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Fan Fiction

Size Doesn't Matter Chapter 1
Posted By: SpecOpsGt<TWSTLTTLFRK@aol.com>
Date: 22 November 2005, 1:13 am

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I know most people did not enjoy my Halo: Delta Force story that much so I decided to focus on another topic a small group consisting of mainly Grunts. I hope you all like it. I know it will be harder for me to get respect for it for reasons unknown COUGH, UNGGOY LIFE, COUGH. Never cross Halo with Star Wars again. I don't think it could ever work.

Chapter 1: A Little Guy With A Big Problem

It had been a dumb idea now that Gip had thought about it to join the Fight against the Flood. "Why oh why did I join up.""Don't worry it not so bad once you knee deep in Flood guts." said a very strange although higher ranked Unggoy by the name of Bolliwop."Uh thanks....I guess.""Don't mind him he new leader. He fight with humans before and now he big, scary mean guy.""Thanks friend. What your name.""Me Gewroo.""Me Gip" Gip, Gewroo, and Bolliwop were part of a sixteen Unggoy unit who's job was to go down onto the sixth of the Halo installations and march right into the quarintine zone and eradicate any Flood they encounter. "We are going to be landing any minute now" said a very aggitated sounding Sangheili over the comm."Hey Gewroo maybe we be in same squad!""Maybe!".

The team got off of the Phantom and headed straight for the base camp to get armed and ready for combat. Of the sixteen people in the squad Gewroo was part of the five SpecOps unit's in the group. Gip was just the, what the UNSC troops use to nickname "cannon fodder", part of the group. Along with his squad, five humans, two Sangheili, and two Lekgolo were to be going along with them. "Well troops let's move out" yelled Bolliwop. "I no like this leader""Yeah he meanie" said two Grunts that Gip had overheard. There names were Jubjub and Guapo. Jubjub was another SpecOps and Guapo was a Gunner, one of the two in his team.

After a very restless sleep Gip awoke to the sounds of Phantoms and Pelicans in the air, unloading their crew. He placed his rebreather mask on, seeing as how he and his kin slept in a tent filled with methane, and left for the Barracks to grab some food. Once he was there he sat with Gewroo, Guapo, Jubjub and one of the Spartan/Covenant crossbreed Grunts (Only 1 is known to be alive) Bannon. "Hi guys!" said Gip."Hey Gip! Guys meet Gip he new guy""Hey/What's up/Hey buddy". Gip grabbed his meal, a very sloppy gunk of some kind, and sat down."Guapo meantion before he found that there be no squads! We all go at same time and no split up""Yay! Me no get eaten then" Oddly enough an Elite by the name of Janaku sat by them. Shortly afterwards an Elite of a grayish color named Ubarah sat with them across from Janaku. "Hello my friends. We are to be going with you in your mission to eliminate the Flood. We figured that we would sit next to you so that we may get to know you." said Janaku."Thanks friend. It good to know we have big friends""Yeah it is.""Hahaha. Yes well it is quite nice to have such friendly friends in such an unfriendly place.""Same".

After this the group walked outside to go to the Armory and get suited up. First was Gip. He walked out in his brand new red armor and was equipped with a Plasma Pistol. Gewroo walked out wearing his black armor and carrying his Needler. Guapo came out of the armory with a plasma connon folded over his shoulder saying "Man why me sign up for this job". Jubjub came out with his Needler and a few Plasma Grenades and handing a few to everyone. Bannon came out with two Plasma Rifles in his hands with a mean look on his face. You could tell he was ready to blow something up or shoot it instead. Janaku came out with a large case in one hand, his new SpecOps armor on and a Plasma Rifle in it's holster on his waist. Ubarah walked out with a Covenant Carbine.

They got onto their Phantom along with two Hunter's and a Pelican with five ODST marines in the back followed along. The ride their wasn't so bad actually. "Hey Janaku""Yes Gip""Why you big guys come with us. I thought we just "cannon fodder" as humans call us""We are going along to ensure that you are not "cannon fodder" as you refer to it""me want to thank you very much. Me no like dying. It not fun.""Yes i'm sure we all feel that way." After a brief topic of discussion involving a grunt's personal hygiene and the introduction of a new and odd Grunt by the name of "Frank" the dropships unloaded their crews near an outpost which was supposed to be where they were to rest.

