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Fan Fiction

Colossus Ch.3
Posted By: S7NN3R<xhalcyon713x@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 February 2006, 7:17 pm

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Chapter 3

      Sergeant Damien Winters was laying flat on the ground, staring into the dead eyes of Corporal McPherson. Purple-tinted bolts of energy rained down all around his ears as Covenant snipers pinned down the UNSC defenders.
      Other Marines either hurled themselves to the ground or were struck down by sniper shots.
      "Can't anyone do anything about those snipers?" a private bellowed.
      "Jesus Christ! Raymond!" Winters bellowed to the squad's radio man. "Can't you get some armor in here or something?"
      "Armor's on the way, sir! Two Scorpion MBTs inbound," the radio man bellowed. Sniper shots continued to rain down around their ears as they waited. Seconds ticked by into minutes as the snipers continued to rain purple fire. Then there was the distant roar of engines, deep as thunder. There was a twin thunderclap of sound, followed by a deafening explosion. Then the sniper fire stopped.
      Winters stayed on the ground another full minute, fully expecting more enemy sniper fire to pin him down. When none came, he cautiously climbed to his feet. He braced…
      Nothing came.
      "Come on, everyone! To your feet! We need to get ready for the next wave of enemies," Winters said. The marines around him climbed slowly to their feet, checked their weapons, and then readied themselves for the next Covenant advance. The two Scorpion tanks were parked in front of the HQ, waiting for the next attack.
      There was a space of maybe five minutes before a pair of Covenant drop-ships teetered into view. They came speeding at the reinforced Marine position, all three turrets on both Phantoms pounding incandescent purple fire everywhere. Men were fused into the ground by the powerful airborne fire.
      The drop-ships immediately dropped their troops and started to turn. A pair of 65mm shells collided with the lead drop-ship. Its shields flickered and died, and a pair of Scorpion shells struck it aft. The drop-ship started to spurt fire, and crashed into the second Phantom. The second Phantom began to crash, and her pilot regained control of the ship, when a 50mm shell collided with it, sending the ship spiraling into the streets. The two downed Phantoms created a large barrier in between buildings, blocking off the streets.
[indents] A pair of Hunters had been dropped out of the first phantom, and a quartet of Elites and a trio of Jackals from the second. The Scorpion tanks instantly turned to track the new targets. A pair of tank shells slammed into the lead Hunter, sending its body flying into oblivion. The second Hunter roared a challenge. Its gun glowed green and spat twins bolts of green fire at the Marines position. Marines threw themselves in every which direction. Marines unlucky enough to get away from the blasts were utterly destroyed, leaving nothing more than fused skeletons stuck to the cement.
      Snipers opened fire onto the second Hunter, and it fell under eight sniper rounds. A machine-gun turret opened fire onto the advancing Covenant infantry. The Elites crouched behind the Jackals, preventing the turret to do much damage. They advanced slowly under the cover of the shields. They were nearing the wall of the HQ, when a Scorpion fired directly at them. Bodies flew everywhere, the Jackal's shields notwithstanding to the powerful tank shells.
      There was a distant droning sound. Sergeant Winters turned his attention to the sky to see ten Covenant Banshees inbound.
      "Rockets!" The sergeant bellowed. "Front and center! Take out those Banshees before they can take out our tanks!"
      Rocket jockeys tracked the incoming aircraft. They led them in, and fired. A pair of tank shells joined the volley of eight rockets. Three of the rockets and one of the tank shells were clean misses, leaving four undamaged Banshees left to assault the tanks. Thousand of plasma bolts and four fuel rod rounds impacted the tanks, which exploded and bellowed smoke. The rocket jockeys reloaded and fired, removing the remaining air support.
      A cry went up, and men hoisted their weapons into the air. There was a deep bellow: "Easy marines! Easy!" The voice was that of Major Fitzgerald. The Major was a giant of a man, standing 6'7" and easily two-hundred and eighty pounds. He had a gunslinger mustache and a clean-shaved head. He held a shotgun in one hand and magnum in the other.
      "Who's in charge here?" the Major asked. Sergeant Winters looked around and noticed that he was the only remaining noncom.
      "I guess that would be me, sir," Winters said.
      "Very well, what's the-" he was cut off. The radio-man, Raymond, spoke up.
      "Sir! Message from the other side of the base! They say they have intruders!"
      "Very well. Sergeant, grab two men and follow me," the major said.
      There were a pair of earth-shattering explosions that reverberated through the ground. The shockwaves were strong enough to rattle the teeth in Winters' head. The steel-reinforced doors that lead to the interior of the facility burst apart, and a trio of black armored Elites emerged, each one spitting plasma from dual plasma rifles. A pair of Marine PFCs fell under the initial assault.
      Everyone outside the doors opened up on the Elites. Four shotgun blasts, hundreds of 7.62mm armor piercing rounds, and an octet of 14.2mm sniper rifle rounds tore through the Elites.
      "With me, sergeant! With me!" the Major shouted. He brought up his shotgun and charged into the facility. Sergeant Winters charged after, stopping at the door. He turned. "You two, follow me," he selected Corporal Lang and PFC Norris and followed the Major into the interior of Colossus HQ.
