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Echoes of the Past: Chapter 1: Echoes of the Past
Posted By: Omega 505<omega505@ymail.com>
Date: 26 January 2009, 9:20 pm
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Chapter 1
Echoes of the Past
2 years after the Halo Event
Susan burst through the barracks doors and slammed into Kurtz. "Whoa, what's the rush?"
they're coming," she gasped.
"What? Who's coming?" Kurtz stared at here quizzically.
"The... flood, they found them, in the ruins. Damn things came out of the ground." Gunfire erupted from outside the camp. "They're faster then I thought, come on, wake the others, the CO started the Halo Protocol. Make sure someone knows we're here."
Kurtz started toward the door, but stopped, "So what should I send?"
"I don't know, improvise," She continued through the barracks into the armory.
"Improvise?" Kurtz moved into the communications center. "Improvise, what does that
" he paused, and then started programming the message.
UNSC End of the Road
1.5 weeks later
"Captain, our probe's got a message," the crewmen reported. "Shall I play it sir?"
"Yes, put it on the main speakers." The captain leaned forward eagerly. A sharp six note signal filled the bridge. "What the hell?"
The bridge doors opened and the Spartan ran in.
"So, you're a Spartan?"
'Unfortunately, yes I am.' Spartan 115 shrugged the obvious question off and stared out at the forest as it screamed by. The pelican drop ship slowed as they approached the LZ.
"All right Marines, we got work to do." The young Staff Sergeant turned to the Spartan. "You had better watch it. First thing I notice gets you court marshaled, you understand?" 115 nodded and cocked his rifle. "Good, 'cause from now on, you aren't my problem." The Sergeant turned and started a 'prep-talk' to the other Marines. 115 turned of his external mike and concentrated on his weapon. The heavily modified MA5B rifle had an extended stock and external scope that links to his HUD. He synced it and checked the aim.
115's com click on, "Alright Marines, get ready for drop. ETA to LZ, fifteen seconds." 115 unhooked his harness and leapt from the pelican's bay. He ducked and rolled when he hit the ground. Quickly, he jumped up and watched as the pelican landed half a klick away. 'Alright, where are you.' He turned into the forest as he whistled a melody. 'So, olly, olly, oxen free?'
115 moved into a clearing under some large canopy trees. Bits of metal and gnarled bone hung low from its branches. "Well what do we have here?" He reached in and pulled out a marine's helmet, and then some spent MA5B rounds. Emotionlessly he dropped the helmet and brought his rifle to bear. He spun and checked the clearing. Something snapped behind him. Turning slowly, he listened for another sound.
A voice suddenly called, as though from far away. "Child of my enemy, why have you come?" 115 froze and scanned the trees. "You search for forgiveness... but I offer none." 115 grabbed at his helmet as and agonizing shriek cried through the radio. "You expect ME to forgive what time had turned sour and rotten?" It cried out, ripping through the frequencies. "Yet you wonder why it is? Why you must suffer? A father's sin passes to their children. Now it is you who shall suffer for long eternity, you who shall be smitten. YOU SHALL FALL." 115 ripped the helmet from his head, but the voice sustained. "I have long waited to see my enemy fail, and I shall not be deprived of that satisfaction."
The sound continued as tiny voices yelled from the discarded helmet. "What is that, what are those things? Oh my god, they killed Alpha Squad! Fall back, fall back!"
"See what you have wrought? I am a god, I WILL CONTROL ALL THAT I SEE."
115 twisted as another screech played at his eardrums. Suddenly, five forms burst from the forest. The Spartan aimed at the first form and froze as it moved forward. The limited light shone off the plates of Mjolnir armor. Spartan 145, it was Susan. Her pale face was warped and bent back at an odd angle. Growths extended from her wrists and gaps in her armor. Her helmet was missing, and she made an indistinguishable gurgling sound.
"No," 115 spun and looked at the other forms. 126, 148, 109, they were all here, all of gamma squad. All dead. He sobbed silently, and raised his M6D. "I'm sorry." The shots hung in the air for what seemed like forever.
Two weeks earlier
"So, you think they're coming for us?" Kurtz 126 asked, turning to his squad mates.
"I don't know, now shut-up and listen," Susan 145 replied, "We don't know where it could come from."
"You really think there's some left?" Rex 148 shifted uneasily in his suit, "Those weren't small nukes."
"I said shut up," Susan snapped, "They're still following us, keep moving. You too Ward, get up." Susan grabbed Ward by the arm and hoisted him up.
"Uhg, thanks. That sucker got me good aye?" Ward 109 rubbed his leg where the infected marine got a hold of him. "Kinda itches, ya know?"
