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Fan Fiction

Area 51,, Part Three: Elimination
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 6 October 2005, 1:12 am

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Area 51: Part Three: Elimination

Onboard Covenant Phantom en route to "Planet X"

Time until extinction 3 hr 27 min 19 sec.

"Holy one, we have retrieved the information you requested and are returning to your ship." Said Special Operations Commander Azja 'Kallalee, coming as close to a grin as a Sanghelli could. He was happy for several reasons; first, he had just been promoted to the rank of SpecOps Commander after the previous commander had died. Second he had in his hands the key to victory against the humans.

Outside "Area 51"

Time until extinction 2 hr 46 min 34 sec.

Spartan-200 waited outside of "Area 51" his eyes scanning the skies for his transport. Soon he heard the rumbling of the Pelican in the distance. As he got on he looked back on his mission. What had gone wrong? He had asked himself so many times. They had made it in, everyone had done their jobs, they had made it out. His remaining twenty-seven ODST's had been no match for the Phantom that had stayed behind to kill them. Spartan-200 had been forced to play dead among the bodies of his allies. For this he swore to take revenge on those Covenant responsible, mainly being all of them.

Onboard Covenant Super-Carrier Purifying Waters

Time until extinction 1 hr 48 min 05 sec.

"Excellency, we will reach the human planet in a three units. Our victory against the heretics will be complete." Said Supreme-Commander Xaza 'Requiee, very much believing these words as he said them to The Prophet of Truth. Truth had come to oversee the annihilation of the humans. The Great Journey was close.

Xaza gestured to the hundreds of thousands of elites under his command. He signaled the first squads of rangers, the "Purification Squad" to gear up and begin the assault. The rest of the army began to gear up too. The end was coming for Humanity.

Onboard "Planet X" orbital defense station "Defender"

Time until extinction 1 hr 3 min 45 sec

Spartan-200 had just been informed of the arrival of the Covenant. What confused him was that the Covenant had only sent one ship. Then he realized the ship was the size as the recently destroyed Earth's moon. He was ordered to the surface to meet Master-Chief on the surface to fight. His Pelican departed six minutes after the Covenant were spotted.

Onboard Covenant Drop ship docking on "Defender"

Time until extinction 57 min 37 sec.

This mission had been assigned to elite teams of Berserker Elites. Their only mission was to go in and cause as much destruction as possible. They were armed with swords and explosives. Lots of explosives. The second they stepped off the drop ships the carnage began. The first elite off the drop ship gave a roar, and as it detonated his explosives, thought, Death to the Heretics. As the explosives went off, everyone in the hangar was killed. The remaining elites left the room, and then remote detonated the drop ship. The explosion blew a hole in the ships side, causing the squad of engineers entering the room to investigate the explosion. The Elites made it to the ammo storage, and detonated their armor. As they did they all gave cries of victory for their race. The "Defender", as well as the other nine stations blew up. That gave the Covenant a clear shot at "Planet X."

On "Planet X" human Shelter

Time until extinction 43 min 0 sec.

Start playing emotional music now

Spartan 200, aka The "Lonely Hunter" was fighting for his life. Here he was, on the surface of the planet, fighting for humanity, as hard as he could. Yet he felt so helpless.
He heard the screams of men, women, and children, crying out for help, or mercy.
Help he knew he could not give, and mercy he knew they would not receive. That day, even the Grunts had been fighting hard. They knew victory was at hand, and that they could go around killing at will.

Master Chief was dead; Earth, the fleets, and all hope were gone. He was still fighting, when the last of his marines died, and the Covenant was attacking again in full force.
Somewhere, he heard a group of children, screaming for help. He knew he had to save them, but as he rounded the corner, he saw the last two get gunned down by a pair of elites. He pulled out his shotgun, aimed, and fired. As he was knocked down, he realized he was out of ammo. He tried to get up, but found he couldn't. So he looked down, and saw a pool of blood forming around his stomach. As he lay dieing, he heard he screams of hundreds more innocents, being ruthlessly killed by the Covenant. Thee minutes later, the last Spartan, Spartan 200, drew his last breath, and died.

On the surface of "Planet X"

Time until extinction 27 min. 13 sec.

Xaza heard the Prophet of Truth ordering them to pull out. Before he and the last of his brothers left, he went over to Spartan 200, picked up it's corpse and went back to his phantom.

Time until extinction 34 sec.

Truth, Xaza, and the rest of the Covenant onboard the Carrier watched as the ship charged its weapons. The time had come, and Xaza gave the order to fire, and watched with satisfaction as "Planet X" was incinerated in a ball of plasma. After the smoke cleared, "Planet X" and the last of humanity were gone.

The Covenant onboard gave a huge cheer as they saw this, and at this moment, Truth died of a massive heart failure. The Covenant's victory was complete, but their leader was dead. This meant that the Elites would take charge, and rule the Universe with an iron fist.

I hope you all enjoyed my story, any criticism would be nice, and don't miss my next story. Thank you for your time
