The Project Satin Trilogy: Prologue
Posted By: Master Chief Spartan- 117<MCSHavok331@aol.com>
Date: 27 September 2005, 11:29 pm
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Note: I give full credit for the format of the story to Mainevent. I liked his Terminal Danger fic so much that I modeled this prologue on it. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I couldn't come up with a better idea.
Mission Log- Unit 9134: Helmet Cam and Audio
Confidential Report: Bio Gene Specimen Retrieval
Encryption: {Inner Most Decryption}
Doctor Grey,
The following are the requested audio and follow-up documents from the retrieval of the Experimental Covenant Bio Enhancer Specimen retrieval. These materials are for one Doctor Grey and only Doctor Grey, and subject to military procedures regarding classified documents. Revealing the existence of, or otherwise disclosing information from, the documents contained herein is punishable by Article 32 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, life in federal prison, and if applicable, death [applicable].
Office of Naval Intelligence- Section ****
[Open: Audio Log Transcript and .Aud file- Inspection]
Marine (U511): Point two three two clean.
Marine (U762): Point six six one clean.
Marine (U889): Hull Entry clean.
Marine (U654): I'm pretty sure the damn thing's clean.
Classified (****): Bio Exhaust vent clean. *Undistinguished noises*
Navy Ops (HFL): I'm going to pretend that was just the wind, not some genetically altered Grunt on steroids or whatever it is where looking for. Let's just get in and get out fast.
Marine (UC342): Bitch up the chain of command Marine, not down.
Marine (U511): I prefer his half assed way sir
kinda creepy here.
Marine (UC342): Nobody asked your opinion Ahmad.
Marine (U511): Then I never gave it sir.
Navy Ops (HFL): This wreck is clean Major, but I have a feeling it is not gonna stay that way.
Marine (UC342): You know, as tough as you guys are supposed to be, you sure do bitch a lot.
*Wind* *Intermittent grating noises- possible engine sounds in far background*
Marine (U762): Where the hell did *electronic distortion* go?
Marine (UC342): Damnit! I hate these new guys. T Squad, get your asses back out here and*electronic distortion* before I force feed them to you through a straw.
Navy Ops (HFL): *Weapons fire*
Marine (U511): *Weapons fire. Explosions- non infantry* what the *Heavy weapons fire* Damn; what the fuck? I thought he's on our side!
Marine (U762): [Abrupt Transmission Loss]
Marine (UC342): What the hell is happening over there? You assholes aren't shooting each other are you? HF Command, why aren't your people helping?
Navy Ops (HFL): Tangos; all directions. The rest of my Spartans didn't make it in, remember?
Marine (UC342): Fuck, then what the hell are those? *Explosion- possible grenade or Covenant power source*
Marine (U511): Oh my God. That looks like... *weapons fire*...did you see that sir? Their armor-*electronic distortion* gone.
Marine (UC342): Damnit Ahmad, less talking, more shooting! *Aircraft sounds-possible Hornets/Warping sounds-possible slip space rupture*
Marine (U567): Hey, evac's here! In force too! *Weapons Fire/ Whooshing sounds- multiple rocket fire*
Navy Ops (HFL): There not here to rescue us. Damn1 Take cover! *multiple explosions*
Marine (U511): Holy- [Abrupt Transmission Loss]
-Continued weapons fire, possible rocket fire, and explosions throughout all subsequent transmissions-
Marine (U567): Shit! What the fuck are they doing?
Navy Ops (HFL): Cleaning up the mess we've made.
Marine (UC342): Take this you sons of bi- [Abrupt Transmission Loss]
Marine (U567): What the hell? We didn't even reach the fuckin B.C.H.!
Marine (U654): I knew I should of borught roc- *explosions* Fuck, fuck fuck! [Abrupt Transmission Loss]
Navy Ops (HFL): They had to catch us off guard. Damn it
Try to draw them near the fusion cores.
Marine (U567): Why wo- [Abrupt Transmission Loss]
Navy Ops (HFL): [Transmission Terminated: HFL]
--End Recording—
[Open: Objectives and Personnel Roster- Mission: ECBHSR]
Overview: Crashed Covenant Mobile Bio Lab. Viral Specimens must be contained and retrieved at all costs. *****
A) Locate and assess damage to Bio Chemical Hold.
B) Contain specimen and prepare for transport.
C) {Classified}
U511: Amhad, Mubasher E.- Bio Chemical Retrieval Force
U425: Japers, Jason Z.- Bio Chemical Retrieval Force
U567: Tiers, Sadin V.- Bio Chemical Retrieval Force
U762: Karen, Warrick F.- Bio Chemical Retrieval Force
UC342: Tarix, Rimora A.- Bio Chemical Retrieval Force
****: [Classified]- [Classified]
HFL: [Classified]- [Classified]
Appendix A: Follow Up
U511: MIA; Presumed KIA; Possible *****
U836: MIA; Presumed KIA; Possible *****
U567: MIA; Presumed KIA; Possible *****
U762: MIA; Presumed KIA; Possible *****
UC342: MIA; Presumed KIA Possible *****
****: MIA
HFL: MIA; Presumed KIA; Possible AWOL- Detainment Warranted If So
-End File-
Sender: Asimov Personal Assist.
To: All Senior Personnel of the Retrieval Project
Multiple Receiver code: 91-35-467-82-637-4
My condolences Doctor, for the loss of your retrieval team. However, I must say, I'm disappointed in the matter of not even one of them returning. They were well trained and not exactly the type to fall before a few Covenant fly by's. No matter, I sent you and all the others involved in this
program if that's what you call it
a copy of the files you requested. They should arrive shortly.
-End file-
[Monitoring Program: (Eroen)]
[Access Screen: (Grey)]
Ha, shows what he knows. And you said the Colonel let his entire cabinet in on what he was up to. That assistant of his is as dull and dimwitted as a grunt with a hangover. Asimov himself though, he's not the smartest at covering up his tracks. He left a faint data trail when he accessed those files but it is a data trail never the less. And, since he tried to cover up but didn't do a very good job it shows he has something to hide. One of the senior officers over at Outer Ring might have gotten a hint at what we plan to do. We can't silence Asimov but we can drop one of his closer allies, give him a warning. And we may have to deal with the one who found the trail.
-End file-