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Aliens vs. Master Chief Part 9
Posted By: Spartan058-Halogeeky<youngartist2151@yahoo.com>
Date: 6 December 2005, 3:34 am
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There was a loud crash and James quickly ran over to the edge. The Master Chief was lying on his back, motionless.
"Chief?!" James called out. No answer. "John?!"
James started to panic. He quickly grabbed the Chief's shotgun, the SMG and the duffle bag. He decided to throw the duffle bag down, and it landed with a soft thud. He shouldered the shotgun and tucked the SMG under his arm.
"Hold on!" James shouted to the Spartan below. He grabbed the rope slowly and managed to warp his body around it. James began to shimmy down the rope at a pace he didn't even know he could bring himself to go. When he finally reached twenty-five out of the thirty feet down, he let go and dropped to the floor. James let go of the shotgun and SMG, and ran over to the Master Chief. He knelt down and gently shook his shoulder. The armor felt awkward, and the Chief didn't respond to the shaking. James kept trying, but soon stopped.
How would you check a pulse through armor?
James carefully grabbed his helmet and tugged; not even a budge. He had seen the Chief put it on, so he finally tried to mimic. He twisted the helmet, and there was a slight "pop and hiss" as James managed to pull the helmet off. The Spartan was bleeding from his nose, part of his forehead, and his mouth. He quickly found the Spartan's pulse. It was still beating. He didn't know what was normal for a Spartan, but the only thing he cared about was that it was beating. James checked for breathing.
Ok, ok
he's unconscious...pulse, breathing
James had finally remembered a part of his training.He started to recite the steps in his head.
Victim has pulse, and is breathing
recovery position.
He had to turn him over on his side. He gently put one hand under the Master Chief's neck and another under his gel-covered back. He tried to lift and push the Spartan onto his side, but he could even shift the man.
God, he must weigh a ton!
James pushed as hard as he could, forgetting the correct hand placements. He finally managed to succeed, and push the Spartan on his side, facing away from him. James caught his breath, and crawled to the other side. He carefully put the Chief's arm underneath his head, and he moved the left leg forward slightly. James leaned back. All he could do now was wait.
Leader had seen both of the prey enter the hallway, and then walk back into the room. It was as if the beast had something to show the limp one. Leader suspected it must have been the silence that the Secret had made. The Secret possessed the ability to block most sound waves, making it deadly quiet. Their prey, being unable to hear, would allow a stealthy attack.
Each of the Warriors possessed some special ability. He, was the leader, and was capable of almost all talents to some degree, but not enough to use them quite as effectively as his pack. The Voice was a caller. He commonly distracted with high pitched or low pitched frequencies and often spied and returned with necessary information. The Secret was simply a stealthy character, his abnormally slender body enabling him to sneak up on prey. The Meaning was a Juggernaut. The fighter. He was larger and stronger then the rest of the team, and couldn't easily be defeated. And the Final had a certain way with "finishing touches". Like a vulture, he picks and mauls at the injured or weak, until they are useful to him or the hive.
You can cease now, the Secret.
The sound came back in one big wave. Blocking sound was more like putting up a barrier before it. When that barrier is released, all flows out. He had the Secret block the sound because he wanted to concentrate on the prey. Complete silence helped him to visualize what was going on in the room without actually entering. Now, he had to make sure.
Once the sound levels returned to normal, Leader stepped forward in front of his pack.
The Voice, go see what our prey is up to
"Yes, Leader," the Voice answered and crawled up to the ceiling and silently entered the room.
The Secret was restless and was swaying in his spot. Then he finally skidded up the wall in one fluid motion and melted into the vines, making him nearly invisable to Leader himself. The Secret hissed like a steaming tea kettle.
"Leader, when do we get to kill them?" the Secret asked.
All in good time
"You get to kill them as soon as I'm done with them," the Meaning answered in a deep guttural voice. "We'll leave you the remains."
The Final hissed threateningly.
"That's my job."
Enough, the Leader whispered. Patience
"Isn't there anything you could do?" the man asked desperately.
"No, I'm sorry," the nurse answered.
"There isn't anything we can do. She's been dead for nearly two hours
I'm sorry."
"Don't tell me you're sorry!" the man shouted. There was a pause, and the man sighed, put his hands to his face, and rested his elbows on the table next to the deceased woman. There was slight motion in his body.
"Leave," The man said quietly. The nurse hesitated.
"Leave!" the man shouted even louder, his voice echoing through the near empty room. He had removed his hands, revealing a tear stained face, and the nurse quickly exited. The man returned to the woman and continued to cry.
The Master Chief jerked awake, and a new pain flowed back in a second.
" the Master Chief managed to make a sound as he slowly tried to lift his head off the ground. It was too heavy, so he laid it down gently. The throbbing in his head continued, and his mouth consisted of a metallic taste. The Master Chief slowly put his hand to his mouth and pulled away revealing blood stained fingers.
"Oh man, are you ok?" He heard James ask. He was kneeling next to him.
"I think so," the Master Chief managed to say. He winced, and pushed himself off the ground.
"It doesn't look too bad..."
The Master Chief coughed and blood dripped away from his lips. He licked them as he managed to sit upright.
"How long have I been out?" the Master Chief asked as he leaned back against the surrounding counters.
"Only for about a half and hour," James replied.
The Master Chief scoffed and smoothed his hair.
"We have to get going again," the Master Chief said.
"Maybe you want to clean yourself up a little first, you look terrible," James suggested.
"I thought you said 'I didn't look too bad'," The Master Chief replied smartly.
"Your condition, doesn't look too bad, you, look like shit."
The Master Chief laughed, but soon coughed. He winced again, put his two fingers in his mouth, and pulled out a molar. He dropped the blood-covered tooth on the floor, and looked to James.
"That's not the first time that's happened
"Let me guess, that one was a fake," James replied.
The Master Chief laughed again and shook his head. He was about to reply something equally as smart, but was interrupted by a loud whooshing sound, like someone had opened a window during a hurricane. Only this was no hurricane.
"What is that?!" James shouted trying to over power the noise.
The Master Chief didn't answer, but he grabbed shotgun instead.
I hate reminders
He trained the shotgun on the hole above, to where the sound was originating from. But just as he did so the noise ceased within a second. Not even a gradually ceasing, it just
"What was that?!" James repeated.
"I don't know," The Master Chief answered. "There are a lot of things I don't know."
"This is one hell of a fun house