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Fan Fiction

Memories of a dying soldier - CHAPTER FOUR
Posted By: Spartan Elessar<spartan_elessar@yahoo.com>
Date: 4 April 2006, 4:25 pm

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Chapter 4:

"My God, just look at them!"

January 5, 2535

An uncharted area, Grid nineteen by twenty seven

Planet Jericho VII

"We are screwed!" yelled Ray from behind Logan and Jen

"Shut up! Are you working on that radio?" asked Jen with frustration and anger

"Why, we are not gonna be alive. That tank is gonna kill us all. Even if the reinforcement arrives, it will be for our burial details," shouted back Ray, whose voice was shaky and his face was having a panic attack.

"You are gonna kills us all Ray. Call for reinforcement now or I will come back there and kick your…" but Jen's voice was interrupted by a huge roar.

"Cut it out guys. We have devils in our doorstep, lets focus," said Logan, who was amazingly calm.

      The wraith and the Covenant soldiers were one hundred feet away from the marines. The trio loaded their assault rifles and took grenades out.

"I assume you have a plan Logan," asked Jen looking out from his cover

"Plan?" he laughed softly and looked at his friend. "My only plan is not to die."

"Sounds good to me," agreed Jen

      Five Elites, ten Jackals, Twenty Grunts and two hunters walked beside the twenty foot high purple-blue armored tank. They all moved fast and steady, their progress was quick

…ninety feet…eighty feet…

"Are you ready?" asked Logan, whose nerves forsake him at the last minute. He was literally shaking. "If you have a better plan than this Jen, please for God sake spit it out."

…seventy feet…sixty feet…

"I have nothing brother. Only God can help us now…" he stopped when two high powered rockets passed over his head.

"What the…"

      The two rockets hit perfectly on the Tank's nose, turning the solid mass into broken plumes of fire pieces. Surprised and shocked, the covenant stopped dead on their track and looked at the source of that attack. Nothing was visible.

      Logan, Jen and Ray's expressions were no different from those surprised Elites. Either of the group couldn't see the new comer.


      Four shots rang low on the mist - four jackals fell down dead. After a few second pause, another four distant shot rang and another four Jackals fell down dead – very accurate head shots.

"I think the cavalry has arrived," whispered Ray and Logan and Jen nodded their heads dumbly.

      The Elites, Hunters, Grunts and the remaining Jackals looked dumb-founded. No visible threats? What in the world is happening in here… BANG!

      Two rockets came soaring from….uh nowhere - and hit the pair of Hunters squarely on their chests. The heavy sack of organisms fell down like a stone dropped on a still water.

      The Elites charged blindly forward, not sure where to go. The Grunts and Jackals followed their big allies.

"They are running towards us," said Logan nervously

"Hmm, yes," agreed Jen

"Uh…what do we do?"

      Four sniper shots and a non-stop assault from a rifle fired. Once again the Covenant was caught by surprise; those shots came from their back. The bullets got the targets accurately. Grunts flipped from end over end, Jackals fell down from the sniper shots and Elites became the prey for the unknown predators. All the remaining Covenant threat was neutralized and God only knows who did this…where is this mysterious cavalry or the invisible ones?

      When all the visible threats were neutralized from the area, Logan, Jen and Ray slowly got up from their hiding places and looked around nervously. They stood there and watched around for full three minutes when they finally saw something - a shadow behind a shadow. Something side stepped them; the three marines spun around in fear and met the person.

      The trio's mouth fell open in pure shock. A seven foot tall, green armored, human – a Spartan stepped forward. Logan, who always wanted to see a Spartan, was now dumb-founded. Jen had no feeling other than – Is he a human or an alien?. And Ray's face was twitching with surprise. None of them expected a Spartan to be their back-ups – a sweet surprise!

      Three more Spartans came out - one had a sniper rifle, another one had a Rocket launcher and the remaining two Spartans had a standard UNSC assault rifle. One of the Spartans stepped forward and stood in front of the Marines. His HUD read 'Master Chief petty officer'

      The marines snapped into attention and gave a sharp salute in unison – more out of fear than respect or maybe both. The Spartan, called as Master Chief, returned the salute.

"At ease," Master Chief said. He had a deep rough voice and his expressions were hidden behind his faceplate. "There is a Pelican waiting for immediate evac marines. Gather your gears and go to the LZ."

"But sir," started Logan. "We can still fight. Can we give some assistance?" he finished with an unsure tone. What kind of assistance can three marines give to Spartans?

      Master Chief looked at him for a second and nodded his head. The marines were not sure what was going inside Chief's head, but they know one thing for sure – they have to fight with these Super humans or as some say – The immortal ones, just because Logan couldn't keep his big mouth shut.

"Kelly," Master Chief called and a Spartan stepped forward. "You take the three marines, save the Omega team and load the Pelican. You will be the Blue team leader," he said

"Yes sir," the female Spartan replied. Another shocker - a female Spartan? – too much to swallow, thought Logan.

"The rest of the team, Linda and Fred will be with me – the red team. We are going to neutralize the cave and the surroundings. We will meet you at 1900. If we are delayed, don't wait for us, take the remaining marines and fly," he finished, then he nodded to Kelly and disappeared into the woods with two other Spartans on his tail. Their movements were so quick and sly, it was almost undetectable.

      A question aroused within Logan. "Ma'am?" he called

      The female Spartan, their team leader – Kelly turned around and looked at him. Jesus, she is taller than me, he thought.

"I have a question on our objective," he said

"What is it Marine?" she asked

"Are we supposed to save the Omega team?"


"But we released them a long time ago from that UNSC armory, shouldn't they have called for an evac and left the base?" he said, still staggering to find the right words. Somehow she repressed him – big time.

"Yes they did call for evac, but their Pelican got hit. So they are currently holding position near the armory. It's our duty to find and safely escort them to the Pelican. Is it clear?" she asked. Her voice was not rude or harsh, but plain professional.

      The other two marines - Jen and ray, who were looking at the Spartan quietly came back to their senses and replied, "Yes ma'am," along with Logan.

"Alright let's move," she ordered and the marines obeyed.