"Sure," Kurtz said, "Cause we all know how it feels to be bitten by
"I said shut it! That's about enough of
" Susan pleaded, unsuccessfully.
The fifth stirred in the corner. "And why don't you all shut up." Mark 187 grumbled and rose to his feet. "Just deal with it, no one's coming. The UNSC doesn't give a damn what happens to us. We're just more 'expendable assets'"
Susan jumped at the chance, "Why the hell do you always have to be so negative! We can't give up hope yet, they will come, they will find us, and when they do I'll have the pleasure of blowing that over sized ego of yours."
"Ooooh, so sharp, they teach you that in school?" Mark smirked and sat back down. "We're all doomed, just fucking doomed."
Rex jumped up, "Any of you hear that? Sounds like
"Dammit, they're here. Everyone gear up, get ready for a fight." Susan yelled as she mounted an M41. The machine gun spun and shook the wreaked warthog underneath. "Fire everything we got. We can't lose! We are Spartans, we will not fall. Fight to the end!"
Two weeks earlier
"Gah, I'm hit" Rex fell hard as the round torn through his shoulder.
"You alright, Can you fight?" Ward snapped the portable med kit from his belt and limped to Rex.
"Yeah, I'm fine
" Rex grunted, "Pass the can of biofoam and hand me a gun." He looked up and smirked at Ward.
Ward chuckled. "Yeah, and then nothing'll stop you." He sprayed some disinfectant and sealed the wound. "There ya go, good as new.
"Thanks Ward," Rex propped himself up on his good elbow and turned to him. "How's the leg?"
"Fine," Ward laughed, "But its not me you should be worrying about, now get back out there and fight."
"Yessir, right on that," He leaned up and pulled himself to his feet. "Thanks again doc, feeling better already." He jogged over to the barricade just as the rocket hit. Ward watched as time slowed. He saw the impact, the shrapnel, the blood
slow enough to see the details. The look on Rex's face as he fell, twisted in fear and pain as shrapnel torn through the missing pieces of armor.
"NO!" Ward tried to run to him, but fell over before he could get far. "Susan, we got a man down! It's Rex!"
Susan turned the machine gun over to Kurtz and ran to Rex. "Hey Rex, don't you die on us now. Come-on Rex, hang in there. Ward, get your ass over here and help him!"
Ward sat frozen where he fell. The usually hardened soldier was paralyzed with fear at the sight of his friend dieing before his eyes. "WARD, NOW!" Susan gave up, Ward was mentally gone. "Stay with us Rex, you can pull through this. Not as bad a 'wash-out day' right?"
Rex turned to her, his face paler then usual. "Yeah," He smirked as best he could, "I guess it is." He coughed, His face hardened, "You guys go on without me, and I'll hold them off here."
"But Rex
"GO, this is my fight now. If those bastards want to get to you guys now, then they'll have to get through me." He smirked and cocked his rifle. "I said go, give a dieing man a break already." Susan tried to sit down next to him, but he pushed her away. "I said go, dammit, I can't see you guys dead."
Susan stood and turned away to hide the tears, but the others all knew. "Alright," she sobbed, "You heard him. Get moving." The Spartans froze, surprised at the sudden choice.
Kurtz took a few shots off and turned to Susan, "We can't leave him here."
"You heard me, pack up, we're moving" Susan turned and tried to hide her emotions. She lifted a pack and moved into the trees.
dammit." Kurtz turned to Rex and tried to grin, "Good luck Rex. See ya when we get back?"
Rex let out a small laugh, "Yeah, I guess so, good luck guys." Kurtz braced Ward and started to leave.
Ward turned as best he could, "Don't you give up, doctor's orders."
"Ha, thanks Ward, I'll miss you too." Rex watched them leave and sighted his rife at the opening in the wall. "You gonna leave without saying goodbye?" Mark froze and just stared at him. "It's all right, I under stand." He stared after Mark as he moved into the forest. "All right, let's get this over with, shall we?" Slowly he turned his rifle to the hole and pulled the trigger.
The Spartans moved grimly into the forest. Moments later, gunfire filled the air, moments after that, it ended.
Present Day
115 removed the log from his armor. He sighed and looked at the one he'd been able to take down. Rex's deformed face stared back, emotionless
empty. Something was wrong. 115 turned and moved the same way gamma squad did two weeks earlier. He shook his head, 'two weeks as a flood?' he couldn't think of worse torture.
5 minutes later
115 moved toward the clearing. Wreckage lay strewn across the field, and weapons lay everywhere. Dead in the center lay the Pelican. 115 climbed the tail into the crumpled cargo hold. No one survived. Bodies were collapsed against the sides and blood was splattered on the walls. Anyone else would have said they all died in the crash, but 115 wasn't anyone else. Empty cartridges lay on the floor of the hold. Blood trailed into the clearing and stopped abruptly. The flood got them.