The humans led the covenant troops into the base only to find that it had been completely destroyed. The team instantly drew there weapons. Gip dropped his Pistol when he first tryed to draw it he was so scared. They heard nothing whatsoever. A human by the name of John led the team into the base-camp. "Hey you there Elite." He was refering to Ubarah. "Were gunna go check out the Armory and their Barracks. You take your guys with you over there and try askin' to see if the Hunter's will check out their Command Tent.""Alright. Sounds good."

The teams went in separate directions. Ubarah used his Active Camo along with Janaku and the SpecOps unit's from Gip's squad. "Ok men you hear Elite's, we move out. Gip, Gewroo and Frank you go that way.""Well guys I guess we have fight something sooner or later""Yeah" said Gip nervously. The little team went first into the lunch tent which was cleared out, and then they went into what looked like a smaller Armory but with fewer lockers in it."Well guys I think it safe. Maybe we go back now.""Wait I think Me hear something over here." said Frank. After a good five minutes everyone regrouped."Hey. Where's that here funky lookin Grunt at who went with you guys?" Shortly thereafter they saw Frank come running as fast as he could out of a nearby tent yelling. "BIG SCARY THING! RUN AWAY!" After that they saw a Flood Combat form come chasing after him. "BUAH!" they heard as Frank ran nearer and nearer to the group. Janaku dropped the silver mettalic case he was holding. It opened to reveal a Fuel Rod Cannon. Gip's eyes opened as wide as they could with amazement. "Eat this you unholy beast" yelled Janaku. And then he pulled the trigger. Frank shot straight down into the groud and the Flood had been blown back and into pieces."Me thought you were gonna shoot me with the big gun" said Frank after he had very slowly crawled back to where the rest of the group was. Gip had continued to stare at the large yellow Fuel Rod Cannon.

They had rebuilt some of the base camp back up and were in the middle of working when one of the soldiers Pvt.Matt Dixon and Gip were assigned to rebuilding the comm tower. They were at the base of it checking to make sure that it was working properly and could catch Command's signal. "Hey little guy your name's Gip right?""Yeah. Me Gip.""I saw you staring at that Fuel Rod Cannon that your Sangheili friend was using before""Oh yeah that. Me no know why me like it but it look cool and me wanna use it.""Hehe. You want me to teach you?""Me learn to use big gun? Me like! Me like!""Hehe. Ok Gip once you wake up tomorrow i'll teach you how to use it ok?""Yeah sure!"

After a restless sleep caused by both the fear of the nearby Flood and his anxiety over learning how to use the Fuel Rod Cannon he finally awoke to the sounds of everyone prepairing for something. He walked up to one of his squadmates named Loopa and asked "What be happening?""Everyone get ready to fight big meanie Flood in few hours." Gip nearly swallowed his rebreather mask when he heard the words. "We go fight Flood soon?""Yup" This time he nearly fainted. "Hey Gip." In an instant he shot back up eager to learn the use of the Fuel Rod Cannon. "Yeah Matt.""I talked to your commander and he and Janaku have both agreed to let you become the first Demolitions expert on your team.""Me use big gun?!" Again he nearly fainted."He. Ok buddy you ready to start learning?""Yeah! Me ready.""Ok come on then.""Ok" The two reached their target practice location. After a good two or three times Gip was able to balance the mighty Fuel Rod Cannon on him in the proper way. Matt then teached him to be able to fire it which only took two quick lessons and in only a good hour or so Gip had mastered the Fuel Rod Cannon. "Me can use big gun now!""Yeah you can! You learned in one hour which took me a good two years to learn.""Is that good?""Hell yeah!"

"All men report to the Barracks for immediate arming and armoring" said a very disgruntled human voice over the comm speakers. Every single person walked out of the barracks carrying weapons differing from the next generation Sniper Ridle, designated S3 AM Sniper Rifle, to SMG's, Plasma Pistol's and Plasma Rifle's. "Ok troops here's our mission! We are to march straight into the quarantine zone, regroup with Bravo squad and then start blasting the living hell out of every single Flood that get's in our way! DO YOU GET ME?!""Sir Yes Sir!!!""Move it out! Move it out! Move it out!" Gip walked up to Ubarah and asked "Who Bravo squad?""There a squad comprised of SpecOps Sangheili that are more specialized in killing Flood than even Janaku.""Wow""Yeah." After everyone loaded onto the Dropships Gip had finally realized he was no longer scared. He had friends now, he knew how to use a Fuel Rod Cannon, and had a squad comprised of sixteen Unggoy, two Sangheili, two Lekgolo, and five Humans. He was ready for anything now.
