer turned out incorrect, Ferrer grumbled and began going over the problem again. He and the other system ops crew were vital when flying with their fellow pilots. While they maneuvered the ship and fired the weapons, they would monitor the ship's status; think up new tactics and ways to get out of a bad situation fast. However James' thoughts were interrupted as his answer came back, this time correct.
Russell felt the rifle jolt back into his shoulder with a large amount of force as he fired. The antimatériel projectile punched through the cardboard with ease, while the Lieutenant ejected the clip and placed a fresh one into the sniper rifle. He sighed as he gently lay the weapon down. He then picked up the rifle and tucked it once again into his shoulder as he placed his eye to the scope. Although the SRS was quite heavy and many beginners had trouble aiming the rifle, Crewe found it easy with his muscular build as he continued shooting the target.
The Lieutenant repeated the process of ejecting the magazine and sliding in a fresh one. However before he could fire four more shots, a horn went off, signaling the end of target practice. He laid the weapon down and stood up, stretching once he was on his feet.
"Alright people, that was some good shooting. Although most of you need improving," Bamford said, addressing all of the pilots. "Now, head off to the mess hall, you've earned your lunch today."
The pilots happily complied as they set off jogging towards the cafeteria.
Chief Mechanic Weaver supervised the construction of the new ship. He paced around the small fighter and made sure that everything was in place and that nothing had gone wrong.
The new ship was smaller than a Longsword interceptor however it was approximately the size of a Pelican dropship, maybe a bit smaller. It was equipped with new 90mm Ventral guns and a smaller 50mm machine gun which was attached to the nose of the fighter. The cockpit was an old fashion design, with the pilot seated at the front while his or her system ops technician sat behind their pilot. Another odd design was the wings. Shaped like a right-angled triangle with the ends cut short and two smaller "wings" protruding from them. However the newest part of this ship, were its missiles. The missiles were new versions of the current AGSM-10 Missiles. These AGSM-5 Missiles were nicknamed "shredder bombs" seeing as they could take out one Seraph also damaging the other significantly. If the pilot was lucky, he or she could even take out two of the Covenant fighters at once. The new missiles also used a proximity sensor, so they didn't need to even touch the enemy to allow to explosives to detonate, the AGSMs just needed to get close.
"Yup," Weaver muttered to himself. "This baby will definitely give us an advantage." He then began to instruct his fellow mechanics to construct the four other ships. It was going to be a long day. A very long day.