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Victoria, Former UNSC Earth
Ryan Kendal slipped back into the house on Seventh Street, evading the gazes of the Fourth Legion patrols. He had called Hayes from a phone booth on Fourteenth, so when he entered the residence, the two soldiers were already struggling into urban fatigues.
Ryan acknowledged them both and took the stairs two at a time to the loft. He pulled the dresser aside and removed the paneling that hid the arsenal. He shed his civilian attire in seconds, and quickly changed into a set of urban fatigues. Kendal selected a pair of combat boots and began lacing them up.
Hayes and Mahler arrived in the loft a few minutes later, dressed in near-complete Fourth Legion attire. Kendal stood and slid a set of armor to each of them; they accepted them and began assembling it about themselves. Kendal followed suit, strapping on the light weight matte black body armor over his fatigues.
"How's this going down Chief?" Mahler asked.
"Krueck had five legion troops taken care of, so we will be taking their place in the convoy." Kendal replied.
"As simple as that huh?" Hayes asked skeptically.
"As simple as that." Kendal repeated. "The troopers we're replacing are running convoy security, so we'll be clear of the explosives
and be provided with a good vantage point to take out any survivors."
"Fish in a barrel Sarge
but if you mind, I think I'll take a seat in one of the Warthogs until the fireworks start." Mahler stated, nursing his thigh.
"Just make sure you're clear when they do."
"Piece of cake Chief."
The Marines placed the helmets over their heads, which included an armored mask that protected their nose, mouth and chin, and lowered goggles over their eyes. "Let's get this over with boys
convoy is assembling at the Gate Plaza, we wouldn't want to be late." Kendal informed.
Gate Plaza
Fourth Legion Convoy
The Resistance Operatives met them as planned, a block from Gate Plaza, they introduced themselves as Abreu and Dominguez, and then led them into the plaza.
The entire square was bustling with at least one hundred Fourth Legion Marines, each one of them dressed identically to Abreu, Dominguez, Mahler, Hayes and Kendal. Four troop transport trucks rolled into the plaza, followed by another four M41 LRVs.
The security detail was flown in by Pelican seconds later, dropping in another platoon of troopers. Kendal began to get nervous. He cast a glance towards Abreu. The operative understood. "The explosives are well placed
.don't worry."
Kendal nodded and took his place in the side seat of a nearby Warthog. The entire plaza seemed to roar to life as the troopers began to climb aboard the massive vehicles. The Warthogs led the way out of the city and out on the heavily barricaded roadway that led to the mainland.
A message came across Kendal's Dismounted Data Automated Communications Terminal moments later. It was Abreu. Explosives set to go off once we enter the mainland of North America, best of luck. The message read. Kendal hit the acknowledgement button and shoved the small D-DACT PDA back into a pouch on his breast plate.
When nearing the mainland the convoy slowed and the security team dismounted. The five revolutionaries briefly acknowledged each other through the use of their newly issued D-DACTs. The small PDAs were effective ways of discretely transferring information among UNSC and Resistance squads and platoons. Each of the operatives had been issued them before they had left Victoria.
The convoys slowed to a crawl as the MSG squad took up positions about the line of vehicles. Kendal walked five to seven meters behind Hayes as he snapped back the action of his M3 rifle.
The lead vehicle passed over onto the mainland moments later. The countdown on each explosion of every vehicle began to tick. A small collection of numbers appeared on Kendal's HUD. 00:03:52
Mahler stepped out of the slow moving M41 at the head of the column and began to walk shakily away from it. He concealed his limp well, though a small circle of blood began to spread across the thigh section of his fatigues.
One more minute
That was the only thought that went through Kendal's mind. The last vehicles came away from the bridge and onto the land which was the United States in centuries past. The five operatives began to spread away from the column.
A dozen simultaneous explosions tore the convoy apart and left most of its passengers corpses. Kendal was thrown to the ground, along with Hayes who walked in front of him.
He blinked away the stars that clouded his vision and brought his rifle to bear. His HUD marked Dominguez and Mahler near the head of the charred column, and Abreu near the end.
The crack, crack of rifle fire split the silence as Dominguez terminated a Fourth Legion Lieutenant that crawled towards his fallen rifle. A brace of Legion troops from the security squad noticed Dominguez's action and open fired. Ryan's rifle came up and fired twice, felling one of them. Abreu took the second.
Another hostile leveled a pistol at Abreu from behind and pulled the trigger. The shot was off, but still hit him in the side and caused him to collapse. His wounded assailant approached for the kill, but Hayes took him down.
