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The battle of Motesha.
Posted By: Ryan Ferris<Ryanferris@nc.rr.com>
Date: 6 July 2008, 4:39 am
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When the DC-77 "Pelican" touched down onto ground, Gunnery Sgt. William Hayes knew It was time to move out. He unstrapped, stood up, and retrieved his BR55 Battle Rifle from the storage locker above his seat. After unclipping it, he flipped the safety off, and surveyed his squad; They looked uncomfortable, and he didn't blame them. It was a boiling 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Hayes pulled a clip out of his assault jacket, slid it home, and the digital ammo counter reset to thirty-six. He then assessed the situation; He had 5 men under his command, plus the four other scouting squads. They were sent In to recon four locations In Motesha, Africa, And give the battalion H.Q. an Idea of Covenant resistance strength before Admiral Hood ordered a full Assault on the town. There were several shipyards In Motesha that the UNSC desperately needed, that were controlled by the Brutes. The UNSC Defensive force stationed around Voi was short nearly thirty ships, ever since they slipped into the massive wormhole above the storm. Hayes fixed his assault helmet securely to his head, and stepped out onto the hard-packed ground below.
He looked up at the pilot of the Pelican, and signaled all clear. Hayes frowned; He dreaded leaving the craft. The Pelican was a sturdy and reliable craft. The beast was gunmetal green, had a troop bay for room up to twelve, and a 7.62 mm chin-mounted machine gun, not to mention a full 6 inches of ultra-dense Titanium-A battleplate. In the event of a Zero-G Op, The dropship could also seal Its hatch, and lock down to become air-tight. It was the workhorse of the UNSC. Once they were all clear of the troop bay, he radioed the pilot to release their Warthog. With the push of a button, the pilot released the magnetic locks, and the hog fell, bounced, and came to a stop. Then he and his squad mounted up. Once everyone was in, Hayes started It up. And, with a roar from the engine, they were off.
As they were driving along, Hayes radioed the squads: "All squads fan out, I want a 50 meter spread along the streets. After a stream of "yes sirs" From the other squads, Hayes surveyed the surrounding area. He didn't like it; He saw crashed Pelicans, a few burned Brute corpses, and still-rising smoke from the Covenant armor platoon that the UNSC had assaulted barely an hour ago. But he tried to take his mind off of it, he would have enough to worry about, in the next day or so. A scorching 15 minutes later, They drove Into the town, and Hayes was horrified. It was a hell hole. He knew the Brutes had been bombing All over The continent, but this had to be the worst. There were a few buildings still standing, no real cover. So he had Pvt. Wallace, The squads Tech expert, pull up a map of the town. There was an underground subway platform about half a klick south of their position. So he decided to radio all of the squads to meet up there.
He then mentally reviewed the mission: They had 12 hours to Recon a now Brute-held Shipyard. The Shipyards were once used to build many UNSC warships, as well as massive refit-and-resupply orbital stations. Including the one his brother, Sam, had served on. The Cradle, they called it. He missed his brother, but this was not the time to reminisce. Their first objective, a MAC-cannon manufacturing plant, was to be the first of four. Being that his squad had such little time, they hauled ass. This would be the first of four locations to scout. Lucky us. Hayes thought to himself. But he looked on the positive side: The five men under his command were the finest In their battalion. There was himself, Pvt. Wallace, Cpl. Harris, Pvt. Kovitch, Cpl. Damian, And Pfc. Vlidmir. He had known Damian and Vlidmir since basic, and the others were replacements for his old men. He had lost the other men a while back, In a town called Yetar In South Africa. Those Brute bastards never took prisoners. But they had been avenged. He thought to himself.
Meanwhile, The ride to the subway was uneventful, but when they entered the subway's foyer, Hayes saw otherwise. He heard the thrum of a Jackal shield, and the hiss of a Grunt's methane tank. "look sharp, 3 contacts right." Whispered Vlidmir. Hayes turned and saw them. Standing there, were two Grunts, and a Jackal. probably on guard duty. If everything had gone as planned, and the squads were here, these bastards would have been dead already. Why would they be here, anyway? Hayes wondered. It didn't matter now anyway, they had to be eliminated. Hayes turned the corner, and fired a burst from his BR55, which caught the first Grunt in the eye. With a second burst, he caught the Jackal in the throat. The third Grunt was hosed with bullets from Wallace. He motioned his squad to move up and check the bodies. Vlidmir checked for a pulse, just to be safe, while Kovitch stripped the aliens of Plasma pistols, and grenades, then proceeded to distribute them to the rest of the squad. "You know sarge," Said Kovitch. "I really hate this alien shit, I've had friends with Boren's syndrome, and It's not pretty." Although he loathed admitting It, Hayes agreed with Kovitch. Boren's syndrome was a cancer caused by high-yield radiation, much like the radiation given off by the grenades when detonated. Much like the radiation that killed his brother. "Stop bitching and deal with It Kovitch, Besides you know how good these things are at disrupting the Covenant electronics, we'll need them." Said Harris.
