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Fan Fiction

Aliens vs. Master Chief Part 3
Posted By: Spartan058-Halogeeky<youngartist2151@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 November 2005, 3:17 pm

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Two Hours Earlier

The Master Chief had boarded the abandoned Margos Taken research ship on the upper most level, nearly a half an hour ago…and nothing had confronted him yet. The lights were unusually dim, some flickering, some shown no light. The air was musty, clouded, and stale. The Master Chief was suddenly reminded of the Flood; the only true horror he had ever experienced. The air was clouded with spoors from their rotten flesh, and their stench had engulfed whatever space they so heartlessly walked by.
That was ten years ago…it's all over, no more flood...but the air…so similar.
Haunted by his own mind, the Master Chief paused and turned the self condition system to "cool". He inhaled two slow breaths of cold, fresh air, and turned the mechanism off.
You haven't even started the fight, and already you're loosing it.
It had been a long time since the he last fought…did he lose his touch?
But I kept training; kept working…its ok…it just needs time…
He stepped slowly through the corridors, avoiding the black slimy veins that seemed to overwhelm the entire ship.
Well whatever it is, it sure made itself a home…
He continued to walk, his shotgun trained to the safe position of the floor. He started to notice the floor getting more difficult to walk on, as the slimy mucus stuck to the bottom of his boots. The hallway walls started to close in as the vines became larger and more bulbous, and the Chief lifted his shotgun slightly as he continued to traverse the unknown world. He checked the ceilings, the floor, and every corner of the walls. With each conformation of emptiness, he became more nervous, and more alert.
At least I know something's here...
He rounded the corner and stopped dead. The hallway walls held endless pod-like crevices. He tried to focus on the gaps in the walls, but everything seemed to melt into itself, every detail was one. He continued stepping slowly, shotgun at almost aiming position. The Master Chief started to sweat, and he watched as individual beads of salty warm liquid dripped down his nose and forehead. Suddenly he heard an almost liquid like slithering sound behind him. He turned around in a flash, shotgun fully trained, and prepared to fire; Nothing. He heard it again to his right, then to his left. The quiet hallway was now alive with the eerie noises. The Master Chief peered down the hallway and saw crawling shadows, followed by hollow screeches. He started to step backwards and aim, but he was soon face first into the floor of mucus. He tried to get up, but something was holding him down. He felt claws dig into his exposed gel layer of his back. The thing screeched loudly, and the Chief had finally realized what had happened. With one fluid motion, he threw his shoulders back, and the creature lost its balance. The Chief recovered his shotgun, and turned on his back. He aimed and shot the powerful weapon. He hit the Alien square in the head, and its whole front body seemed to explode, spewing yellow-green blood everywhere. The liquid hit his shields and the Master Chief watched as his shields flickered, and weakened.
More screeches were heard and the Chief, still on his back, tilted his head upside down and blasted his shotgun. The movement continued toward him, and the Chief started to fire continuous bursts. The blood had started to rush to his head, but he ignored the painful thuds of his heart trying to circulate. The last shell shot out, and the Chief's "Spartan Time" kicked in, and he could almost see the bullet slicing through the air and hitting the last Alien in the head.
The creatures ceased, and the hallway was filled with corpses and stained with bright yellow blood. The Master Chief stood up and looked around; motionless. He listened, but was disturbed by the utter silence that was recognized at the end of battle. The noisy environment just seconds before, was now dead; literally. The Master Chief started to load his shotgun, but saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see the wall moving and the figure of the enemy crawled out of its crevice.
The Master Chief tried to load one shell, but the Alien was too quick. It grabbed the Master Chief's head with both hands, and lifted him off the ground. The Chief grabbed the Aliens arms, but he struggled to keep hold of the slimy creature. The Alien opened its mouth and a fountain of misty drool poured out. It gave an almost guttural hiss, as it slowly swung its tail over its head. The Master Chief struggled to release himself, but failed, as the Alien tightened its grip. Finally the Chief lowered his left hand, and managed to pull his knife out of its sheathe. He raised the sharp weapon and stabbed the creature clean in the head. The Alien closed its mouth, and its lip quivered slightly. For a moment it didn't move. Steaming yellow blood began to trickle out of the wound, and the Alien finally let go of its grip and fell to the floor along with the Chief. The Chief stood up, and bent over to retrieve the knife. When he pulled the knife out, he heard it sizzle and pop and the liquid melted the blade.
"What the…?" the Master Chief said out load. He dropped the knife, slightly disappointed. The Chief picked up his shotgun and continued further into the haunted ship.

