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Fan Fiction

The War for Earth: Foxtrot Company Ch. 1
Posted By: Sergeant Mangus<skasilverstar@AOL.com>
Date: 30 July 2005, 10:01 pm

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The War for Earth
Foxtrot Company: Ch. 1

2nd Marine Division CP
Sydney, Australia
Late August 2553
0800 Hours

"Operation Alamo is a simple procedure," spoke a tired and sweaty Marine General with two stars pinned on each side of his collar. He had dull black eyes and thick gray hair that had started balding. In his mouth, sat a short cigar that looked un-lit, but every now and then as he described the battle plan, a puff of smoke would be emitted from the corner of his mouth.

"Two Ground Vehicle Assault Platoons will proceed with Warthogs to the following building circled in red here," pointed the General on the map that sat before him on an old looking wooden table. "I need one Platoon on each side of the building, but I will leave the set-up plan to the Lieutenants in command of the Platoons." The General glanced over at two Lieutenants who stood around with the group of Marine Officers who were in on Operation Alamo.

The General paused for a minute and looked up from the map. Taking the cigar out of his mouth and clasping it between his thumb and pointer finger, he spoke. "Gentlemen…our intelligence shows a possibility that this is a Covenant Command Post, used by a high ranked Covenant Commander. Apparently, he is top Covenant Command for nearly half of the Covenant forces invading Sydney and letting him slip through our fingers with an opportunity like this would be devastating. We were very lucky to get a break through piece of information such as this."

A Marine Officer stepped forward after the last of the General's sentences. He was relatively young with black hair and a nice body build, most likely a pre-war athlete. Pinned on each side of his collar were two silver connected bars, indicating the rank of Captain. He spoke, "General Dacus, where do we come in to this plan? I assume we were called here for a reason."

The Marine General glanced over at the young Captain, "Who are you?"

The Captain straightened up his posture a little, but he was nowhere near standing at attention. "Captain Corbin Sleighter, Commanding Officer of Foxtrot Company, Marine Air Cavalry Regiment."

"So I assume you were chosen be promoted to Company Commander?" asked the General, "Because I saw your name in a pile of applications."

"Yes sir," said Captain Sleighter, however the General had stuck the cigar back in his mouth and begun rummaging through a pile of paperwork. A few seconds later, his hand emerged back with a piece of paper.

"This is the request you put in for Company Command," said General Dacus looking up from it to get a quick glance at Sleighter. "It says you took a heavy wound to the shoulder last year in the New Mombasa campaign." The General looked at the paper for a few more seconds and stated another fact for Sleighter and the few other Marine Officers to hear. "You were awarded the Purple Heart for your wound and the Colonial Cross."

The General rambled on for another minute or so about Captain Sleighter's service in the Marine Corp before he set the paper down. "Captain Sleighter, I must say that I find your service so far in this war very impressive. You must have balls to take a wound and keep on fighting to earn the Colonial Cross. But god knows, I hope you have balls for this mission."

Several of the Marine Officers who had partially toned out during the General's reading of Sleighter's transcript now opened their ears to hear the rest of the Operation Alamo plan.

"Captain, your orders are to take one of your Platoons from Foxtrot Company and land on the roof of this building. The three Pelicans will drop the Platoon off and will then hover over the city sector until a radio call is made for extraction. When the drop off is made, you and your men are to enter the building, and kill any Covenant resistance and capture the Covenant Commander. The two Ground Vehicle Platoons will guard the outside of the building and will open fire on any enemies leaving the building. Please note that this sector is behind enemy lines and we expect Covenant to be all over your position when word arrives that their Command Post is under attack. That is why the Warthogs will be equipped with Gauss cannons to repel attacking Covenant. It is necessary that the two assaults occur simultaneously and that the Warthog Platoons drive straight through enemy lines without wasting any time. We have scouted out the best route for the Warthogs to take so that they avoid large road blockades." The General released a small amount of cigar smoke and looked around his Marine Officers. "Any questions?"

There was silence in the room. Every Marine commander knew what their assignment was and they knew that the job had to be done effectively.

Captain Sleighter was not worried about his assignment, he knew that this is what the Marine Air Cavalry was all about, drop-offs behind enemy lines.

General Dacus waited for any further questions and spoke again, releasing a puff of cigar smoke, "The Operation will commence at 1200 Hours. Good luck gentlemen."
