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Fan Fiction

Big Blue Bastard
Posted By: Saint Schmitty
Date: 31 January 2006, 1:18 am

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     As I stepped off the stairs of the USNC base, armed to the teeth I see the destruction. Dead people everywhere, the stench was immense. It was dark, I checked my watch. It was only three p.m. I look up to see a huge ship. It was not industrial like the UNSC warships. It was more curvy and natural looking. Must be Covenant. It started to rain. The type of rain that stings. The type that makes you feel alive, feel young. As I stand there among the destruction, I remember my wife. The first time we met.

     I was eating at a local bar just outside of Germantown when I saw her. She was trying to buy a beer. But she was 20. I walked over and talked to Jerry, the barman. I was friends with him. I told him to get her a drink and that it was on me. Jerry went to get the beer. I made my move. She looked at me and called me a jerk. It was love at first sight. After a few more nights at the bar and lots of begging she agreed to let me go out on a date with her. We lived happily ever after. At least till now. Damn.

     "Leader! Bad enemy near! Bad!" A sqeaky voice screams, launching me from my memories and into reality.

     "Open fire!" A warbled voice responds. I dive behind and overturned warthog. Three marines lie all around me. In front of my face is a launcher.

     "Papa got a new toy." I think with joy as I pick up the launcher. I crawl over to the corner of the jeep, and poke my head out around with the launcher. I sight the big red bastard and push the firing stud. Click. I push it again. Click. Damn. Plasma fire hits the barrel of the launcher and melts it along with the bumper I am hiding behind. Fuck. I unsling my Springfield. I sight the big red bastard again.

     "Owned, motherfucker." I mumble and pull the trigger. Time slows. The butt pad presses into my shoulder. A click comes from the rifle. A head shot. The red bastard is thrown onto his back firing his weapon hitting a squat little alien behind him. the squat alien spueals and crumples. I see two more of the little aliens run away screaming something.

     "Come back miserable unggoy!" a warbled voice yells. Another one. Ok, no problem. I sling my rifle and get out my USP and screw on the suppressor. I stand up to a crouch and quietly tip-tow my way to where I heard the voice. I come up on a car that is half-mealted. I see a flash of blue armor behind it. My pistol comes up and I walk around the car. The big blue bastard has his back to me and is crouched. I sneak up to him.and press the pistol into his head and press the trigger. Instead of seeing blue blood I see the alien shimmer. He roars with suprise and falls on forward onto his back, flipping over. He raises his claw like weapon. I kick his weapon out of his hand and fire three more times into his head. Still nothing. I fire once more. and the round penetrates his head and he goes limp. Stupid fucker. I am getting up high as I can. Three blocks to my left is a huge apartment building. It is at least 90 stories high. I make my way to the building. I see a couple of warthogs come around the corner ahead of me. As they get closer the they start to slow down. A seargent waves at me and gestures for the convoy to stop.

     "Please come with us. There is a mandatory order to stay inside your home. This is for your safety. Hell no. I make a break for it. I run for an alleyway that the warthogs will not be able to go down. The marines are not far behind. I hear their heavy foot falls behind me.

     "Stop or we will open fire!" I whip around and fall on my back, bringing up my pistol. I fire once hitting the lead marine in the jaw. I fire again, this time at the seargent. This one hits him in the chest above the left bicep, killing him. The last marine begins to stop and bring up his weapon, an old MAB5. I don't have enough time. I see a purple flash penetrate his head and keep going, hitting a dumpster. I don't feel like sticking around to find out what happened. I scramble like a little nerd who just got knocked on his ass by some thugs looking for milk money. I get behind Cover and reload my weapons and move out. Taking some back alleys to my destinations. No problems. I hear a LAGG start to fire. They must have found the covie sniper. I ditch my fathers weapons. I need to go light. As I get near the apartment building I crouch. I make my way up to the thirtieth floor and break into a room. I check to make sure it is empty and crash onto the bed. I am so beat. Within five minutes I feel sleep tugging at me.
