
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Opiate
Date: 18 August 2005, 8:28 pm

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Bright lights flashed everywhere, illuminating the dingy streets of New York City. Neon flashed above the doors to shops and retaurants, and yellow police tape draped off of door steps everywhere. The ruined Empire State Building loomed above it all, overshadowing the slums and business buildings that were reduced to rubble in mere seconds. A gigantic television flashed news reports of the Covenant assault on Earth, the breaking of the military's fleet of ships, the bombings and death all around.
The Army had fallen.
The third Halo was taken by the Covenant.
The Crusades were over.
Covenant Elites and Grunts patrolled the city, stealing and killing as they pleased. The Prophet of Despair sat in a flagship over the city, watching as his troops decemated the remaining humans. Troops constantly flew out from his ship, landing on the ruins of the New York Stock Exchange. The last stronghold of the city, at a hotel in the center of the city, was under heavy assault, but still somehow held up. The Prophet zoomed in on the scene.
Elites flooded the streets, constantly barraging the heavily fortified doors with a rain of plasma, chipping away the marble bit by bit. Violet beams flew overhead in a violent exchange of ammo between human snipers and Jackals. Grenades flew into the streets below, resulting in hundreds of flying Grunts.Hunters blasted at the walls and windows with their massive plasma cannons, and Banshees flew overhead, blasting at the few defenders hanging out on the rooftop. One human caught the Prophet's attention. He was standing right in clear view, shooting down Banshees like clay pidgeons with a heavily modified .50 caliber gatling gun strapped to his shoulder. He was strangely. . . white. And not just pigmentation, but snow-white.
"All Elites, cease fire and head to the roof! A Demon is assaulting the air forces!"
For the first time in decades, the Prophet actually felt terror. His hand trembled as he pressed a button to release the Wraiths.
"Don't kill the Demon, but capture him. I want him alive."
The Elites jumped onto the wings of the Banshees and took off, prepared to die for their leader. The Jackals provided much-neede cover fire, taking out the distracted humans with practiced ease. The Hunters relaxed their heavy assault a bit and started shooting the soldiers above their heads. A man behind the marble doors took this slight cease and kicked open the heavy marble doors to start blasting at the Grunts outside. He ran ahead to decapitate a stunned Elite with his .45 Magnum and steal his energy sword. His dark blue armor revealed his position to the other Covenat, who then opened fire onto the solitary soldier.
"Release the others, "shouted the Spartan, taking cover behind a demolished bus, waiting for his shields to recharge. "How are you holding up, Bull?"
The white spartan on the roof responded by blasting a banshee down to plummit to the ground below. "That answer enough for ya, Hare?"
"Dammit, what did I tell you about that? I hate that name!"
A blast of laughter over the intercom, followed by a falling Banshee, complete with screaming Elites.Six more Spartans ran out the door to the battlefield, trailing twenty soldiers in their wake.
"Twenty-four to a few thousand? They're seriously outnumbered!" cried a black Spartan sitting atop a toppled car, picking off Jackals almost lazily with a battle rifle.
"Don't get cocky, Hawk. We've still got a Flagship to take out." Hare leapt on top of the bus and rained lead onto a pack of Elites shooting at a red Spartan dueling with two Hunters.
"Thanks, Hare." He hopped backwards, picking up a sword and deftly throwing it into a Hunter's leg. He ran forward to retrieve his weapon and decapitate the crippled giant.
"No problem, Red.
A few more Banshees toppled from the roof, taking down some Grunts with them.
"Problem solved, y'all. Comin' down!"
"What the hell are you doing-" Hare's words were cut short by a dull thud, followed by rapid gunfire and screaming Jackals. "I keep telling you not to do that. Ten stories is too damn high!"
Bull shrugged nonchalantly and started the gun back up again, chipping holes into cement and Jackals.
Red jumped around like a crazed jackrabbit, picking off Grunts as though they were bugs. Hawk had leapt off of his car and began to assassinate the few remaining clumps of Elites. The snipers had killed all of the Jackals and began to shoot at the leftover Grunts.
The gatling gun died down as Bull strapped it to his back. He sat down on top of Hawk's car and removed his helmet, wiping his brow with an old handkerchief. The last of he Covenant assault team ran amuck, squealing as they saw their comrades being shot down. He watched as Red advanced on a fallen Grunt, the Grunt squealing and pushing backwards like a pig. Red posed to stab the fallen creature, when Hare came up and grabbed his arm.
"Wait. He's a mechanic. He may be able to help us."
"Yes, yes, I help you. Please don't kill me!" The Grunt squealed at them. Its hand creeped toward an abandoned plasma pistol.
"If you even lay a finger on that, I'll personally kill you, despite your use. Now get up. I want you to stay with me for the remainder of this. . . strife."
"O-o- okay. Just protect me from Prophet. He no like traitors."
"Yeah, whatever. All right, y'all, let's head to the stock exchange. Let's show the Covenant what happens when you screw with the humans."
Bull kicked the Grunt forward, sending him sprawling. "Move, Covenant. Or maybe you would like to meet the Prophet before we do."
The Grunt squeaked a curse and ran ahead, cowering behind Hare.
"Get off of me! Bull, cut it the hell out. We've got work to do."
The Prophet zoomed out, trembling in fear. He speaked into the speaker to the rest of the ship.
"All Grunts and Lesser Elites, abandon ship. Stand your ground and protect our flagship. All Guards and Captains, stay on the ship in case the first defense falls. In the name of all things sacred, protect the ship. Show no mercy."
Deathy may have come for the Prophet, but he would not let him take down the Flagship so easily.
No, a few of them would die first.
The sacred Ring would not fall to the hands of a few armored humans.
That could not be allowed.