Hayes looked over at him. Harris was a tall man In his mid twenties, And he was the squad's sharpshooter. Hayes had seen him hit a beer can at 2000 meters, and was a survivor of the battle of New Mombasa. Though that battle had left him with massive burns down his right side. It had taken him months to recover. One tough son of a bitch. Hayes looked up from his weapon. "Enough, let's move out. down the hallway, not a sound." Said Hayes. "Yes, sir." They responded In unison. After a minute of walking, They were at platform 9C. They had to move to platform 9A, which was down the corridor. "Fix the silencers on your MA5's." whispered Hayes. He then paused to fix his own. Once they got to the platform, It was desolate. "The squads should have been here already, right?" Said Harris. "Yes." Hayes responded. Something was very wrong. He turned to his techie. "Wallace, see If you can reach Echo squad on the Comm." Wallace quickly obeyed and turned the radio on, but was rewarded with static. "Shit, it's all the pipes and concrete." whispered Vlidmir. "We need to get out and get a squad on the radio-" A sound, not loud, but he heard It. It was a Brute. A stalker, probably. Stalkers were nasty bastards. Equipped with active camo, they were almost impossible to spot. They also carried spike rifles, and incendiary grenades.
He thought about running, but too late. It had already smelled them. "You guys hear that?" Whimpered Wallace. "Shut. up. now." Said Hayes. He needed to get his squad out, and do It fast. He hoped that the brute was a solitary, a scout, sent, maybe to Investigate the shootings before. Him and his men were huddled In a Train, above the platform. All but one, the trains doors were welded shut, probably by Brutes. That left Hayes with only one exit. "Ok, follow me, we're going to take out the bastard." Hayes muttered. As they moved out of the train onto the platform, He saw two exits. The one they came In from, and another one, down the hall. But something was wrong. As he glanced down the exit, he happened to notice a shimmer of air. That wasn't natural, what he saw. But he knew damn well what It was. A Brute equipped with stealth camouflage. "Oosoonas", the Covenant called them. But It was a good sign, because the scouts always traveled alone, or In a pair. not In a pack. As soon as Hayes noticed the scout, It noticed him. Not good.
"MOVE YOUR ASS!" Yelled Hayes to his squad, as he dove backwards to evade a flurry of Spikes from the Brute's weapon. The thing snarled and shot again, this time hitting Harris's weapon, ruining
It. Harris threw down the Rifle, and drew his M7 submachine gun and Immediately fired at the Brute. They all fired on It, But the Camo made It almost Impossible to spot. Hayes fired, and luckily hit Its Camo generator, revealing the Brute. Once the thing was revealed, a second later gunfire from all sides put It down once and for all. "We need to get the hell outta here, and make radio contact with the other squads!" Yelled Hayes. He heard howls coming from other brutes down the hall. So they moved. They ran out of the subway onto the scorching pavement. they had parked their 'Hog In a garage a few dozen yards to the right. They jumped Into the hog, with Harris at the wheel, and started It up. It wasn't a regular hog, It didn't have the standard 7.62 mm LAAG. It was a troop 'hog, meant to hold up to eight men. Though It didn't have any sort of weapon mounted on It, Damian had Insisted they pack a few Rocket Launchers. Hayes was now glad he obliged, because reinforcements had to be coming.
Once they were all In, Hayes jumped Into the back, and they sped onto the road towards a lone standing building, so they could make contact with the other squads. But halfway to the building, a Brute jumped into the road, wielding a Fuel rod cannon. That was a serious threat. Damian stepped up from his seat, holding the launcher. Whilst grinning, he shot a rocket from the launcher. Hayes saw the rocket speed toward the Brute, and blow it to ribbons. After the Rocket detonated, it also set off the extra Fuel rods the Brute was carrying, which detonated in a large radioactive cloud, leaving a large crater in the street. Harris quickly veered out of the way, and sped towards the building.
They pulled up to the building, and jumped out of the 'Hog. "Everyone on me, we don't know what's In there." Said Hayes. As they approached, Hayes crouched next to the door. He put his ear up to the door, and heard nothing. He motioned for his squad to follow him, as he opened the door, he found he had made a huge mistake, as he was staring down the barrel of a "Needler" rifle.