
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: SPARTAN-294<Star94@windstream.net>
Date: 29 June 2007, 5:24 pm

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0900 Hours:
En Route To Possible Covenant Military Base, Earth
Mission: Infiltrate Covenant Base, Take out any and all Covenant inside, Take Command of Covenant Base, Free captive ODSTs

The orbital pod impacted, Nanoseconds later SPARTAN-294 Exploded out of the pod and onto the jungle floor, MA5C assault rifle at hand. Sweeping the area, rifle steady at chest level, explosions echoing in the background looking for any sign of Covenant activity. With bullet wounds in his MJOLNNIR armour but all he could do was ignore the pain. As he kept walking he noticed something, that something was wrong he could sense it. He was walking right into an ambush, four Covenant elite at 12:00 wielding plasma rifles and energy swords. SPARTAN-294's training kicked in as he dodged behind the trees taking cover counting to three he jumped out firing controlled burst shots with armour piercing rounds, they tore through the Elites armour. Two down one of the elites went to his right the other his left. SPARTAN-294 with his rifle dashed toward cover he was safe for now. Both elites took to his left not a smart move SPARTAN-294 took a plasma grenade and sticking it right onto one of the Elites skull taking both of them out. That takes care of them just as he keeps moving he spots 3 Brute Chieftains on patrol. Taking out his Sniper rifle SPARTAN-294 fires 3 rounds 1 going into each of the brutes skulls. That takes care of all the Covenant. Sprinting into the large facility, SPARTAN-294 finds himself in a large Covenant Military base with forerunner symbols everywhere. Deeper inside the building he finds some marines and ODSTs in the prison cells nothing but purple plasma keeping them inside. Quickly SPARTAN-294 opens the cells and frees them. As they approached him they inform him that there are other active threats in the area.

As the ODSTs were informing him about the threats he realized that something just wasn't right. Just as the doors began to slide open the entire wall in front of them detonated hundreds of flood infection forms swarmed in the area 3 of the 10 ODSTs KIA fresh blood everywhere SPARTAN-294 found a M19 Shotgun on the floor, a flood form must have dropped it. Picking it up SPARTAN-294 fired 8 shells into the devastating flood forms. Just as SPARTAN-294 curb stomped the last flood form he saw a Pelican dropship in the distance. They could finally get out of enemy territory. SPARTAN-294 opened a COM channel directly to the pelican but before he could say anything the pelican was right in front of him hovering over the ground. SPARTAN-294 jumped on board along with the other 7 ODSTs. They were all greeted by the crew of Echo 417. Once everyone got on the pelican it was silence for several hours until they got to base.

1600 Hours:
UNSC Military Base 0794-Valhalla
Mission: Get MJOLNIR Armour repairs, get to medical bay, Receive orders

SPARTAN-294 jumped off the pelican all around him were UNSC Marines ODSTs and UNSC vehicles including worthogs, mongooses, and Scorpion tanks. There were even captured Covenant Vehicles including Brute choppers and ghosts, once SPARTAN-294 got inside he went immediately to the medical bay. To his surprise Dr. Catherine Halsey was there, she looked up from her data pad, smiled and said "Its good to see you Zack its been along time" Dr. Halsey was usually the only one who ever called him Zack, She could even tell who he was through his visor without even asking. Zack answered "Its great to see you to maam." As she began to check his vitals Zack looked around the room finding himself with all sorts of captured Covenant technology. As Dr Halsey finished repairing his MOJLONIR armour, SPARTAN-294 asks what happened to the other SPARTANs. Dr Halsey replied "They came here." " I must see them, its been way too long." Dr halsey motioned him to follow her. They walked down several hallways and several corners, until they eventually came upon the gym. SPARTAN-294 raced into the room to find SPARTAN-280, SPARTAN-293, and SPARTAN-289. Immediately they saw each other knowing who everyone is. They rushed to greet each other they opened a private COM channel SPARTAN-294 spoke but all he could say was "its been a long time."

Before anyone else could speak 5 covenant dropships landed hundreds of blood thirsty covenant troops preparing for battle just out side the UNSC base. Sirens went off red flashing lights everywhere, the Covenant had found them. The SPARTANS knew what was going on they ran to the armory quickly got together what they needed and immediately went to meet the marines at battle with the covenant. They ran out the base and found thousands of Covenant troops battling the few hundred marines. SPARTAN-294 and SPARTAN-280 took close quarters with their M19 Shotguns while the other Spartans either took sniper rifles or rockets. SPARTAN-294 beat to death a group of grunts but after looking up saw an elite in Gold armor wielding two Energy Swords SPARTAN-294 cursed under his voice "shit" firing a round right into the elites chest nothing happened the elite lunged right after the SPARTAN's throat quickly rolling to the side firing another shell this time into the elites skull its energy shields shimmered and immediately failed this was his chance. Running up to the alien and jammed the barrel inside its throat and fired the gun, purple blood splattered on his visor. Taking out his MA5C assault rifle, pushed in a clip of armour piercing explosive bullets, and dashed toward the rest of the SPARTANs. SPARTAN-280 was having a bit more luck finding a couple dozen of jackals instead of an Elite honor guard. With his shotgun beating the jackals skulls into the ground and firing a few shells into the group of them. There wasn't to much more Covenant left but in the distance SPARTAN-294 spotted more Covenant dropships coming. Once the ships had landed there was a surprise in store for both the Covenant and the UNSC and that surprise was the Flood. As the last of the Covenant was executed more reinforcements were coming. The marines at this point shaking in their armor too afraid to keep going, but they had to they couldn't stop now this was an important battle. The dropships came down a few meters from where they were standing. The covenant rushed to meet the SPARTANs and marines for battle but when they began to fight a greater threat came, thousands of flood parasites washing over the area SPARTAN-280 saw a Covenant elite on the ground as a Flood parasite sharp razor tentacles went into the elites throat. SPARTAN-280 thought quickly taking out his shotgun firing 3 shells into the parasite and the elite then finishing him off by stomping on its head. SPARTAN-294 found several battle forms taking out his M19 Shotgun firing several shells into each of the flood forms. Eventually SPARTAN-294 was out of ammo he sprinted toward the backside of an Elite honor Guard jumping on its back forcing it to the ground, then snapping its neck. He took the elites energy sword, activated it and let the massacre begin. Stabbing every flood form in sight taking no prisoners. SPARTAN-280 was out of ammo dropping his shotgun he called on the COM channel to SPARTAN-294, SPARTAN-294 quickly tore the arm off an elite grabbing its energy sword throwing it to SPARTAN-280 there was a flood form rushing towards him he activated the sword as the flood form jumped about to slash with its arm SPARTAN-280 slashed off the floods arm and stabbed it in the chest. All that was left was the flood infection forms, every marine and SPARTAN stomped on all of them. It was done they had done the impossible, fought off 2 massive Covenant fleets, and an entire flood invasion. TO BE CONTINUED