He moved toward the front of the ship. Stenciled in bold black letters was Bravo 236, the pelican he rode in on. He scanned the bodies. Every one of them was a marine he saw less then an hour earlier. Suddenly something grunted from behind the wreck. 115 leveled his rifle and moved around a pile of debris, wishing he hadn't.
"Hey, dumbass, you mind putting that gun down and helping me up?" The staff sergeant smirked and looked 115 over. "Well?"
115 let out a small laugh, "I thought I wasn't you're problem?"
"Well, you are now. Get this damn thing off me." He cringed as he tried to pull himself out. 115 hesitated, but moved to lift the pile. The sergeant sighed as he lifted himself up. "Well, looks like we're in the same boat Spartan. You know I don't trust your kind, but looks to me like I have no
are you even listening to me?"
In fact, 115 was listening, and listening very carefully. It came from the right, the flood Spartan charged the field, exposing itself. 115 raised his rifle only to be answered by another flood breaking the tree line. "Dammit, you get behind me. Cover our asses, got it?" The sergeant smirk was replaced by the stern look of a soldier. He didn't answer, but moved behind 115. "Alright, let's finish this
Two weeks earlier
Kurtz shrugged Ward off and sat down. "Gah, you're heavier then you look. Hey Sus, I need a break, you mind?" Susan paused, but said nothing, her eyes still red. "Only five minutes, I swear." She nodded slowly and sat across from them.
Kurtz looked around where they stopped. The open clearing shown in the low sunlight. The grass was low and waved in the wind. Everyone froze as the com sparked to life. "I said cover our asses, not shoot them, dammit. One on the left, no my left! Shoot the damn thing already!"
Kurtz looked at Susan and she nodded. "Uh
hello, anyone there?" The radio died and sparks flew from the side of his helmet. "Hey, damn thing singed my hair off."
Ward laughed, "Better you then me." He cocked his head and smirked.
"Yeah, well guess who has to carry you back to base. You gotta live with me." They both laughed. Kurtz looked and noticed something wrong. "Hey, where's Mark?"
All three soldiers turned and stared down the path they came. Suddenly Mark burst through the trees and continued to run past the Spartans. "Hey, I highly suggest you run?" Flood followed behind.
"Dammit, alright, get up and move!" The other two only took a second to be surprised at Susan. Kurtz lifted Ward and helped him hobble back into the forest after Mark, with Susan close behind.
Present Day
hello, anyone there?" 115 played the message on external so the Sergeant could hear it. "What do you think?"
The two men stood in a field of "dead" bodies. "Don't know, could be a trap, or it could really be them."
"But I just saw them, they're flood, it can't be." 115 sighed and stared at the carnage. "Can't believe we survived that, no thanks to you."
"Hey, don't blame me. Just because I shot you don't mean I wanted to kill you. You got bullet proof armor anyway, what's the big deal?"
"That's not the point, you
" He froze as his com chirped. "Hello?"
"Ah, good, you're not dead." The voice sounded tired, and far away. "Do you plan on returning to the ship anytime soon?"
"I told you Alph, it might be a while." 115 imagined the AI crossing his holographic arms.
"And I told you to check in so we know if you're dead. It would be unfortunate if you were the cause of the capture of this ship, would it not?" Alpha-Epsilon, one thing 115 thought he could live without. The AI was all that was running the frigate in orbit, the skeleton crew was most likely resting.
115 sighed, "Alright Alph, I'll remember to call in. Anyway, I need you to check something for me. Could you find the source of this signal?"
"Fine, but don't you forget who runs life support while you're asleep."
115 laughed, "Alright, alright, I promise I won't forget, okay?" A nav marker suddenly appeared on 115's HUD. "Thank you Alph."
"Hmm, I haven't done anything."
"What? You're joking."
"Unfortunately I don't have a sense of humor." 115 grumbled and turned the com off.
115 reported his conversation with Alph to the Sergeant. "So, do we follow?"
"Why not, walking into a trap's the least of our worries. So, which way?" 115 pointed into the forest, roughly to the east. "Okay, after you." They turned and headed off.
Two weeks earlier
"Wait, I
break." Ward gasped as he collapsed to the ground and rolled himself over. "Why are we in such a hurry? We lost them hours ago," He gasped and collapsed into the grass.
Kurtz gave Susan a worried glance, "You okay Sus, you don't look too good."
"I'm fine," she shrugged off the question and stared at Mark. He leaned back and planted himself next to a tree. "Why did this happen, how could they forget about us?" she started sobbing. "It's my fault he's dead."
