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This is what we get for trust | Part 1
Posted By: Rtas Vadumee<yeahyou84@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 July 2009, 9:53 pm
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A lone Covenant cruiser stood still in the vast blackness of space with a flag ship approching at an alarming speed.
"Ship master, the fools are falling for it," an Elite pilot calmly stated.
"Good. Those insolant bastards will pay. Rally my warriors! Let us finish this fight! The Brute commander doesn't see us as a threat, and he has lowered his guard! Now we strike," Rtas 'Vaumee shouted as he stood from his captain's chair, "go my warriors! To the Seraphs!"
Hordes of Elites rushed for their fighters and took off toward the Brute flag ship. The fighter class ships seeming insignificant against the endless sea of black space. Rtas slowly walked over to a screen and watched it closely, monitoring every move. The Seraphs were painted black just for this mission, allowing them to get in close seeing as the only way to detect them was to look at the stars themselves.
"Blast it! That is no Brute ship! Call them back," the commander barked as the minor Elite sitting before him scrambled to open a transmission, "The Parasite has gotten even smarter than we thought!"
But it was too late. The ship opened fire, shooting huge bolts of violet plasma at the small ships; none survived. The flag ship moved in closer to the Commander's ship. Rtas' remaining 2 jaws stood open with amazement as the flood piloted the ship closer and closer to him. The lines on the sides of the huge ship pulsed a warm purple, then white as the monster prepared another volly.
"Evasive action! Avoid that volly at all costs," The ship master opened up a intercom channel, "all units; Brace for impact or sharp movments! Gravity may shift as we avoid the parasite's attack!"
All throughout the ship, Elites braced against whatever was near as the the super heated plasma grazed the ship. One bolt hit an unsheilded area and blew a huge hole in the ship, boiling away at the layers of armor and decks underneith.
"Sir! Breach in sector 17. We lost almost all of our special ops troops," an Elite special ops captain said as he walked into the bridge, "I am not trying to sound mutanious, nor am I trying to question command, but my suggestion is we jump from here. At least we could find a small safe haven with the Humans."
"Hmm.. I will not hold it against you, nor will I punish you for it, but do not ever do this again. You have a valid point Tras, but you have no authority over me," Rtas turned to the pilot, "Jump to the.." His speech was cut off as another rally hit his ship.
"Sir, engines are destroyed. We also have a power failure in sectors 2 through 27."
Rtas cringed at the thought of a mear brainless parasite beating him and his crew, "Blast this damned monsters! Do our starbord cannons still work?"
A minor Elite checked a monitor, tapping the holographic panels with ease, yet his hand didn't pass through, "No sir, but our port cannons still do."
"Damn it! Blasted beasts... Wait," Rtas thought it through for several seconds, "We have a breach in sector 17 and when that happens we seal it off.. Tell all our troops from sectors 2-18 to move to sectors 20-25. I have a plan. We will release the air from sectors 2-18 into sector 17, causing the ship to turn at a rapid pace..."
Tras finished as he stood up taller, "and allow us to fire our cannons against them! It's a brilliant plan Rtas!"
The ship master seemed to glow with his pride. He lowered himself back into his chair as his plan went into action. The enemy ship seemed millions of miles away on the monitor but he knew in reality, it was far closer than he wanted it to be. He began to mutter a prayer under his breath; only the end could be heard, "... And may the Gods of both our race and the Human's watch over us.."
Time seemed to be going nowhere as the massive ships carried out their plans. Rtas's ship turned just in time to be thin enough to avoid a volly from the Flood ship. It continued spinning until it was in position.
The ship master, clad in his glorious white armor stood up and shouted, "All batteries open up! Blast these mongrels back to Hell where they belong!"
As he said this, all the cannons facing the ship fired as fast as they could; tearing the Flood ship into bits.
"Yes! It's working! Keep it up my warriors! I will send for help!" Rtas walked to his private room and opened up a comm channel with a nearby Human base.
"Gunnery Sergent Pete Stacker reporting, sir! What is it that our new-found allies ask of us," A marine said as the hologram appeared.
"We have been attacked by a flood controled ship. They have taken out all of our fighters, our engines, and our power source for the engines. We need help as soon as you can bring it!"
"Sir, yes sir! I will report it to the Cheif," right as the the marine was about to close the channel, Rtas stopped him.
"The Spartan is there? We are sure to be safe now. Do not send him though. Send your Pelicans or whatever they're called," The ship master said as he closed it up. He looked down at the floor, "maybe now we have a chance to win this war..."
The ship master looked at a poem on his wall he wrote back when he fought the humans, and read it aloud..
"High Gods of old, protect us now and ever.
The Humans plauge our lands, their limbs I will sever.
Holy Ones be praised, the Forunner Rings we hunt..."
He thought for several seconds and tore it down and added and ending..
"With-out question I follow, this is what we get for trust..."