Kendal's head was on a swivel; he flicked the thermal setting on the side of his goggles and surveyed the scene. Dozens of corpses littered the ground that would've been hidden to the naked eye. A figure from behind charred Warthog prepared to take a snap shot at Mahler. Ryan's goggles located the soft point of the 'Hog and riddled the vehicle's passenger side. He lifted his goggles and watched as the blood pooled away from the unseen corpse.
Hayes ran to Abreu and heaved him onto his shoulders. The Resistance drop ship roared overhead and set down in a snow covered clearing just off the road. The sunrise revealed a small extraction team of rebel Marines securing the LZ and signaling for Kendal to hurry up.
The small team raced towards the Pelican and past the Crew Chiefs that swept their rifles from side to side, searching for targets.
With their cover undoubtedly blown, Abreu and Dominguez took their seats inside the Pelican's troop bay and strapped in. The Gunner and the crew took one last sweep before turning and hopping inside.
The bird's belly jets fired and the Pelican was hoisted into the air. Far below, Fourth Legion tanks and armored vehicles secured the perimeter around the smoldering column. Pelicans lifted off from Victoria in the distance and began their flight towards the convoy. A medical detachment, these were no war birds.
Krueck was sure to have his hands full after the events of the morning; the Legion would be relentless in their search for the culprit of the operation.
The medic onboard inspected Abreu carefully, and began to fill the wound with bio-foam, it would stop the bleeding until they arrived at their destination and the man could have a new kidney cloned for him.
Kendal leaned his head back and let the events of the past few days scroll through his mind. The Resistance had lost two brilliant tacticians, along with a score of Marines.
"Sergeant Kendal?" The pilot asked.
"Yes Lieutenant?" Ryan asked over the roar of the engines.
"We'll be docking with the UNSC Flagship Patton in five."
has the Resistance sent its ambassador?"
"I believe so Sergeant,but they only said you'll be meeting with Admiral Harper to discuss what you know
but several of our leaders will be there as well." The pilot replied.
Nearing the UNSC Patton
0537 Hours
Two UNSC crewmen waved the Pelican into the forward launch bay of the Patton , which was usually reserved only for the Admiral's ship. The war bird set down in the center of a small platform to the right of the pedestal that harbored the UNSC Osprey , the Admiral's personal shuttle.
Several crewmen helped Abreu and Mahler to the Medical wing, while a detail of six ODSTs escorted the rest of them to the Bridge. Kendal realized that the Marines shoulder plates were adorned with an orange emblem, showing they belonged to the Resistance.
The three men followed the Marines down a short corridor and passed into the airlock that opened into the bridge. Two UNSC Marines stood at either side of the blast door. They gave a crisp salute and hit the door control.
The blast slid away and the door opened silently. The ODSTs stood to the side and allowed the trio to enter the room.
The Bridge was huge, there was no other way to describe it
easily twice the size of the Seattle 's and utterly immense.
Two figures clad in SPARTAN Mark VII armor greeted Kendal as he entered. He recognized them as Chief Petty Officer 104, and Master Chief Petty Officer 117. He shook both their hands in kind, enduring the grueling experience without showing any pain upon his face.
In a way, Ryan Kendal had allowed the formation of the Resistance, while suppressing Fourth Legion advance during the 'Reformation', he allowed SPARTAN 117 to extract the last of his platoon and escape. Kendal had served with both 117 and 104 on Jericho IV, and on many operations beforehand, on Reach and the East African Front on Earth.
The soldiers exchanged several words in which 104 congratulated him on the success of the mission, and his apology for the loss of his men.
Hayes and Dominguez were excused, while Ryan was escorted by the Spartans to the command deck of the Bridge.
Like many warships he had served on, the fore of the Bridge was open to the stars, but protected with heavily reinforced glass.
A tall man in a crisp naval uniform stood with his hands clasped behind his back. Kendal knew him to be the Admiral, and another officer near him to be Captain Xavier.
Harper turned to him and outstretched his hand. Kendal shook it.
"Sergeant Ryan Kendal
I've heard a lot about you, and I understand we owe you a lot, in light of the events unfolding before us." Harper said.
"Thank you Sir." Kendal replied simply.
"Kendal we need good men like you out there on the ground
in a manner of speaking
and I understand that you uncovered several secrets about our pal Bill Battings in North America."
"Yes Admiral
Fourth Legion troopers are in complete control of Victoria, its people and its assets
in addition to that, as you surely are aware, Istanbul was glassed by Covenant forces last week
terminating the remainder of the UNSC Military Hierarchy."
"So you're telling me
"That you are the only UNSC officer of significant rank alive as of today."