Kurtz stood up and put his arm around her. "Hey, it's not your fault Sus, no one could have seen that coming. We all knew what we were getting into, Alph made sure of that. Come here." He led her to a tree and they both sat down. "Take a break, we all need you at your best." He grinned at her, "You know how we are without you."
She smiled and nodded. "Good, you rest. Me and Mark 'll keep watch." She gave him a concerning glance, "It'll be fine. You don't trust us anymore?" They both laughed. Finally, she lay down, slowly falling asleep.
Mark turned to him, "You really believe that?"
"Right now, I don't know what to believe," he replied, "anything could happen now, anything, and I think I'd believe it."
The radio cracked to life, "This is captain
Vestal of the frigate End of the Road, is anybody there?"
Mark sighed, "Do you believe now?"
Present Day
"Cover that door, seal it off" 115 yelled as he leapt through the opening.
"I got it, I got it. I know how to close the damn door," The sergeant screamed back. He slammed himself into the heavy steal door, grinding it closed. "How many of those things followed us?"
The nav point hovered another thirty feet underground. "I don't know, could be other entrances. This place isn't even supposed to be here." They had followed the point into an underground bunker. "Reinforced concrete, archaic, but strong, I doubt they'll get through anytime soon." He sighed and motioned the sergeant to follow him. "Hey, you got a name?"
"Don't see why not. Sergeant Daemon Hails, first division. I got transferred to the Road not more then a week ago. Kind of wishing I hadn't." They turned left and headed through a fire door. "So how about you, you Spartans have a name don't you?" 115 grunted and kept moving. "Ah, that kind of person huh? Well then, I'll just keep talking. It was the summer of 2530, and war was
The sound of rifle fire filled the hall, coming from a floor down. 115 turned to him, "We have to keep moving, come on. It's not too far now." They reached the blast door, the nav marker floating just on the other side. "You ready?" Hails nodded. "Alright, stand back."
He leveled his rifle and blew away the control panel. The doors slid silently apart, revealing the chamber beyond. "What the hell?" Hails muttered as an eerie orange glow filled the hall.
"I don't know, but I got the signal
" A simple, six note signal.
Two weeks earlier
"I repeat, this is Spartan 126 of Gamma squad, do you come in? Captain Vestal, please respond." Kurtz spoke useless into the burnt out comm equipment. "Dammit, I can't get anything else."
Susan leaned over, "Well what did you get?" She rolled and rested on her elbow.
"Just a set of coordinates, nothing big. They're about a mile from here, if you want the check."
Ward sat up, "I vote we check it," he stood up, and for about two seconds looked brave. Then he wobbled and tumbled over.
"It's just another trap, they can do that now, mimic our voices. They lure you in and turn you. That's how Bravo went down, it copied their CO." Mark sagged against a tree and sighed. "We'll never know if it's real."
"Only one way to find out, pack up Spartans, we're going." Susan stood and grabbed he gear. Everyone else did the same.
45 Minutes Later
"Fall back, fall back. Get inside the bunker, now!" Susan rolled and let out a stream of fire on the oncoming line. "Seal the damn door!" She lobbed a grenade out of the hatch, causing bits of flesh to fly in.
"Got it!" Kurtz mashed buttons on a console and the door slid closed, a ragged arm sticking out the side. "Whoa," he ginned, "A little close, I love this job."
"Come one," Susan waved the Spartans forward. "It's not much farther, just a few floors down." They moved deeper into the complex.
"What is this place?" Ward asked, "Is it one of ours? We never were told about a bunker, what the hell were they doing down
"Stop asking question you know we can't answer," Susan interrupted, "Keep moving." After another minute they reached a large steal blast door. "Kurtz, open this up."
"Oh, uh, sure, I think I can get this open, just give me a sec." He moved to the control panel. Suddenly, the doors parted, grinding across the floor. "Wait, I
didn't do that." A brilliant orange light filled the hall. "What is that?"
The Spartans moved into the chamber toward a wall of orange, flowing liquid that split the room in two. A voice resounded in the hall, "What the hell?"
Susan paused, "Hey Kurtz, could you send a signal into that thing?"
"Uh, yeah, I'll send one now
" Kurtz opened the signal he'd sent earlier. "There, it should go through." Everyone held there breathe and waited. "Got something," he smirked, "Come on through, should we?"
Susan bit her lip and thought. Then, without saying anything, walked into the wall. Lights flew past here as she passed into another room. Two men stood there. One, short and dressed in green fatigues, the other standing seven feet tall clad in Mjolnir. She gasped, "Lucas?"
End of chapter 1