One hour later

After the battle that took place about one hour ago, the ship had remained quiet. No opposition. Even the vines had receded to the point where they were only on the walls. The Master Chief sat down on the floor and opened his Comm System on his HUD, and multi-tasked with some notes to send to HQ. He had to leave on the mission without Cortana, but he could still use her to communicate with the space station. He had tried to get a hold of them for thirty minutes now; so far no luck. He hesitated, and then tried again.
"Cortana, Cortana do you read me?" The Master Chief asked. There was a pause.
"Chief, glad to hear from you." Cortana's voice replied fluently.
The Master Chief sighed with relief.
"I've been trying to get a hold of you for thirty minutes. Where have you been?"
"Sorry Chief, but our Comm system wasn't responding. I couldn't get the correct frequency…what do you have so far?"
The Master Chief hesitated again.
"No survivors."
"The whole ship has been taken over. But the things seem rare to find. I've only been confronted once so far. But they are definitely here."
"Are you ok?"
"Fine. But the creatures are harder to fight then we had imagined. They're extremely strong, swift, and their blood seems to be made of some sort of acid…it doesn't make sense."
"I'll report this to the captain. Anything else?"
"No. I'm sending my report shortly. Then I'm going on Black.
"Affirmative, Chief. Good luck."
The Chief cut off the Comm and continued the small report. But as he started a new sentence, he heard something. A loud horrible howl, that made him jump. It lasted for about thirty seconds…thirty seconds of agonizing low pitched echoes. He wasn't sure what it was…but it was big. Then he heard something else…it wasn't a howl…A voice? The Chief stood up, shotgun in hand, and walked slowly toward the direction he heard the sound. He stopped when he heard "down here!". The Master Chief looked down and saw a man underneath the grates.
"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of there," The Master Chief said to the marine. He was wearing a battered uniform, and looked like he hadn't showered in days.
"NO! NO! Don't let them get me!" The man replied.
"Nothing's going to get you, now I'm here to help. You're safe with me."
"Not true! Not true! I've seen those things! I just want to get out of here!"
"I'm Spartan117-MasterChief. I'm the safest escort off this ship you'll ever find."
"You're a Spartan!? Oh great! This just keeps getting better and better! Now I have to trust a freak to survive? No way man! I'm going to live!"
The Master Chief had made a decision, that if he found someone, he wasn't going to leave them behind. And he wasn't too keen on changing that conclusion.
"What's your name?" the Master Chief asked.
"Parker…Lieutenant James Parker."
"Well, Lieutenant, I'm not going to leave you here so…"
The Master Chief gripped the grate path and pulled. The metal squealed as the Chief pulled the grating off. He threw the deformed plate aside, and held out his hand for the taking. The Lieutenant refused to take his offer.
"No! Now I'm staying here!" the Lieutenant replied.
"Now look, if you plan to get out of here alive, make up your mind…"
The Master Chief watched as the Lieutenant slowly took his hand, and gripped it loosely. He helped him out of the hole, and let go. He began to take out his SMG.
"Do you know how to use this?" the Master Chief asked, showing the SMG.
The Lieutenant nodded slowly, taking it, and looked away. He was frightened, dirty, and a little dazed. The Master Chief started to second guess handing him the weapon.
"Maybe you should just stay behind me…"the Master Chief gestured to take back the weapon, but the Lieutenant pulled the gun away.
"No, really I got it," The Lieutenant replied. The Master Chief nodded and handed him some ammo clips. For some reason, the Lieutenant wouldn't look at him. He had his eyes to the floor and no where else. The Chief had to press on.
"Ok then, let's get going." The Master Chief said crisply.
The Lieutenant didn't move, and was still looking down.
"What happened here?" The Master Chief asked demandingly.
The Lieutenant didn't answer. He opened his mouth, but then closed it.
"I…I don't know," He finally said. "I woke up one morning and…"His voice trailed off.
"Pull yourself together, you're going to get out of here alive, but first you have to pay attention and corporate. Do you understand?
The Lieutenant, eyes on the floor, nodded again.
"Ok," the Master Chief replied. "Then let's go. I've have to finish my mission first, but I'll protect you…don't worry."
The Master Chief didn't know exactly where he was going, but the hollow screeches that occurred every now and then, were a big clue.

James didn't want to go. He wanted to get out of here, not help with some mission. And now he is going to have to get involved, use this weapon, and fight.
The thing I've complaining about not being able to do for an eternity, and now when I finally get the opportunity, I shirk out of it?
James kept asking that same question to himself over and over again. He couldn't understand why he couldn't answer. He tried to concentrate on other things for now. Like what would he like to do once he gets out of here? Probably take a shower first thing, eat a nice juicy steak, and play some football. He knew this wasn't going to happen, but he might as well try to pretend it would.
"Hey…"James cut himself off. He didn't want to start a conversation with the guy, and almost did.
"Yes?" The armored man replied without looking back.

"…nothing," the Lieutenant replied.
The Master Chief was starting to get annoyed. But he knew that the kid was afraid. Of what? He was not sure; him or the Aliens? The Master Chief had to risk a conversation. He lowered his shotgun slightly, and turned his head around.
"How long have you been down here? You're pretty lucky to still be alive," The Master Chief said.
The marine didn't answer. The Master Chief tried again.
"Do you have any family?"
There was a pause.
"No," the Lieutenant replied in a negative tone.
This wasn't working, so he decided that he wasn't going to try any longer. He stepped forward, as a few screeches, almost normal to the environment now, continued.