I was sure that this was coming
ever since our government was taken out in '54." Harper said forlornly.
"Though its not as bad as it may seem Sir
many former UNSC high ranking officials defected to the Resistance as you may remember
officers who are a crucial part of our tactical operations
.we ask that you, and those under your command that are willing, join our cause as a part of our High Command
" Kendal addressed, somewhat unsteadily.
"I would be thrilled to accept your proposal Sergeant
but we need to organize our forces and either make a move on Earth
or abandon the system and jump out of here." The Admiral stated.
The Spartans stepped forward as if on cue. "Sir, I believe that we can regain Earth for the UNSC
and I would be happy to take part in the operation." The Master Chief said sternly.
"That's excellent news Master Chief. If you would have your senior officers onboard in two hours from now we can begin organizing our offensive."
"Yes Sir." The Master Chief said and placed his helmet back over his head and strode towards the doorway to the launch bay, accompanied by 104. Kendal turned to leave as well.
"Sergeant Kendal, before you go?"
"Yes Sir?"
"I can't be sure how events will unfold once our forces are on the ground
but I would like to offer you the choice of taking the promotion to Sergeant Major , and being assigned a unit to take down to the surface once proper decisions are made." Harper said.
"I would be honored Admiral
but a promotion after only knowing me for a few minutes?" Kendal asked incredulously.
"I understand the audacity of the concept
but I've read your report that was sent to the Resistance just before you left Victoria, if you had the ability to get anyone out of that mess alive, you've got the right stuff to lead men into battle."
"I can't say I expected being reinstated into the UNSC Military two days after being sentenced to death by it
" Kendal said shaking his head.
"Yes, but Battings isn't in command of the UNSC any longer." Harper countered, though without malice.
"Regardless, I accept your offer Sir."
"Excellent. Then go ahead and report to TAC 1 for a cabin and a bunk and I'll have someone come get you once the decision for further action is made." Harper said smiling.
Kendal snapped a crisp salute and followed the Admiral's directive until he found himself falling into a deep sleep in his small room aboard the Patton .
Someone rapped a knuckled on the outside of Kendal's door three hours later. The Sergeant Major stirred and rolled off his cot and onto the deck with a thud. He groaned quietly and stood up, striding to the doorway.
The door slid away and revealed a young Navy Ensign holding several documents in a folder. The ensign gave him a nod and silently handed him one of the documents.
Kendal broke the seal and extracted the piece of paper from the folder.
17 October 2559
UNSC Military Calendar
Sergeant Major Kendal, Ryan J.
58th Armored Division
FOLLOWING: [Squad: Conditions: Attachments]
Echo Squad- Snipers: 2 Support Gunners: 2
- Riflemen: 4 NCO: Staff Sergeant Castle, Jeremy A.
Conditions- Raining, cold. Visibility up to 600 meters
Attachments- [Elements of 12th Knife: CO- CAPT Golden, Eric S.]
Alpha Squad: NCO- SSG Rhodes, Derrick C.
Bravo Squad: NCO- SGT Halladay, Daniel W.
Charlie Squad: NCO- SSG Oliver, Francis A.
[Elements of the 58th Armored: CO- CAPT Zampelli, Dustin A.]
[Operation Description] stated by: Lieutenant Colonel Callahan, Jarred M.
Alright Gentlemen, this isn't going to be any cake walk. Our primary objective is to secure the city of Cerbere. Accurate intelligence shows that Battings moved to Cerbere shortly after his convoy to Vancouver was dispatched
.thanks to you Sergeant Kendal. Anyway
The mobilization of the Fourth Legion in Victoria has drawn the defense of Cerbere to a thin line of Legion troopers. Though rumors tell that Covenant transports have been seen touching down inside the city for the last few hours. If it's true
its bad news.
Cerbere is not a Military city, its defenses are decent, but nothing worth taking time with, the city is surrounded by four foot titanium reinforced walls, with bunkers every one hundred yards equipped with plasma cannons and light machine guns. Fourteen Scorpion MBTs are rolling in with A-Company, thirteen with B-Company.
'A' will hit the northern front of the Cerbere, while 'B' will hit the eastern. 12th Knife is both companies only air support, use them wisely, because once they're gone, they're not coming back. Keep your eyes open for Banshee fliers if Covenant forces are present, and anti aircraft guns regardless
This is the last straw boys, if we don't get Battings now, we never will. Once you are inside the city with the CP secured, light your signal and second phase will go into effect, you'll be briefed further in Cerbere. Good luck Gentlemen, Callahan out.